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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Sounds like fun! Happy birthday Gary! Hope you have a good one bud
  2. Is that you saying some members of the party chat are louder than others? 😁
  3. Hey man welcome back, I'm an old timer and came back a couple of years ago. I played on XBOX 360 in MW2 days here and was aka MDMA RAMPAGE UK. Your name seems familiar, good that your here again. Still a few OG's kicking about and some great people in general that have joined over the years!
  4. We were on freeserve, 1p a minute. As soon as the house phone went. Instant D/C. Absolutely sucked, it's all we knew back then. The sound that shitty modem made when connecting was iconic as well. My brother still plays AOE now and again. He holds a 2k+ rating and is probably in the top 3% of about 60k that still play it.
  5. The nostalgia is epic. Aoe2 in particular brings me back. I used to play it with my younger brother, hundreds of hours. We played it online back on the dialup days on the old eso servers with elo ratings. We both invested a lot of time in the Age of Mythology series that came after it as well, especially online. RTS Clan tournaments as well. Those games were Masterpieces, fucking Masterpieces I tell ya!
  6. Funny, but sad. I mean if it leads to invisibility it's a horrible experience. I mean even if Warzone was running smoothly with no glitches and perfect balancing throughout, I still wouldn't play it. It's just not for me, I feel sorry for the folks that Warzone is their primary experience or outlet of gaming in COD. There is just so much wrong with the franchise. I get terrible times playing MP Cold War with heavy SBMM and lag sometimes, but it's nothing compared to the shit that goes on in Warzone. Atrorious really with the amount of money and income the game churns. It's a perpetual experience of forever failure. It's almost impossible for Warzone to be in a good place.
  7. Sounds like a good idea for Warzone definitely. If it's a major problem just get rid of it. In multiplayer it's a bit of a crutch for me for sure.
  8. IRaMPaGe

    Ahoy :)

    Welcome aboad matey. I love that you used Ahoy, it's so underutilized these days. There are a few folk here on PC. Slowly over time as people get older and have more money or space available, it becomes a thing to build or buy a decent PC for gaming. I have neither money or space, so I'm on PS4 which is all good. Nice that you found it to "The Forum" The place to discuss many different topics with some interesting people. I'm sure you will enjoy it here and fit in perfectly fine!
  9. Ping should always be the most important thing regardless of SBMM and other implementations. Nobody enjoys lag, and if you do your a straight up Psycho lol! I think SBMM definitely needs toned down a little bit for sure. Everyone is punished by it on all skill levels. From my experience I have good games, bad games, average games sure that's fine. It's how some of the matchmaking and team balancing equates that makes it tough. It's hard to level guns up and do challenges for some of the guns when everyone is sweating with Diamond 74u's. If your not using meta guns you will get shat on in some lobbies. I don't like using a gun when I already have gold/diamond. I enjoy progression of the next gun. I've been in matches where 3 separate enemies have dropped harps and your team are getting smashed. Your the only one on the OBJ. Your not doing that bad, but it's a struggle to carry the team when at least 2-3 enemies are actually better than you are and they are using the meta guns.
  10. There is a few lads at work that play Warzone, they all swear by the Kar and the FFAR. The FFAR in particular surprises me as it's underwhelming since they butchered it after launch in MP retrospectively.
  11. WaW was my very first COD, it will always be dear to my heart. Started off a noob with a .70 KD and getting smashed for a few months. By the end of its year I had doubled my KD to 1.40 and was a 10 prestige. Was able to get dogs consistently and was a competent player. I played COD 4 a few months before MW2 to prepare for MW2. MW3 was awesome because it's the COD I spent the most time with the FG forum folk. Destruction INC [DI] Chris, Tommy (Both Barrels) and many other fabulous people on XBOX 360 at the time. But yeah that Pacific era is what I crave. Modern, Futuristic, WW2 has been saturated and done to death. Like I say the maps were iconic and the guns were great and unique.
  12. I agree with a lot of what others have mentioned already. I might be in the minority here, but I would fancy the next COD more in the World At War style. I want a Pacific/Gulf Pearl Harbor style with mostly Japanese and American guns. A few German, Russian and British weapons sprinkled in. No AK-47,74u or MP5'S. I want a simple 3 perk loadout and I want weapon attachments to feel specific and I DON'T want the guns to be generic with mono surpressors and agent field grips and no stock on everything. Launchers and specials get attachments. It's ridiculous you can run 6 perks so you are immune to explosives/tactical equipment. You get scavenger and another perk whilst also being silent and being off the radar. I think WaW is underated, the maps were awesome and some of the maps had tanks and they weren't a problem like more recent COD'S. I don't want cheesy specialist operators and advantages that heavily change the flow of the game. Boots on the ground please. I don't know why Treyarch haven't used WaW maps, only 2-3 in all this time. Whilst BO1 Firing Range, Summit,Jungle, Nuketown are constantly done. Even BO 2 maps haven't been done much. So yeah simplicity is the key for me as well and lot's of maps at launch and through the life cycle. 2-3 new maps every season.
  13. I've played a little bit of the "new" content. I like the apocalypse map eventho it looks similar to Madagascar from BO4 in terms of styling. Typical 3 lane, decent flanks and not too large. The new AR and SMG look pretty Strong from the killcams. The Deathmachine is good, but not too OP. Unless your preaimed spawn trapping with a harp up it would be disgusting. It's nothing like the BO4 Scythe for comparison, there is a bit of delay on firing intiallly and you could easily be killed before you get a kill with it. It feels LMG like when your wielding it.
  14. Sounds utterly ridiculous, as Phil said Metallica are notorious of copyright infringements. I remember that Napster incident. Probably was Lars Ulrich himself that notified Twitch. 😂
  15. Welcome aboard mate, great introduction. Love your gaming/streamer name it's awesome. You will love it here.
  16. IRaMPaGe


