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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Yeah looks good mate, your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. 👍
  2. It's definitely worth trying, I'm from Scotland so GMT time. Who knows maybe we will catch each other if you ever play morning or afternoon. Or if I'm on early morning anytime. Sounds good man, I don't tend to usually play crossplay. But I will play it to party up with people. Just if I play solo which is a lot of the time, I usually have it off. Is there not usually an Activision ID number followed by the gamer tag? I will post my details here next time I'm online so people can add me. My name is the same, IRampage.
  3. I don't play Warzone, I only play Multiplayer on Black Ops Cold War. Kill Confirmed and Domination, but would play other modes if you wanted. I'm on PS4, what console are you playing on Ant? Write your gamertag and Activision ID. I don't play Modern Warfare anymore. Already Damascus all the guns and I tend to stick to the newest COD. But I'm down for some games. Check my Personal Progress Report for video clips mate see if your interested 😜
  4. I think what he meant is he tried a bit of CW multiplayer the other night, and his experience was that dissatisfied that he concluded Warzone is carrying the franchise. I could be wrong, but that's how I read that.
  5. I'm just not a Warzone fan, I've stated my reasons many times. It's a huge FFA on a giant map with extreme camping, extra health so people run away in long distance fights. Teams have early loadouts and quick buy backs. I find the whole experience extremely boring, slow and long winded. I'm literally yawning atm just writing about it. If there was no Warzone? Great, then people would have to play MP. And the game would get better support and attention. Now I'm a fair guy, just because it's not my kinda thing doesn't mean others wouldn't enjoy it. I still think the warzone should be a separate game and reasonably well priced like £20. And the core game only £40-50. With different Dev support. I want it to be a separate entity and have nothing to do with the regular game. It's the we can do it all attitude with crazy money driven deadlines and ambitions that bug me and ultimately leave the game bugged. Like I said all these Season/Operator challenges filled with warzone shite that I refuse to play.
  6. It is a sad state the YouTubers, Twitch Streamers and big content creators have to hide or on the other side of it prove they are legit. Activision will always protect the big names, those guys draw in views and hype etc. I'm all for mixed lobbies of varying skill with decent sensible matchmaking/team balancing and priority on as stable a connection as possible. I would rather a fair fight, I've held my own in some of the sweatiest lobbies if the connection is alright and I play good. I've been smoked by beasts and clans and I'm fine with that some of the time. Well to put it into perspective, my internet is pretty shocking in terms of DL and Upload speeds. It's very basic and I need to upgrade in general, waiting for the old contract to finish before looking into something else. Now on a few occasions I have had 3-4 very good games in a row and been severely punished. I was put into an Asian lobby one night, I reckon so because the whole enemy team had Japanese or Chinese letters in their names. They all ran MP5's and AK74U's and I got destroyed. They were indefinitely better players than myself, but because of the SBMM I was put there and some of the gunfights lagged a bit and I had no chance. As the skill rating goes up and so does the sweat and the higher quality connection. I'm guessing I was in the 100-150ms ping range in that match or something. Just to paint the picture of my setup, I have a 14mbps DL and a 1mbps upload. And I never ever get that full amount. I'm playing on an old 42 inch LG TV that's about 9 or 10 years old and is probably 50-60hz max if I'm lucky. On a PS4 and sitting on a couch about 10 foot away or so. That's why I very rarely use crossplay. I feel I get screwed with it when up against next gen consoles and PCs. I'm not trying to make myself sound better than I am, but I upload whatever clips I feel were decent or I enjoyed at the time and saved. So if I can do it so can anyone. But for my sake and everyone else with below average internet, please prioritize the best we can get Activision and stop making it harder than it needs to be. If the connection is stable and fair I will try hard and sweat if needs be to beat some guys. But the overall punishment is an even harder laggier lobby eventually. Now I also heard they are going to add League play to Cold War. My question is what have we been playing the last 2 months? We will have the normal sweaty public lobbies, then an even sweatier lobby for League play?
  7. Welcome and you will be happy you joined here. It really is an awesome place. I'm sure plenty will want to get you in on the online experience. Is definitely more fun gaming with others.
  8. I just don't have a coffee machine, it's just a basic coffee. Hot water from the kettle into a mug with instant. I do agree some of the more gourmet instant coffee is decent. But if you buy a cheap one it's regrets. Being Scottish I would probably just drink it until it's gone before buying a better one.
  9. That is the Train Station map? It was actually pretty good. Good sightlines for longshots and flanking. Again another superb map I enjoyed for Capture the flag in BO2. I never played Advanced Warfare or the other ones like BO3 and the advanced movements. For me it still stands Ghosts is the worst COD ever. Although I heard it's DLC was good, I never made it far enough into its cycle to play it. Had abandoned the series into January 😂. I probably would of liked WW2, I loved WAW so that style would of suckered me in.
