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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Man what a game, was it the Christmas Nuketown? I find it a bit dark, not keen on the visibility compared to the daytime. But yeah, prepare to sweat the rest of your cod career after that kiwi. What was the SPM?
  2. This is wild! Had to share.
  3. That's awesome, I'm sure everyone appreciates winning. But winning something you are really happy for is superb. Well done!
  4. That's funny I do the polar opposite, I try to save clips for video sometimes and end up taking 3 screenshots ☺️
  5. Well done to the recent winners! It truly is a wonderful thing you have done here Lee. I'm sure it will cheer some people up and possibly give people a chance to play a game they personally wouldn't buy or play otherwise. For me the FG Mug and hoodie is the cream of the crop. All the prizes are amazing and your so generous for hosting this huge raffle Lee!
  6. That's totally it! The flip has been switched. It's like the enemies aim is way better and they destroy you in 2 bullets and you have hardcore health when playing core. I've had games when I'm 25-8 first half, then by the end of it I'm 32-26 or something. It's like the playing field has been evened to try make you on a 1kd. Had other games when it's been a horrible half like 4-12 and I've ended 18-18. I barely rage quit either, only a couple of times when there has been awful lag and it feels I've had no chance. I think the lag has been added during game. It's not right in a somewhat competitive environment, when say I'm having a nice game, I'm tactically positioning well. My aim is spot on and my general engagements have been superior to the enemies. Then it all goes to shit eventually. WTF is that? That's not a gaming experience, it's torture and rage inducing. How is that fair? Variables I can't control or account for. 😥
  7. Just looked back through this whole thread. Man James you can really catch a good screenie. Your making all these games look beautiful new or old. I barely take any, a screenshot is something I take by mistake if I fudge the share button on PS4 with a very clumsy thumb placement. Good on ya tho, even if I don't play or have played many of these games. Sure are nice to look at!
  8. I've noticed games of Dom like that with the halftime quite a few times. Either I've melted the first half and struggled the 2nd half or vice versa. Is absolutely bullshit that the Sbmm is altered even during or midgame. I mean what chance do we have? It's hard to tell on the average games if you just had bad luck/positioning or aim or if the game has screwed you over for doing too well in previous matches. Never in a cod in the past have I been punished for doing good. But when having a bad game, sometimes the misery is continuous or the enemy is just better. It is obvious sometimes when the game shafts you tho, at least as time goes on it's easier to spot. I still think the last 10 games spm graph is wonky. Sometimes it's overinflating the average by some beastly 800 SPM I don't remember having in a session.
  9. Wow thanks a lot guys! I used to come here in the MW2 days, I've always enjoyed the banter and general topics discussed and also reading about how people's lives are getting on. I stopped playing COD and most video games for about 6-7 years. I came back on BO4 and feel privileged to have found this community again. I believe Chris (Tigerbruge) told me the forum was still going when I found him on PS4 and messaged him. It really brightens your day coming here, even for a quick reply on a workbreak or a well thought out post or topic you have in mind. Because here people listen and want to share everyone else's joys and tough times. I totally agree with Tronic that Lee is FG'er of the year every year and that Diddums is an absolute legend for starting this wonderful forum. Thanks a lot again! Here is a picture of a happy sleepy Dad with his daughter, as I was on night feeds all last night. 😃
  10. Rigged! Nah just kidding, fair play bud have a good birthday!
  11. Yeah Chain feeds is probably the worst culprit of the lot. These people with like 4-5 even 6-7kds and most of the pro players can barely hold a 2kd. Back to what I was saying, if harsh Sbmm exists so does the reverse boosting. So Activation ain't protecting that vulnerable/disabled players bracket at all if these YouTubers just find ways around it. I believe that Sbmm should still exist, but not as strong or consistent as it is currently. I like competition, but when everygame is a sweatfest when your trying for camos and challenges it's tough.
  12. This is very true, those numbers are huge for sure. And your right, the people who spend money will want to buy it when the content is fresh and readily available. Any money lost by Activision is a blow, as we are far aware of their penultimate greed. Still think EA and the FIFA Dream Teams are the greediest of the lot. I guess it's business as ever, and no growth is seen as a failure. I think due to current Covid times , it's a lot to ask of some people to spend. Altho the YouTubers have a disposable income and it's content and views, they will always spend to fuel the hogs at Activision. Troughs at the ready, those fat cats gotta eat!
