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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. Apparently there's a few people it could have been
  2. You're just mad that Phil died! You horse neglector!
  3. Just uploading some pictures showing some of my progress on the server. My horse, Captain Awesomesauce Pretty happy with how the house has turned out. The Inside. The crafting room. Where the magic happens. A pinwheel mine.
  4. I completely understand, I was pissed off myself when Harrison told me. But 20 odd diamonds, a house (which I'll post pics of later), a horse with armour a farm etc took me forever. Would you be able to give me some building materials to start up again if we restarted? Maybe meet in the middle?
  5. I've spent ages on my house and mine as well as finding a horse I love. If it has to be done, it has to be done, however I really hope it doesn't come to restarting.
  6. Semi-rlated to that video, what's all the hype over Kendrick Lamar and his verse. He's average at best IMO...
  7. Hello and welcome! Shut up Cal...
  8. That second team is full of cheap stars. Draxler, Elia, Ramos etc. If you get Sam on the right it would be the best you'll get without spending the serious money. A week or so ago I sold Neymar for about 290k on Xbox. It would cost me 362k to get him back. fml.
  9. That sounds good. I'd like to go somewhere which is very different to England, Hong Kong is one of those places.
  10. College is a pain in the bollocks and I've got work on top of that, it's why I've not been posting here so much. I'll leave it as a maybe for now.
  11. Regardless of what game I'm playing, I'll get frustrated if: A) I know I can do better than I currently am. I'm losing due to cheap tactics. Let's take FIFA for example. If I'm simply being outplayed, that's fine. I can lose 3-0 and be fine with it. If I lose 1-0 to someone I've dominated against however, that's me done for the night. I'll get red cards all the time and try stupid shots. The same thing happens in FPS's.
  12. I'm yet to use either of those two, however I'm using IF Costa with 94 strength and he's just ridiculous. Yup, they seem to be more like 12 than 13. I've scored a ton from range with IF Isco and Ronaldinhos scores tons still. It's all about that curve Again, Costa's scoring headers like there's no tomorrow. I wouldn't say they were noticably more OP than in previous games though.
  13. I'm off to L.A in March with college. Really looking forward to that.
  14. I'd say it's pretty similiar to last year, however strength is now much more important (in my experience at least). There's still the old LB + Y and finesse shot OPness however.
  15. I'm not an Eminem fan at all. To me he comes off whiny and is overrated. But I listened to that song and damn it was good! It starts slow but by the end he's rapping his ass off. Credit to him for that.
  16. Well I guess I'm retarded...... Go home Cal, I'm drunk.... wait wut?
  17. I made a thread, then you made yours. I just left a link whereas you correctly copied over the text. Diddums (or another mod) then merged. my lonely pathetic thread into this one since your superior thread had the replies. Annnnnyway... I'm having difficulty deciding whether I want an apartment, a car or just pimp up the car I have...
  18. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/oct/14/gta-online-rockstar-gamers-offered-cash What'll you spend yours on?
  19. How much did that cost?! I've got an Elegy R8 which is pretty fast as well as a Pegassi Bati motorbike. I love the bike, it's made doing a crime spree waaaaay easier.
  20. I won't lie, Blaszczykowski and Lewandowski scare the shit out of me...
  21. I don't go near the horse, I friggin hate it
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