  10. That's funny, whatever next? You have to play hot cross buns to perform an execution kill on someone.
  11. I totally agree with everything you said, however MW last year wasn't any better it terms of quantity. There was even less base 6v6 maps at launch. Some of those maps were Picadilly and Azhir Cave which make Miami and Cartel seem like good maps in comparison. In MW fair enough they created Shoothouse, but the other 3 Season 1 maps included. COD4 Crash, Vacant and Shipment. Season 2 Rust and 2 new maps of Khandoor Hideout ok and Atlas Superstore which was pretty dogshit and no doubt part of the already in progress Warzone map soon to be released. Season 3 was a smaller version of Aniyah palace, Hovec Sawmill (New) and Hardhat MW3 and COD4 Taslik Backlot. Season 4 Cheshire Park and Scrapyard from MW2. Season 5 Petrov Oilrig and Suldal harbor. Both forgettable maps and boring to play. Season 6 Was Tank Factory map which played pretty awful and Broadcast another COD4 Bailout. Now I think IW recycled more in MW than BO4 and Coldwar combined. And also like I said all these smaller maps like Vacant,Scrapyard etc were all part of the Warzone map anyway and part of the files. To top it off aside from the 6v6 Launch maps on MW aside from Azhir and Picadilly we had treats like St Petrograd and Ramazaa. Then Gun Runner and Hackney Yard as the remaining 2. The 10v10 maps of Aklov Peak and Euphrates Bridge were hardly a joy either. But I do agree BO4 was heavily recycled. IW are just as bad as Treyarch in recent times IMO.
  12. It's all good, yeah a bit further north of me but aye it looks like something familiar I've passed. I still think Glen Urquhart Castle is the pinnacle. It's more or less ruins compared to its former glory. But the setting is glorious and always blows me away.
  13. Haha your Yorkshire? It's still closer than most. What I was meaning from Mcnastys post. The castle you posted, was it near to me? Scottish Highlands I'm from. I know Wales, Ireland, England have castles also. But Scotland has a lot of castles as does the French.
  14. Great Pics Gary! I agree with Mcnasty the castle looks stunning. Is it anywhere near me? (Scotland)
  15. Yeah I heard that also. I mean I love Summit and Firing Range, but not this many times. I swear if they add another Jungle. Would happily play any of your suggestions. Grid is cool and would fit in well with CW. Overflow was my favourite Capture the flag map on BO2. Like James OX4D said a map like Array would be nice, it's not anyone's fave, but it adds extra variety. I can think of so many maps ahead of Firing Range + Summit. Radiation, Launch, Hanoi, Plaza and Standoff from BO2. I could name another dozen more at least. 😛
  16. Some interesting games. I haven't played board games in years, but I remember a lot of the classics from childhood. Some of my favourites include. Monopoly, Cluedo, Game Of Life, Hungry Hippos, Mousetrap, Payday. Not to mention the ultimate in world domination "Risk" that's a game and a half. Great thread Stretch, was a great read!
  17. So how's the bean velocity on the grinder? The recoil? ADS on the espresso scoop thingy? Meanwhile I'm still drinking the nerfed coffee. Have been drinking some of that Azera stuff lately which is powered coffee. It's remarkably better than the usual dirt mud freeze dried lumps of cat poo I usually drink.
  18. Ahhh I see that makes sense. Now I really despise Warzone/BR things, but that actually sounds a lot better. If I'm ever doing Warzone challenges which they are too many for my liking. Implemented between Season 1 Challenges and Operator ones I know what I will be playing! Cheers for the info.
  19. I'm a bit late on this, but this version of Last Christmas cracks me up to no end. This Wham/Slayer Mashup literally had me in tears of laughter. It actually goes really well. I present to you "Careless In The Abyss"
  20. What is it exactly? Maybe I missed out on it originally. Which COD is it from and what's the details fill me in. 😀
  21. I know right, the whole sentiment reminds me of Kevin Bridges the comedian. He is talking about totally average things as if it's abnormal in the perspective of a couple. "And next we have a documentary on the 14 stone man, who had 2 chicken Kiev's and chips and afterwards had 2 whole kit kats and a cup of tea." "Omg it's disgusting I can't watch, how can he do that" 😂
  22. My package arrived today also. Thank you very much Lee and everyone from FG. The wife was unsure and surprised I had won something. She was chuffed for me and proud. Maybe it will result in extra game time over the year. I can say if I want to have a chance of winning anything else in the future I need another few games. 😂
  23. Yeah I know! Duck walking isn't very attractive. I sometimes try run a stock that increases aiming or shooting strafe speed, kinda like Stalker Pro in MW3, but it messes up my aim mostly. Here's me jumping round corners like Peter Schiemical. Oh it gets me killed plenty. That one time you beam a kid you feel like a god.
  24. SpyCraft got changed a good bit in an update or patch a while back. It makes you immune to CUAV/Field Mics and you don't trigger proxy mines or gas mines. Also can hack enemy care packages. I'm sure there is a few more things it does just can't remember them all. Ninja is useless Vs Field Mics now, you show up on them.
  25. The minimap is a new thing for me, I haven't noticed it changed any when I played yesterday. Sounds terrible tho. Maybe it's the fieldmics? They switched it from Ninja to Spycraft. So you are probably getting tracked by those badboys. The switch is real tho, I have noticed aim interference and just weird spawns after playing really well.
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