  13. This ^^ I don't believe Activision are giving a gracious bow to allow Cyberpunk the limelight, but it's all about population and numbers playing during the big crossover warzone integration. They want as many online as possible. And due to the clash it's a wise move. However I believe that Coldwar needs as much time as it can get to iron out bugs and fix aspects of the game. A delay is most welcomed. The hugely ambitious merge of 4 different consoles + PC over 2 different games is a highly gutsy and bold attempt. Say what you want, but it's moon landing unpresidented territory stuff. I believe microtransactions are 50/50. People will spend, others won't. Personally I will not find the gluttony of this hungry beast. Although I will get my money's worth out of what I spent on the game. However saying that, the leaks of season 1 are hugely exciting for me. Raid the map from BO2 is coming, 2 new weapons. Possibly the Mac-11 from BO1, The "Graza" Bullpup Assault rifle, I'm hoping it will be like the Tar-21 from MW2. New operators. New game mode, which involves launching a nuke and starting with only pistols and a briefcase secret agent style. Also a snowy version of Nuketown. 4 new maps, 2 6v6 and 2 2v2 gunfight maps. I'm really looking forward to this content, it will make the time playing the game more enjoyable. And hopefully a lot more bug fixes etc.
  14. It's a shame your missus doesn't like hanging jewellery. Rings are a good idea, also other things like UGG boots or a nice bag. Some expensive perfume. Some good ideas floating around, glad some random ideas have got your juices flowing for inspiration. Your not alone Lee, this year is a struggle for everyone.
  15. I find it that way as well, I mean we will get more content as time goes on. But the fundamental core gameplay is there. The gun fights are more engaging, is rewarding when you manage to outmanuvere multiple enemies in quick succession. The game is very competitive tho, but it isn't always a bad thing. Feels like your aim has to be spot on as well or you will get punished. Gone are the days of mass claymores/windows/doors the "725" M4. Also I'm not missing Picadilly or Azhir Cave tbh.
  16. Lee get your other half I dunno some jewellery, Pandora Charms. Or maybe a really nice Cashmere Scarf. The kids are what 8 & 11? Get them a Mr Frosty Snowman Ice Slushy Maker 😂 I dunno, just throwing a few random ideas out there. ☺️
  17. Good to hear man! It is a reasonably good game, a bit more content and a few improvements and it could be up there. Still feel it missed a bit of polish, but given the circumstances the game was built upon I think they did a great job personally.
  18. That's absolutely crazy numbers, 5th place? 😂
  19. Yeah it's pretty disgusting imo. The bracket of people that they are trying to protect ends up getting washed with these sharks out for high kill gameplays, nukes etc. Still tho, not that I'm defending these YouTubers. But that is their living and income. You fuck with that, then they will find a way to exploit it. If SBMM wasn't as harsh as it is then they wouldn't have to resort to such slimy tactics. People of all Skill levels grumble about SBMM. It makes the game too competitive for the average and above average player. All the pro players can't maintain a 2kd, what does that tell you? Nobody wants to sweat everygame, it's just not fun. The average player is way more skilled these days. The bar is set higher than ever before. Because how well MW did, Activision will continue to keep it jacked up. There isn't much inventive to improve. You will get punished by what feels like playing Vs Scump and his mates if you have a run of good games. Gone are the days when you could hold your own in a lobby, but have to compete Vs 1 absolute beast on the enemy team. Eventually over time you could almost improve enough to compete. But you died plenty and learnt a lot over time. Thus making you a more well rounded player.
  20. Nice to meet ya James! So what CODs are you into? Modern Warfare or Warzone? Have you got Black Ops Cold War? Whatcha make of it?
  21. Ahhh your right, forgot about assassin. It does give extra score. I think when you do an execution when you slit someone's throat you get extra score as well?
  22. Well like I was saying assault pack gives more score. A 50p ekia assist turns into 75p. A full kill 100p elimination is 125p. Also the confirmed tags are more than the denied tags. And Ekia is a mixture of 50p or 100p elimination kills. Small things like running UAV/cuav churn extra score. And usage of equipment like field mic/jammer earn 15 score if an ally kills an enemy with that in use. I believe it's a combo of all the things I've mentioned between my 2 posts.
  23. A few things spring to mind. Obviously longer streak multipliers. If they shoot streaks down, UAVs are 100, attack heli/chopper etc 300 score. Also ammo pack gives more score per kill and ally ekia. Also if you picked up a lot of blue tags denied they are worth less. Probably a combination of all these.
  24. That's awful, you put in some work. Is annoying losing like that. I had that connection interrupted yesterday near the end of a match. Luckily it was finished soon after. Definitely a bit of lag here and there. Was just reading your post about combined arms. I also played a couple of games to try it out and felt the exact same way. The big crossroads map is dogshit and full of tanks and snipers camping for bloodthirsties, I do understand it tho. Cartel plays better, I feel it's too big for 6v6. Again Armada is massive and just seems like people sniping from boat to boat. Feels like you can't find anyone for ages just running through the insides of the map. Armada and Crossroads Strike are excellent maps imo, I really enjoy them. Satellite is getting a bit stale and Moscow just doesn't play that well sometimes. I'm finding Checkmate a bit annoying as well. Had to play it 3 times in a row last night. Altho I like the map, I think it's just the Sbmm and the sweat is taking over and exaggerating it and making it play worse. Was getting beamed by someone with Diamond snipers and MP5's. Ugh lol.
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