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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. I just couldn't get along with Ghosts. I have said this many times. To me it was absolute dogshit. Think I even lasted till January before I retired from COD because of Ghost's. Didn't touch another COD for about 7 years. Cameback with BO4. All the old COD's were superb. Cod 4, World at War, MW 2/3, BO 1/2. Always have fond memories of those games.
  2. *Laughs in COD Ghost's!
  3. XclusiveAce has a video on it and that man is one of the most useful sources of information. Everything new about the launchers are here. Most of the launchers got buffed one way or another. The RPG lost 1m of splash radius, but 1 rocket close to someone's feet (not direct impact) does enough damage to kill someone on Warzone with full health and armor.
  4. @Plumbers Crack I've actually heard them covers before. It's interesting 2 nu metal bands do a Pink Floyd and Adele song. Works well tho.
  5. Omg I enjoyed this too much! 😂
  6. I'm gonna watch it too! I saw a YT title "Warzone saved it" from Scump.
  7. I loved the original Tony Hawk's. Always had great music and interesting songs. For me the 2nd was iconic. I played it more than any other. I remember playing it at my best mates all the time, smoking endless amounts of doobies. I swear my mate could hit huge manuals, ridiculous scores. As soon as you see the school, and hear Anthrax/Public enemy bring the noise. Yes!
  8. Must say I'm considerably jealous. Looks so delicious and frothy. My morning routine is pouring hot kettle water into a mug of frozen instant coffee granules. Tastes like mud straight from a swamp. The taste of bitterness and cheapness reminds me my own life choices aren't always the best. 😂
  9. I mean the co founder of rock n roll itself. Hope Slayer/Messugah/Mastodon,Lamb of God etc give him a shout out to him at the next gig!
  10. Hey man good you came back I remember you from the old forums. Wasn't all that long ago since I cameback.
  11. Oh man you got me at the Red Alert 2 and Aoe2. Used to play RA with multi tap on PS1 VS my brother. TV each. He used to be sneaky with V2 rockets and maul your power plants. Or rush to mammoth tanks and spam them. Played a lot of AoE 2/AoC expansion online. Also played the title after. Age of Mythology and the titans expansion. I was pretty decent at it online. Great nostalgia going on here, Welcome to "The" forums. Glad you found it John.
  12. Emmm yeah I joined a few weeks ago to FG. Invite was probably there for weeks or months before that, just didn't realise I had to accept into it. I can also confirm the double XP happy hour works solo as well from what I've seen.
  13. My experience Lee is only from MP. But hopefully gladiator can confirm warzone RPG.
  14. Yeah the RPG is a beast, I like going for hammy long range window shots Vs campers. Another favourite is if your under the window frame, aim for the ceiling at an awkward angle. (So the camper can't get LOS) Looks great in Platinum, very shiny. 😁
  15. To be fair the rage can be warranted at times. What is everyones rage triggers? For me it's usually excessive campers, missing out on higher end killstreaks or watching an absolute garbage killcam of some guy hipfiring an M4 really badly. Because the gun is fairly OP and has leeway to spare always. Also something like a teammate setting off a claymore and killing you both in search & destroy.
  16. Picadilly is awful, but I'm playing it more as of late. It's a terrible map, the longshot opportunities are there tho. If there was a groundwar version I would abuse the JOKR. Yeah there was 2 playlists, the "What Every cod player wants" (10v10 Shipment)" The original playlist I clicked on was advertising "24hr shipment" and turned out being Picadilly, was the ultimate troll gag. I swear Picadilly is a giant meme. Azhir Cave is sometimes on a similar level of frustration.
  17. Was crazy, like you know I love Shipment. It was too much for me, the senses were overloaded. I enjoy the chaos, but well one game I got hit about 3 times in a row with gas or flash after a respawn. Could easily go on a 3-5 insta spawn deathstreak without getting to fire a bullet.
  18. Hey man welcome back! Definitely remember your name from the old old forums. Always great to see someone return.
  19. Nice that you made it here, definitely a cool place to hang. What type of games do you enjoy playing in particular? There are people here who Enjoy COD/Destiny, many other genres like racing or RPG. Also plenty of sub forums for hobbies/music/cars/cooking, building PC's. But we all enjoy gaming, Welcome Matey! Arrrrrr
  20. Just wondered if anyone played any MP cod on the 1st of April? Last Wednesday? I had a shock and a laugh playing some games myself. They had a playlist "Shipment 24/7" Also a disclaimer if you backed out there would be a penalty/delay on playing after it suggested. Anyway it turns out it was Picadilly 24/7 😂 Was absolutely hilarious. Then was the ultimate playlist, Entitled "Every COD players Wants This And It's Disgusting" It turns out it was 10 V 10 Shipment. OMG! Even for me it was too much, RPG's/Flash/Gas Grenades/VTOL's/Gunship/Choppers/ Phosphorus incoming 🙄 I never saved any of the footage, did manage a Frenzy with a single Snakeshot .357 Magnum. Was ugly as hell and just forgot. Played a few crazy games, but got slaughtered a few times. Did anyone else play or experience this?
  21. Although the MW2 campaign was legendary. I'm just not much of a campaign guy. I used to work through the campaign if my internet was down. I'm literally straight to MP asap. Ignore the campaign, maybe I'm a weirdo. Was anyone else this way?
  22. I've unlocked a lot of blueprints for guns, and I also have the Battlepass which unlocks even more in the season tiers. Some of them look or sound cool, but truth be told most of them have trash attachments. And when you change them it makes the gun look more and more normal. It alters the look. I would rather level the guns and use my own setup. I do sometimes use them just for the name, my EBR is called "Stay Frosty" from the blueprint. When I kill someone it shows on their screen. "Annihilator","Flood","Dusk" etc. I just hope it confuses them and they don't know what gun it is. 😂
  23. The mission challenges? I personally work through the ones I think I can complete without doing annoying loadouts or game modes. Some of the blueprints are cool for guns you haven't leveled. That way you have some attachments to play with. Was doing one recently, get 10 melee kills whilst using fast melee perk. Did a game with the striker and that exact perk equipped. I counted at least 2, maybe 3 and it didn't track. I know the kills counted because I cross checked my ribbon melee challenges and saw that increase. But yeah hope that was kinda what your talking about. Or it's awkward lol.
  24. Yeah some people just don't seem to care. A lot of people are making sacrifices and doing their bit. The humans are the "Real" virus imo.
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