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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Rented Resident Evil the final chapter yesterday. It was okay, not quite as good as some of the earlier ones IMO. Cant; complain too much though anytime Millia Jovovich is in tight black leather One thing that bugged the hell out of me in this movie was the extremely high use of cut camera angles during action & fight scenes. I know a lot of movies these days do it, they think it somehow adds to the action sequence of the movies but personally I find it nothing but confusing. There were literally some scenes where they changed camera angles 18-20 times during a short 10 second fight. That just becomes almost disorienting at a certain point. and I hate that.
  2. Some more time on my hands so able to resize a few more pics to share. Lots more still to do but here are some more...
  3. Common for the lower sections. Upstream it's mostly trout then lower sections turns to more warm water species.
  4. Back from 2 weeks on the Au Sable. Fishing was up & down but put in a lot of hours and managed some really nice smallmouth. Will have tons more pics to upload later but for now here's the two big fish of the trip. A pair of 20" 4-5lb smallmouth on back to back days last week.
  5. That looks good Dave, is it a remake? I seem to remember a movie called Hacksaw ridge before for some reason.
  6. Madagascar 3....Wasn't as good as the first two.
  7. As well as both eyes.
  8. Got the staples all removed today so I'm done with the doc now. Just have to still take it easy with what I lift for the next month but other than that doing pretty darn good now.
  9. Sadly this is a testament to the pure ignorance of a vast majority of today's society. I swear the more I am around/read about/watch people in the world these days the more I wonder just how so many people can be so damn stupid. It's really hard to feel sorry for the people in the article or any of the bystanders. Anyone with an IQ above the freezing mark would have known what would happen without even having to think about it.
  10. That's true, I actually forgot I haven't finished that game yet. Might have to pop that back in this week.
  11. In case ya can't tell, I'm getting really bored sittin' around recovering :/
  12. Doing water changes on the tanks in the basement... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ... "supposed" to be taking it easy. Well layin in bed like a sick person never has worked for me. I always believe the body follows suit of the mind and happy mind = faster healing body. Also got out and walked probably 1/2mile today as well
  13. Wasn't fun in the least bit Tommy. I HATE hospitals with a passion. I actually had to pretty much check myself out yesterday because they wanted me to stay one more day. I told them NOPE (as I was putting my street clothes back on lol) Gazza- yep that's what all the pain the past 4 yrs was from. I've pretty much literary lived every day for the past 4 yrs in some level of pain with some days so bad I could not even stand upright or get out of bed. They did a CT and then took me into surgery and said the hernia was a deep one and then the hernia actually caused the intestine to wrap around it so the days were the pain was real bad was probably when the hernia was protruding more than the other days. Then my appendix he said was bruised so best to get that out while they had me opened up to avoid any issues down the road. So the good thing is once I heal up fully from this it will be the first time in 4 yrs I will finally be able to live with no pain plus while I was there they did all the blood work and scans as well as a EKG and everything on those looked good so always good to know everything else is working well.
  14. I went to the ER Friday morning and they took me right into surgery. Had an internal hernia a twisted intestine and appendix removed then spent 3 days in the hospital. Came home yesterday and still very sore because of the big incision and about 15 staples but other than that I'm getting around and hope to be back to normal with in the next 2 weeks. Was not a fun thing at all but I am glad to finally not have to worry about these stomach issues I have been having for the past 4 years any longer.
  15. So sad to lose him, I loved him as a kid as Batman and then the cameos on Big Bang, King of Queens and Family guy were awesome. Sad to lose but what a long great life he lived.
  16. Spent the past 2 days back on the Au Sable with my good friend Mark chasing trout. Had to cut the trip 1 day short due to a big storm that knocked the power in town/motel out, but we can't complain because the fishing was outstanding. Spent the morning's & mid day's stripping streamers on the spey rods and the evenings fishing dries on the 4wt's and had just an unreal time catching nice healthy browns & rainbows up to 18" with a vast majority of them being in the 13"-16" range. I turned the OD of the grip on my spey rod I built down a bit before this trip and it was just what I needed. It's so much more comfortable now I felt really good with the two handed rod and was throwing 80ft casts with ease this time. Excellent trip with a great friend with tons of beautiful good size Au Sable trout put in the net, just does not get much better than that.
  17. Every once in a while I will get a request for a "themed" rod. This customer had been planning this build with for a a very long time now and today I finally finished it and have hos dream rod ready for him. It is a Star Wars themed rod with quite a bit of attention to detail and the futuristic look to it to say the least. From the thread wraps on the carbon fiber grip sealed under three coats of clear to the epoxy thread ramp to give a seamless transition from grip to blank, to the green marbling under the custom decals to the custom made rod sock no part of this build was overlooked on details.
  18. I have seen the name on the cable guide and almost watched it a few times but haven't yet. I might check it out soon though. Even though it's weird is it a decent show? Just started this year correct?
  19. I have never seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons before so I tried to watch it today. I got 30 mins into it and had to turn it off, I dunno why but it was about to bore me to death for some reason.
  20. Watched "Jobs" today (the story of the life of Apple founder Steve Jobs). I've been wanting to see it for awhile now because even though I never liked Steve Jobs because he pretty much was everything I can't stand in a person (huge ego, a'hole personality, greedy) with that said I always did find it fascinating how he managed to become such a successful business man. The movie was okay but it just seemed like it was somewhat flat. They really could have gone into a bit more depth about his life in the 2hr long movie but just never really got all that in depth it seemed.
  21. I did a video of various spots on the Au Sable about 4-5 years ago. Let me see if I can find it..... Here it is, this video is shot all on the Au Sable but just on a few different locations where I fish on the river. The 2 minute long segment that starts at 1:50 in the video is where I trout fish all the time
  22. I do probably 90% of my fly fishing on the Au Sable. My parents started taking me up there to it before I was even a year old, and my grandpa had been going to it since the 1930's so it's really something that has been instilled into me from day 1 more or less. Love that river and would rather fish it than any other place in the world to be honest. Just has a different feeling for me when I am there than anywhere else.
  23. Just returned home from 3 full days on the Au Sable. Couldn't have had a better trip. My fishing buddy & I were using the new spey rods I just built for us and not only did they work wonders in spots too tight for normal single handed fly rods, but the trout Gods were kind to us and most the trout on the spey rods were all very nice fat healthy 16" to 18" Rainbows and browns. Really enjoyed using the spey rods, won't be giving up my single handers anytime soon, but will for sure be grabbing the spey on a regular bases on trips. A great time with a good friend catching great trout on what to me is the most beautiful river anywhere. Now it's time to finish a couple rods orders and tie some streamers to restock the flies I lost on this trip and then get ready to head back up for another 3 days in about a week.
  24. Rather than good evening I'll say goodbye for a bit. Headed on a few days fishing trip early in the morning with a buddy so will be gone till the weekend. So everyone enjoy the rest of the week
  25. Dave banned from a site???? No way I don't believe it LOL
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