    Welcome to the ultimate forum, I'm sure you will enjoy it here. 😀
  17. It was only recently I visited this thread and spend about 20 mins scrolling from the start to finish and admiring the work James had done. Others had contributed to the thread, but the lions share 🦁 of screenies were James's epic captures.
  18. I see quite a few people on Cold War MP with store items. Money is still getting spent. But compared to MW and BO4 it's nowhere near the same numbers. They fairly milked BO4 with the lottery type loot boxes and pay to win weapons. Personally myself I don't spend real life money on the store. As James said a yearly cycle. Got better things to spend money on. I buy the game and grind whatever is available for free.
  19. Pretty ridiculous really, will read the full thing later. But the headline alone sounds so idiotic.
  20. Here in Scotland it's a term of endearment.
  21. It's a sad state of affairs, that Warzone the "Center of their attention" is a glitchy, laggy, buggy mess full of hackers. The OG's and the fans that built the franchise are getting left out. Without the MP over the years it wouldn't be what it is a billion dollar enterprise. With all the money they have churned you think they could support a decent MP. It's funny people talked about a "COD Killer" for years. They are managing to do it all by themselves. Once the BR trend is over and something better is out. It will all be too late to draw the old players back. Activision truly deserve any misfortune they receive over the coming years. Would laugh if they went bust.
  22. That's fair enough mate, I remember that MW3 feature. We banded a group of forum players and a few lads from work. We were Destruction INC [DI] back on the Xbox 360 lol. Good times. I'm on PS 4 these days. Although Konvict is popular, your probably right with the VIVIVI.
  23. That's weird, it's just without an Activision ID I assumed you hadn't linked accounts or had no online presence. Did you play the older cod's online? Most specifically Modern Warfare from last year?
  24. It's in the settings in the account info etc the screen where you enable/disable crossplay. You push square or something and it hides and shows email and I'd numbers. But @anticonscience genuinely doesn't have an Activision ID. I managed to add him with the gamertag. I'm assuming he has no Virtual imprint from previous cod's online.
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