Well I went a bit old school over the weekend. One thing I have always missed the past 5 years or longer has been actual video stores. Meaning rather than just sitting at home and pressing buttons to rent a movie, being able to physically go to a video store to rent a movie. All the Blockbuster and Hollywood video stores by me closed down so I did some online searching and found a Family Video not even 6 miles from me. Went and joined and rented some flicks yesterday.
I know most people feel it's better to just rent from your DVR/cable company these days, or netflix or what-not, but I personally miss the video stores. I enjoyed being able to once again peruse through the aisles of box art covers and see what was out, see the walls painted in movie themes, and just the whole experience rather than just sitting on my couch and pressing a button to rent one.
I'm sure some will think it's stupid to want to do it this way, but for me, I enjoy it much more and plan to rent all my movies once again this way now that I joined the store. They also have a good selection of PS4 games for rent as well