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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. You can talk on your mic to nearby players. Anyway my threat would be more like this:
  2. Yeah, I've had the same situation before where the guy thanked me and ran off. Might just have to kill in future if I'm going solo.
  3. Right, so I'm just wondering what you guys opinion is on when to let people live and when to kill. Right now I'm livid, I had an m16 with a shit ton of ammo, full camo clothing, food/drink/first aid kit the lot. I ran into a guy with no weapon and especially since he did the surrender animation I decided to let him live. About 5 seconds after he put his hands up however, his friend sneaks up on me and shoots me in the back. The first guy then takes all my gear and runs off. How am I supposed to not kill on sight when shit like this happens? I want to be a good guy but is that even possible?
  4. I use another program when I'm on the Mac's at College. I've just heard about that video being useful for others. Afraid I can't help you there.
  5. You've been responsible for the purchasing of way too many games.
  6. I have codes on Origin for Dead Space 1 & 3, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirrors Edge, Commanad and Conquer: Red Alert 3 and Populous. If you want any just let me know. (goes for everyone).
  7. Both me and my dad have coach careers, him with the cowboys and me with the Eagles. I used to struggle on the higher difficulties (and he would own me when we played each other) but after spending some time to learn both the players and playbook for the Eagles , I now find it manageable. Just spend some time with a team you like and you may improve? Just a thought.
  8. Just bought Dragon Age, I've been meaning to try it out since it was recommended in another thread. Cheers
  9. It's been a LONG time since I've been so excited for a game. It can't come quick enough.
  10. It really fucks me off. As if they're not making enough money already? For anyone who hasn't seen it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SI7WkbepOI
  11. I'm pissing off all my family with the constant downloads. Just bought State of Decay, XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Dark Souls.
  12. Ohhhh my wallet says no but my heart says yes!!
  13. I've got the demo on PC and it looks fantastic. Not sure what's going on with the white lines...
  14. You're playing a different game to me then Strength is definitely important in this game as well (the reason I have Hulk upfront) but if you can get your players into space whether with a skill move or a good 1-2 then it shouldn't really matter.
  15. You'd think they'd have fixed that by now haha
  16. Against the A.I or real-life opponents? Either way abuse your fast players and cross the ball plenty. Don't try and play beautiful passing football... it won't work
  17. I used to play it a few months back on the PC, and whilst it was fun at first, the appeal soon wore off. Still very good for a free game though.
  18. I really enjoyed it too. Didn't get any glitches and it was short yes. As said before there were some really nice cinematic moments and it was a nice introduction to FPS's for me on the PC.
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