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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Paganini Caprice 24 on 1 bass:
  2. Sorry to hear all the bad times with lockdown, a sick wife, kids and puppy wanting attention, work etc. Sounds like a battle from day to day. Diddums post was top drawer, loved every word and detail he added. I personally have seen the carnage first hand, I mentioned I work in retail. I actually work for Tesco. I watch the undead buy all the supplies. By the time I'm done, nothing left. Selfish bastards who hit multiple shops, also filling a trolley then sending in another family member straight after. Switching between different checkout operators, self service, kiosk. And then have online orders arriving later. I see it everyday, people are getting better at controlling the greed. But alas there is still Arseholes about, either stockpiling or abusing shop staff verbally. Our deputy manager actually called a customer "A fucking Arsehole, get out of the shop" lifetime ban the lot. Many people are warned, told to calm down etc. Let them vent a bit. If they continue to be cunts, then they will leave with nothing and told to not darken this door again. Staff confiscate excess goods on limits, staff really are doing their best to monitor and control the situation. I give the buying power another week, people's cards must be maxed by now. How do people have the money? It can't last forever this hoarding.
  3. Literally orgasms for the ears! That is all......
  4. Yeah this ^^ I couldn't give a shit about BR type game modes. I'm a multiplayer man, always have been. The expression "Too much toast, not enough butter" It's bad enough it was another 15gb update. But I'm not interested, I should have the option of not having it. Oh I heard they added a new shotgun to MP, saw a video of a youtuber using it. VLK Rogue. I don't know if it's just an Origin blueprint variant or an actual new gun. You know how YouTubers like to clickbait with "New" "Wow" "OP" etc.
  5. And then a crack baby was born........... Seriously what an idiot. I bet he is in a subway somewhere as we speak, begging for loose change. These streamers have what some people would class as a "perfect" job. Talk about ruining your life. Also love Frank at the end, superb.
  6. Been loving this recently, just such a groove and funky af. It's the bass player from Primus, guitarist from Phish and the Drummer from Police.
  7. Origin, MP5, Bizon are all good. However that new Grau gun is super OP. Better than all them put together imo. Ram is nasty too!
  8. Yeah the FPS suck on the top level of the tower. Is easy to notice it, if the enemy has map control I see a lot of spawn trapping on the A flag domination side. That right hand corner of the map, you will just spawn and get poached over and over. 😠
  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aW9hCIiZ-gE
  10. Very true, both are scary. That video is just sinister in all ways. They do have some good songs. But very eclectic and bizzare. They are a facisinating band "Mr Bungle".
  11. This music video for this song is rather disturbing. I apologize in advance. 🤭
  12. I have played some rust, it is harder to see the enemies in the distance at times. Especially if they are mounting around a corner while being mostly out of sight, headglitching noobs!! The map is slightly bigger, had a few average or bad games. Also a few good games. The top is fucking OP. I was struggling or doing mediocre during a game, had switched to an LMG class with a launcher to take out enemy air support. After I shot down a VTOL, I decided to go up top for the remainder of the 2 minutes left and got an easy merciless and had my own VTOL out. It's just disgusting up there, the advantage is just too OP. That's if you keep moving, reloading safe and replenish with ammo crates. If you stick to 1 corner perch they will no doubt get you!
  13. I saw a few different videos, UMP is coming back boys! But yeah rust with doors and windows. Oh Gawd dawg........
  14. It was just a naked Uzi no attachments, total trash gun lol. Thought the kills and movements were smooth. I was aware you can trim down to the second. I just enjoyed the full minute and even left the death in. It was more a choice than ability. But appreciate the help, will check Rich's video. That sounds way easier than trying to time or remember to clip it. But yeah trimming is easy, but I have a lot more knowledge on "how to" now. Glad you enjoyed the clip tho, problem is I set high standards for myself. Even a decent clip worthy streak, maybe I'm a bit of a perfectionist. But yeah I was just putting that clip put to test and see if I could get things working. I have hit quite a few frenzy kills X5 with shotguns. Done some disgusting things with the model. Even the R9, I dunno what it is. I just don't enjoy the R9. My least favourite shottie for sure. I actually liked the origin. 🙂
  15. Just practising and testing, was using the Uzi no attachments. Wanted to see if I could get a clip working. What you guys think?
  16. Yeah spawns are delicious if your on a roll, disgusting if it's happening to you. My only annoyance is Hardpoint on that map. When the hill is in the middle, it's just impossible you don't know where to turn. You can get hit from all 4 sides. I tend to just do a combination of instant hipfire or go immediately prone. I hate the dicks that camp the spawn corners. You get absolutely shafted. The thing that gets me as well, you nip into a container for a quick heal or reload. Some cunt spawns in behind you in the container. Overall I enjoy the carnage of that map. It's great for most challenges.
  17. OMG, why is it Geordies that catch anything. They everywhere! I heard that 2 people stayed in a hotel in York and were unwell. Newcastle is probably the closest to me, except Carlisle ofc. But it's still up the top. 🥺
  18. Yeah I have tried a few times recently, not timing it right. I keep getting bits of clips. Not really done much good lately clip worthy. Was playing a bit of shipment earlier and hit a x7 multi with a Quad Origin and Triple Deagle follow up. Was that nasty I barely knew what was going on. Unfortunately it didn't save properly. I saved too late as the game was ending and it didn't capture anything. Will keep plugging away and hopefully do something good and capture it. Have hit quite a few super kills X6, but on shipment it ain't exactly hard. I find a quad or 5 piece not really good enough on that map, unless it's really smooth/clean. That x7 was a shame, actually hit my highest kill game on that match. Started with the Aug and was getting murdered, so switched to the origin after a while and finished it gold. Had like 85 kills and 38 defends with about 12 captures. Only managed personal UAV's and uavs, didn't even manage a VTOL. Kept dying after 5/6/7 kills. Think I've got a better grasp of the capturing tho.
  19. I don't think so to be honest, 1 of them was saying it was fine going out. But the way back on the plane everyone was masked. But yeah I don't think they were, I know Japan/Korea is close by. But I think it has to be flights in and out of China to warrant an actual check. One of them was trying to say the other had a cough! He better of been on the wind-up lol. To be fair I was teasing people all day with the 2 of them coming back.
  20. 2 young lads from work just cameback from Japan/Korea a few days ago. 🙄
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