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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. In all honesty I haven't had a chance to dig into it properly. From what I have read it looks like it's going to be a pretty good book though
  2. I got the book about the origins of The Governor for Christmas. Definitely a good character. King Joffery deserves a shout.... the bastard...
  3. You're in the US right? May not be able to since I'm in EU servers
  4. I've got a key for the beta test this weekend. I'll give my feedback once I've had a go.
  5. That first one happens all the time to me...
  6. I'm also interested in this. I need an RPG to play since I completed Dark Souls.
  7. Anyone who hasn't tried Dark Souls, I would seriously recommend it. It's one of the best (and most challenging) games I've ever played. Also Skyrim at £3.74! I mean come on...
  8. I bought it in a previous sale but am struggling to get into it. I find that it gets a bit repetitive.
  9. Yeah I've got it, and lord knows why I tried a months subscription (Seriously, just don't) Currently on a light character and it's by far the most fun I've had on it.
  10. I don't want to be the guy that always complains about the ref, but fucking hell! I need a chill pill right now...
  11. Definitely. I've got 4 of the 60 round clips (or 2 30's taped together, however you classify that) from the military tents there. It's the go to place for good gear.
  12. It was definitely a good game. Still livid though haha
  13. In all honesty the mod is far better at the moment. Now I'm geared up and have supplies all I can do is hunt the few other people on each server. Atleast in the mod you can make camps, take vehicles etc. It may be worth it to just wait till it's at a later stage.
  14. The M4's are actually pretty common at the airfield. I headed north to the NW Airfield to raid the military tents. There's a fuckton (And I mean a fuckton) of ammo there. I also got my silencer and a few other things there. Do you know about making rags to use as bandages? Just take off your shirt if you're that desperate and turn them into rags, could save you. Good luck man!
  15. If you die, that's it. Time to start over. And yeah you can switch servers and keep gear as far as I'm aware of.
  16. I'd highly recommend FrankieOnPC's DayZ videos. Not only will you learn stuff but he makes the videos as if he is telling a story.
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