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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. I'm happy they are adding some stuff, old maps or whatever. I will still be happy to play them. Crash was already a MW2 free DLC map, obviously featured in COD4 originally. And yeah shipment/vacant. I want some MW3 maps also. Bootleg, Arkaden, Underground. Hell any of them other MW3 maps tbh. They are presenting it in a "Wow" fashion. Free! Etc. Totally agree with James yet again. Still is very welcoming, would rather play some of them older maps than some of the current.
  2. Yeah definitely, some people who love the franchise would never cheat or whatever. Can imagine some might, but it just saddens me yet another negative thing about MW. It just goes back to the "half finished" product, and us as consumers doing a lot of the testing for the Devs to fix. I mean sure not everything is going to be perfect at launch, but as the days go on more problems/Issues/Glitches are found. The COD Community are unraveling this game like kittens to a Persian tapestry. On a few occasions I've went to boot the game up. And it's come up with "Maintenance underway" and I've been put in a queue for a few mins just to get to the main multiplayer menu!
  3. Also this is just a snippet, just noticed this guy has about 20+ videos of various glitches. Some probably patched already. But if you scroll his back catalogue. He has everything from; Unlimited field specialist, Teleportation, Glitch spots, Out of map,Wielding 3 different guns. Game is beyond broken!
  4. Take your pick, Unlimited Care packages/Juggernaut/Emergency Air drops. Free Kill Streaks on Hardcore. Omg this shitting game! Examples here for ultimate disgust!
  5. The sheer amount of techniques on show here are mind blowing. Guy is a god for sure!
  6. Yeah I feel ya Kiwi, I'm oldschool. I relate to a lot of your problems and major annoyances. They just designed the game in a way that promotes a lot of frustrating gameplay. Camping is rewarded and mounting your gun is literally OP. It's just making your peace with the game. What makes a cod fun for you? Is it the just running about doing your thing? Find a new thing e.g gamemode,gun,class setup, equipment Frags/C4 throw an RPG on and decoy grenades for randomness. You just have to make the game more enjoyable for yourself. Camp every so often and earn a few big killstreaks if it makes you feel better. Try sniping or just give something different a go. Most times I play this game, at some point it will turn into a catatonic rage and serious self doubt on one's gun skill. Was it just me that missed a few shots? Was that guy any good? *Proceeds to watch killcam* "OMFG you cock sucking goat fucker! How dare you, you fucking skin of the end of Satan's Scrotum!" Game is fucking BULLSHIT! I'm done........ I'm gonna sell it!!!!! Then at some point in the near future another night playing KC on Hackney yard and you earn a VTOL Jet without even barely realising. "Oh shit my proximity mine just hit a triple" Alrite! Sweet dude. It's a game of 2 halves, quite often I'm on the shitter, dirtier side with the crack on it. Everyone once in a while I'm sitting on that other side, The rainbow with a blunt and 20 ho's. A nice 18 year old malt whisky to chase it!!!!
  7. I usually run UAV/Cruise missile/VTOL. Sometimes switch the UAV with the care package. I hate how the precision airstrike is something your character has to place instead of the map overview way. 50% of the time I get shot trying to place it in a decent spot. Chopper gunner is pretty good and had a few of them. Not always consistent enough to earn them in the regular tho. I also find a lot of cruise missiles I miss because they are "inside" or I catch a roof or building on the way down. The aerial view is much more cluttered because of the maps/layout etc. But yeah I enjoy the UAV/VTOL. Usually a standard for me.
  8. Yeah it's just a totally different pace. Much prefer the fast paced rush like style. You could run a pistol or random gun or SMG and wreck in the old games. On this game, try that running a pistol on picadilly! To be fair tho I had a game of Dom 10 V10 on Arklov Creek and ran a pistol all game. And did really well. Had to play like a sneaky bastard. Finished like 25-6 with 8 caps and 10 defends or so. Definitely helped get the 40 pistol kills challenge as that's what I was doing at the time.
  9. This is pretty ridiculous if you haven't seen it, the orchestra makes it more epic imo. Also the "ruffled" collars are badass.
