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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. My problem with assassins creed games is that they haven't made any major changes to the game since the first one was released, it's almost like a reskin of the game is being made.. It's almost like once you've played one, you've played them all.
  2. I went to hop on a second ago and got placed in a 2 hr 5 minute queue. Fuck that for a laugh
  3. I'll be hopping on after dinner. I'll share any new experiences.
  4. Ahahahahahahahahaha. I've had a shitty week but this is putting a smile on my face. Sorry Arsenal fans...
  5. As Tronic said, you need any help just let me know man. This is awesome.
  6. Yeah, it was good playing with you guys, even if I was only on a short time. Harrison you need to take on marathons...
  7. I might be a while, have some work to do. I'l hopefully get a few hours in tonight though.
  8. I usually just choose what server has the lowest ping whilst staying in day time And I might not have actually been in game. I often keep a game running in the background whilst I'm not playing.
  9. Have any of you guys been here yet? It's an absolute goldmine of loot with weapons, supplies, bags etc all over the place... And there's never anyone else up here? Seriously, if you get the chance head to the north-east of the map and have fun.
  10. Forum Name: jordie1892 Name in-game: jordan Location: Svetloyarsk I know you said to PM you but I figured it'd be easier if we all updated our own location, otherwise you'd have a lot of work on your hands.
  11. My dad'll be getting back from Singapore some time after 9 so I'll probably be going offline then. I'm heading on fairly soonish today though. EDIT: Also, if I'm able to locate some rounds for my Mosin I'll be able to give someone a pristine sawn-off with 10 shells.
  12. I'm as north as humanly possible right now. I'll start heading south but is there anywhere in particular I should go to meet you guys?
  13. It can be a bit tricky but i just run in until I'm swimming and if you get the angle right you'll get the option to drink.
  14. Also for Diddums If you find any second shirts or bandanas, right-click and turn them into rags, will be very useful and will be a lifeline if you start bleeding The best place to get water for me is usually one of the many lakes. A lot safer than raiding a city. People are dicks, don't necessarily trust them DON'T FALL OFF ANY FUCKING STAIRS
  15. The server hopping is going to be a lot less viable now. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/01/30/dayz-patch-to-add-machetes-clapping-server-hopping-penalties/
  16. I don't blame the kids, they usually try their best to be there. It's the parents who can't be arsed at fault.
  17. Had training again tonight. Walked 20 minutes down the road with all the gear (and it's fucking heavy) only for 1 kid to show up. 1 fucking kid. There wasn't any point in training so I apologised to him and his dad and lugged all the shit back up the fucking hill. It's annoying when you go out of your way for people's kids and they don't even bother to show up. Absolutely livid right now.
  18. The last guy I had was in all black, had about 60 rounds for my mosin and ammo for a revolver...... and I fell of some stairs and diedXD
  19. I'm unable to but it's a good idea. I'm hopping on now to get geared up ready
  20. Just sent him a message over steam.
  21. I can do Tuesday through Friday after 5-ish dependent on college work. I work Saturday untill 1 but weekends are good other than that. Oh, and Liverpool games take priority
  22. It's fairly easy to meet up as long as we communicate. When are we going to do this then?
  23. It's worth it to see what national anthem they come up with!
  24. I'm up for it. I've hardly played the mod but am still playing the standalone occassionaly... though I did get killed about an hour ago haha.
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