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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. jordie1892


    By far my favourite CoD as well, the only one I'd say I really enjoyed. It's going to sound weird personifying a game but I feel like despite it's flaws it had character. The guns all felt different, interesting maps, and I could just mess about if I wanted to. Unlike how I've found the others, it was actually fun. I think I'll pick up a copy next time I'm in town...
  2. I (attempted) to play Thief: The Dark Project at a relatives house when I was much younger. I got scared shitless by a giant spider and now I refuse to go near the series. Fuck that.
  3. Cheers man I've actually still got some contacts with the Dons, and my old coach is head of the Watford academy right now. It might be worth me getting the right coaching qualifications and seeing where that takes me (at least in the short-term).
  4. College in England isn't like in the states, I think high-school would be the closest comparison? Basically free education is finished now and It would cost me just over 50k if I went further. Thanks though
  5. Cheers man. I guess I should just get stuck in haha
  6. My problem is I don't really know what the end goal is. The business idea is something I would love, but I don't know much outside the media industry. It's something I'm going to have to sit and think about. Thanks for the help.
  7. Most Uni's have already handed out their offers back in January, It looks like I'll have another year before it's an option again. For me doing nothing isn't really an option, I need to stay occupied. I can always apply for a job at Waitrose but I figured there were more worthwhile options.
  8. I hadn't considered part-time work. Maybe earning something alongside starting my own business. As you and others have said, enjoying the work seems to be more important than getting paid more, I'll definitely take that into consideration.... And I'm more of a Subway man
  9. ...yeah that's some bullshit. I've got a friend on a construction apprenticeship who makes just under £3 an hour. It's practically slave labour
  10. I'm working on my portfolio website now and I suppose you're right, if they like what's produced it shouldn't be a problem. I've been studying creative media at college for the last 2 years and enjoyed it. I have the necessary UCAS points to get into university right now (kind of like a point system to see how capable you are). It's the same in England with some jobs requiring a degree to even be considered. It could be a case of doing a part-time course later in life if I have to.
  11. Unfortunately not in media, and when they do crop up they're gone in minutes :/ I shouldn't be limiting myself to just jobs in the media industry though right? I know it's something I enjoy but if I don't consider other options I could be shit out of luck haha
  12. Thanks for taking the time to reply man I think Uni would be more beneficial if I was aiming for a job in which the degree really helps. A lot of jobs within the media industry are portfolio/experience based. Getting a degree in something like computer science or business would definitely open up opportunities. I'll also start shooting out some e-mails, good idea.
  13. Cheers man. I know there's some "older" guys here who've got job experience so I thought I'd ask.
  14. Hey guys, I've realised I'm quickly coming to the time in my life when I need to take some action into getting a full-time job. I'll be finishing with college in a couple of months and have no plans ready for what to do afterwards. I'm fed up with the school system right now and university doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm looking at around £50k+ of debt, with no guarantee of a job afterwards. I've got friends and family members who stack shelves for a living despite having a fancy degree, surely 3 years of work experience can be just as good? In the perfect scenario I'd have my own business. I'd help other small business' to market themselves through websites, flyers, radio and other forms of media, without charging an arm and a leg. I wouldn't expect to earn a whole lot, but I'd enjoy doing it. The main problem with this is that it's already a competitive market, and who's going to trust an 18 year old fresh out of college with their marketing budget? Whilst I'm lucky enough to have parents willing to support me for the near-future, I refuse to be a leech. I can't stand the thought of sitting on my arse getting nowhere in life and relying on others for support. If anyone has any suggestions I'd really appreciate it.
  15. He'd go faster if he wasn't holding a fucking flag
  16. Just started a new season with Liverpool on FM14. Can't decide if I go for 3 at the back or a more traditional formation. I want something different
  17. TotalBiscuit put out a video a few days ago on Dungeon Keeper 2. Might want to watch it if anyone's thinking of buying.
  18. I can't say I know a lot about him, but what was described in those articles is the making of a douchebag.
  19. 'When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea' I figure the media are the seagulls, the trawler is celebrity life and he is a sardine. The media only pays attention and follow the celebrity life in the hope that a celebrity has a breakdown and goes off the rails. I do feel for these celebrities who are always in the spotlight, with the paparazzi following them all the time...
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