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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. I just don't have the time to play atm
  2. Well that was good!A nice easy win, Finland never really looked scary. I'm also bloody freezing!
  3. Nice! I've been once myself and it was a great experience, you'll love it.
  4. Came home from College to find that my sister's bought me and a couple others tickets for tonight's U-21 match between England and Finland . Absolutely fucking fantastic
  5. Also be sure to check out the Humble Bundle regularly - https://www.humblebundle.com/?p=origin_bundle pay what you want and it's for a good cause.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Vitaly is helping this guy out. I think it's a great thing he's doing and I'm sure the homeless man is much better off because of it. I can't escape the feeling that Vitaly's purely doing it for views however. The way he makes a point of showing us just how much he is spending and at times he sounds really condescending. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too deep into it
  7. jordie1892

    BF4 issues

    I have only had 2 problems since playing. Firstly I somehow double tapped B which brought up the console. I couldn't figure out how to close it back down so I had to quit the game. Secondly, my mouse was fine in the menus and other programs, but as soon as I started playing it just wasn't being picked up. Both of these were minor and one offs.
  8. I've been loving this game today. The Campaign's been impressive and my 1 multiplayer match was incredible.
  9. I'm at 90% installation... I'll be sure to play when I can.
  10. In all seriousness whilst I'd love to help you guys out, I'm not going to have time to play myself once college starts again on Monday
  11. Moving your bed shouldn't have anything to do with your inventory.
  12. I'll still be getting it. I love MMO's and the Elder Scrolls world. It seems like the perfect game for me. If I have to pay to play so be it :/
  13. Yeah I was kicked too, no problem at all mate. Cheers for getting things like this sorted, I appreciate it.
  14. I'd like to know this also. I hate spending hours building something then having it wiped and starting again.
  15. Sounds good, my lazy ass didn't want to go digging and chopping again.
  16. He says he has no idea if you read the OP. Plus it's proably unfair on those who are innocent to be unfairly accused. The more I think about it, I'd be fine with restarting if I could just get some stone wood and sand to start off.
  17. Yeah, they're pretty rare but Harrison managed to track some down. Each horse has different speeds, jumping heights and health. You can also find horse armour to put on.
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