  10. Yeah it's not something I will play. I'm all about the MP and respawn modes mainly. Like someone else mentioned. I'm all for them having the BR, but it better not dilute the MP. Or spend too much energy on one or the other. If they add it, don't slack on the MP! That's my thoughts atm.
  11. MW3 was good yeah, I really enjoyed that game a lot! Back when maps were actually good to play and fun. This game, the maps just suck ass for the most part. I hope they do some remakes of maps from other cod's. The worst maps on other cod's are better than MW's best ones!
  12. This is the strangest thing I've seen in a while. Basically it's 2 sisters from Bulgaria, singing a cover of a Manowar song. (Heavy power metal band) Anyway the girls are like 7 & 12. Just goes to show anyone can rock!
  13. I do agree with what your saying, but the more people aware of it and/or using it. Will force them to fix ASAP! No rocky. But yeah I do totally agree with your comments James.
  14. She is amazing, she won Guitarist of the year 2016. She also has a form of OCD and has Autism. Did you watch the video of her "Through the years" growing up and playing since 7 or 8 years old. I will post it just incase! So funny the Tina turner tribute ticket, absolutely priceless man! 😂
  15. The guy states ln the video he is posting it so people are aware, but also so the Devs at IW see it. He also says it's possible in 6v6 as well, but GW it's easier to do and abuse. Hopefully this is priority as it's something major needing fixed!
  16. Saw this, thought I would share. Sounds like more broken stuff. Avoid Groundwar!
  17. Been listening to Guthrie Govan again recently, guy is an absolute legend!
  18. Get ready to sell your guitars guys! 16 year old French girl going ham on a Jason Becker song. Flawless imo!
  19. Glad to hear your enjoying it Tommy, it definitely has potential. The gun Smith is pretty cool. A few of the maps I really do struggle with, not necessarily having bad games. Just don't like how it plays. A lot of "power points" and advantage to defensive players. I still hold out hope it will only get better as time goes on 🤞
  20. Oh that officer rank page is really messy. I only started a few ribbons so didn't know what it would look like. Absolutely disgusting to look at judging by your pic. Yeah that console getting bricked or crashing. Only saw about that earlier today. That really is unforgivable, you can't even play on your account. Wtf is this game tho! How is that fair? Is it because they hit max level? I dunno about you guys, but it feels like they are still "Making" the game even after release. That ribbon extra challenges and where it is, it's like they are just adding bits as they go along. Also the sheer amount of problems is too much work for the developers. It just looks like they are trying their best, but can't meet expectations and demands.
  21. Yeah it's horrible, the challenges did I do one? Did it even count? Also as James stated, would be nice to know how you unlocked calling cards/emblems without random guesses. The menu's/UI are ugly and distracting, so many pages of useless shit. Now I've passed level 55, I've to check the rank progression screen for more challenges. I said it already, no prestiges/calling cards/challenges to grind. I hit a quad feed earlier but of course the selected challenge is like the last one out of 12 I haven't even started. Hit a super kill last night with a VTOL Jet. If that was any other cod that's guarrented a cool calling card surely? Tried to do the perk set of challenges the last few days. Had 49/60 on the scavenger and it was wiped to zero. Tried warrior code last night but got reset twice. Since the patch earlier, warrior code is now letting me go onto the 2nd challenge, finally! It better be fixed somewhat now, it's giving me hope!
  22. Tommy! Get me added bud it's literally been years. The "good old days" here is a flashback!
  23. Pretty crazy stuff going on there with the angles. Totally unfair how like Ace was saying, the advantage of seeing over half of the body. Yet the other guy sees absolutely nothing. That's really worrying that kinda thing is happening.
  24. Well I'm not entirely 100% but it sounds like lag comp or a bad connection. Believe me I have played on a terrible connection in the past. My connection isn't that good just now, but it doesn't seem to be harsh on me for the most part. But yeah all that strafe first shot, not even moving in the kill cam. I have witnessed such things on previous titles. The problem with that is, you are already melted and your game hasn't caught up. It shows no movement because your already toast. Even if you think you are dodging and weaving and somewhat providing a good skirmish From my experiences like I say, it didn't happen you were already dead!
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