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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Watched Expendables 3 yesterday. Enjoyed it quite well. First one was still the best IMO but I'm a sucker for any Sly movie.
  2. I started building a bonsai garden about two years ago. Been working a lot on the bonsai garden for the past few weeks. Spent another 8 hours out there today and I think it's pretty much done now. Still waiting on some flowers to bloom but it's shaping up nicely. I think Mr Miyagi would be proud . . .
  3. Haven't head much about it so just figured it was a remake. Didn't know it was the 4th taking place after Mel. So...is it a remake?
  4. I have mixed feelings. I don't like when they take a "classic" and remake it, because normally it is a disservice to the original. On the other hand from the previews I saw it does look good. Just hard to think of Mad Max without Mel Gibson though..... I'm torn lol
  5. Never have been a fan of the blues, but I can certainly respect what he did for that style music. He had a good full life.
  6. The X files series now has an air date, starts Jan 24th 2016 and runs for six episodes with a double episode the first night.
  7. THAT is going in the out of context thread! Glad you are okay James. That's not something to play with for sure, my Mom had her's about burst when she was a kid. They said if she was even 15 minutes later getting to the hospital she may not have made it. Glad you are okay now.
  8. I haven't seen it yet but my Nephew did last week with his GF. He said it was really good, and he's a very picky movie critic so it must be decent.
  9. Spent Wednesday through Friday up at the cabin for the first time this year with a good friend doing some fly fishing for steelhead/bass/trout. Had pretty nice weather, warm temps, and some good fishing over the few days of the trip. Looking forward to heading back up in a few weeks to hit it again.
  10. Mainly counting calories and staying away from things that are bad for you. Switched to whole grain bread from white bread, water with flavor drink mix rather than pop/soda, thin sliced turkey sandwichs replaced cheese sandwichIs, then for snacks I have things that are lower calories like pretzels and popcorn with imitation butter spray rather than things like high calorie chips. Basically just smaller portions of healthier foods.
  11. As of this morning I now weigh 230lbs. That makes it an exactly 170lbs total weight loss now. My original goal was to get down to 220lbs but now I'm thinking maybe going to 210lbs, not totally sure yet, but either way I'm really close to where I want to be I believe.
  12. If I had the dvd's I would have watched them today (May the 4th be with you!) I actually was just looking for the Star Wars trilogy last week online but they still want around $30 for the set.
  13. Well I went a bit old school over the weekend. One thing I have always missed the past 5 years or longer has been actual video stores. Meaning rather than just sitting at home and pressing buttons to rent a movie, being able to physically go to a video store to rent a movie. All the Blockbuster and Hollywood video stores by me closed down so I did some online searching and found a Family Video not even 6 miles from me. Went and joined and rented some flicks yesterday. I know most people feel it's better to just rent from your DVR/cable company these days, or netflix or what-not, but I personally miss the video stores. I enjoyed being able to once again peruse through the aisles of box art covers and see what was out, see the walls painted in movie themes, and just the whole experience rather than just sitting on my couch and pressing a button to rent one. I'm sure some will think it's stupid to want to do it this way, but for me, I enjoy it much more and plan to rent all my movies once again this way now that I joined the store. They also have a good selection of PS4 games for rent as well
  14. Rented the final Hobbit movie last night, Battle of the Five Armies. I really enjoyed it. I know some people don't think the Hobbit trilogy is as good as the LOTR trilogy, and while that may be true, the Hobbit is still a very good movie on it's own. I enjoyed the first two quite a bit, but I think this final chapter was by far the best yet. I won't spoil anything, but I liked that there were some things I did not expect.
  15. 1- People that think driving requires having their cell phone in their hand 2- People that walk around a store while talking loudly on their cell phone 3- People that come to visit me in person and then end up spending more time playing with their cell phone than talking to me face to face 4- Cell phones in general (didn't see that one coming did ya?) 5- People who turn left after the light has already turned red for them (this is becoming more of an issue lately for some reason) 6- People who speed and constantly change lanes. It's pointless, you live in the city and I'll be sitting right next to you at the next stoplight anyway you ass! 7- Kids hairstyle where they look like they walked backwards in a windstorm 8- Men who wear white frame sunglasses (give them back to the girl whom you stole them from and take two steps away from them) 9- People who use the word "Epic" 10- People who use the word "Fail" 11- People who use the term "Epic Fail" (it should be legal to kill you if you do that) 12- The term "Like a boss" (I can't even type that without wanting to slam my head into this monitor) 13- Neighbors who consistently park in front of my house (You have a driveway, use it damnit) That's a start, as you can tell I have many but I'll end it there.
  16. No other X files fans here? I also see there's a new series starting May 28th on NBC with David Duchovny called Aquarius which also looks pretty darn good from what I saw advertised.
  17. Just went and picked up a paper so I could cut the article out and frame for hanging in the office. I was pretty shocked, I figured the article would probably be buried on the back page of the sports section or something like that, but it's not. It's on the front page very first story, right above the Red Wings . . .
  18. LOL I'm starting to worry about where your mind is at Doc
  19. Got a nice article done on me today that will be in three of the local papers tomorrow. Gonna have to buy a paper tomorrow so I can frame it and hang in the office. http://www.dailytribune.com/sports/20150428/royal-oak-man-makes-custom-fishing-rods
  20. Looks to be real...and don't call me Shirley
  21. Nooooooooooooo thank you! lol. I'm man enough to say I'd probably puke all over myself if I stepped on that contraption
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