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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Will post a pic of my sexy-ness soon, just don't want to get Dave too worked up though
  2. Just got done watching this for the 100th time....love this movie...
  3. Nice car, but more importantly, I have to point something out. Jordie you totally earned my respect bud I tell ya what. You said... Very cool bud. I've seen sooooooooo many kids your age (your what 19?) just totally think they are so "entitled" ya know. Like Mom & Dad or whoever "owe" them the first car. Seeing you say you actually saved up for your first car dude....I have always liked you, but you just totally earned my respect bud. Good for you Jordie, I really wish more of our young people had the constitution you had bud. You have my respect.
  4. Down to 240 lbs now. Total weight loss of 160 lbs so far. Slowly trying to replace my entire wardrobe. Even some shoes are too big on me now lol
  5. 242lbs this morning. 158lbs total weight loss. Getting ever so close to where I want to be. Few more days and I'll be in the 230's for the first time since I was 25 yrs old.
  6. My OCD took over and a bit of cleaning turned into a rod bench remodel. Bench is now 9ft wide and L-shaped to make building 1pc rods and spey rods much easier.
  7. Spring cleaning in the office today. Just finished installing the "Complaint Dept" on the wall behind the desk
  8. You guys probably remember I started getting back in shape over the past 2 years and lost a bunch of weight. I managed to keep most of it off but had put a few lbs back on over the winter which is pretty normal. About a month ago I started back on the more strict diet and got back to walking a lot and getting out an exercising and have managed to drop another 20lbs in the past month now. That puts me at 154lbs total weight loss as of today. Started out at 400lbs and now weigh 246lbs (I'm 6' 5" tall). I'm getting really close to where I want to be I think. Probably going to try to get down to about 220lbs and stay there as my target weight. Should be there by mid summer most likely.
  9. Exactly 1 week till the 7th season of the best show ever on cable TV starts back up! Wooooo Whooooooo!!!! B)
  10. I bought UFC today and played it for about an hour so far. I've always been a huge UFC game fan so I like it, but it does seem a little less enjoyable than the PS3 UFC version was which I enjoyed a lot . The controls seem a bit wonky, and the submission controls are really strange.
  11. Hard to say because I usually just try to sneak in a bit of game play when I take a break from working on rods so it's more or less just when I have a bit of free time. I like Destiny it's a pretty good game. Some of it seems a bit repetitive to me even with only having the sort play time I have put into it so far (level 7 I think?) but overall it's a pretty good game.
  12. Tommy I played it a few days ago for the very first time since probably Early January.
  13. Only game I have had for the PS4 I got for Christmas is Destiny, looking to get a couple new games so I can get back into gaming a bit more this spring. I'm headed today to Wally world to pick up the UFC game because they have it on sale for a good price, but I have also been eyeing the game The Last Of Us. Any of you guys here have that one and care to shed a little light on how it is?
  14. I don't know why but that is one thing that has always irritated me for some reason (people playing "music" on household items). If they are actually playing an instrument then that's cool, I can enjoy that, but banging on PVC pipes, buckets and all that stuff I find very annoying. I correlate that with things like the Blue Man Group, and Stomp, which I always hated immensely so maybe that is why
  15. I started watching Transcendence today......only made it 50 minutes into it. That was all I could take, it started out with an interesting premise but seemed to get more ridiculous with each passing minute.
  16. Just got done watching Iron man 3. I honestly didn't care for it much. The first one was good, second one was okay, this one was just way too over the top for my tastes.
  17. I enjoy watching both the American and UK versions of Top Gear. I don't think the UK Top Gear will continue to last that long without Jeremy on it IMO. It's kind of like the show Two & a Half Men with Charlie Sheen. The guy that makes the show what it is, is really a jerk in real life, but without him on the show the show goes down the drain in a hurry.
  18. Watched "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio today. Even though it was from 2006 I had actually never heard of it before I flipped around this morning while working and saw it just coming on. I was pretty impressed it was a great story and Leo was really good in it. Plus it had the super beautiful Jeniffer Connelly and her gorgeous green eyes in it which didn't hurt either
  19. Rented "The Judge" last night with Robert Downy Jr and Robert Duvall. If you need fast paced action and special effects in your movies then you would not enjoy this one. On the other hand if you appreciate well written scripts and good acted dramas then you'll enjoy this one. I really liked it. The only complaint I would have is it could have been done in less time than the 141m it ran. Other than that it was a good movie, little bit sad too.
  20. Very cool Mike congrats. I need to make some time to get back to playing mine. Been so busy lately I have only played once this year so far.
  21. The funny thing is Dave before I even opened this thread as soon as I read the title I was hearing that song in my head!
  22. I was under the assumption for the past year that there were no worse movie than "The Purge"......Ladies and &Gentleman I stand corrected, there is something worse, and it's called "The Purge 2". Do not even ask why I watched it because I have no idea why, but I wish I could erase it from my memory.
  23. Built a 4x4 beam today out of some douglas fir to add to the lodge type feel of the office.
  24. Never heard of nor knew that even existed.
  25. Just got home from going to see Liam Neeson's new movie "Run all night". Excellent film as always with Liam. I consider Liam Neeson to be the white version of Denzel Washington because it's hard to not like one of his movies . Great movie, if you get a chance go see it.
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