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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Yep that's my thoughts too Doc. I tried 3 times to make it work so at least I know I did everything I could. But at a certain point the definition of insanity holds true. (doing the same action over and over and expecting a different outcome). It does suck, bad, but I am getting some money back out of it at least. I sold some fish and equipment already this weekend. A guy came today to buy some stuff and he saw my 10" Champsochromis which is a bit of a rare fish to find at that size. I was going to keep that fish because I liked him. The guy offered me $120 for him today though (I originally paid $40 from a friend) so I could not turn down $120. At least I know if someone is willing to pay that much then they will for sure take care of him.
  2. Well after 5 weeks of up and running the tank started leaking again late last night. This has been over two years I have been working on this project, and the 3rd time it leaked on me. This was the final straw. I've put so much effort into this tank yet it just seems that it is not going to stay leak free no matter what I do. And I just simply can't continue to deal with the work/money/headaches/stress from it. Tonight I ripped it all down and will be busting the tank up and getting rid of it shortly. As much as it really breaks my heart, I just have no other choice. I can;t keep throwing good money after bad, as well as keep working so hard for something that is just simply never going to work. To make the best of a bad situation I will go forward with expanding the rod shop/fishing themed man cave in place of the tank and rock wall. Trying to look at the bright side, it will give me double the room for the man cave now. Rock wall is all but a memory now....
  3. Offical total for us here was just over 17" in 24 hours. Goes on record as the fourth highest amount we have had on record. Took me 2 hours to shovel out yesterday morning, and that was after shoveling three times the prvious day
  4. BTW nice lookin' homestead ya got there Jason.
  5. It's the hardest I have seen it snow in such a short time frame in years. I shoveled around 1pm and had about 5"-6" then. Now I just went back out about 30mins ago and shoveled again and there was another 6"-7" on top of where I had just shoveled. Got at least a foot so far and calling for another 5"-8" tonight.
  6. We're getting friggin hammered!
  7. Those episodes are online for free. Let me know if you need the links .......
  8. Looks like I'm next to get hit. Nothing like the 36" some of you guys got but up to 10" here overnight and into tomorrow.
  9. It's a great show. They use to have more good shows like How it's made on before all the reality crap took over
  10. Jay you need to build a MEGA snowman
  11. I see you have road blocks in front of the fridge, good diet plan lol
  12. I'm wondering if he still does, I heard on the news there are now thouthands withouth power in that area, including the whole island of Nantucket
  13. I would love to be paid to be so wrong all the time like a meteorologist. We were supposed to get 6"-8" here in Michigan yesterday, yet I never saw a single snowflake
  14. Been working on a way to add a realistic thunderstorm to the big tank with lightning that flashes in sync with thunder. This is the first test run using an MP3 player with storm sound fx ran in a loop wired into a device called an Apollo Jammer which DJ's use for light shows. Also has speakers plugged into the splitter of the Apollo Jammer for full sound to go along with the flashes. First bench test run
  15. I've actually seen that before, or one like it. The hobbit house is s popular one for some people to do a bonsia like that. It's definitely off the chart of the cool scale that's for sure.
  16. That's the best kind of project
  17. Just finished the final episode of Breaking Bad. What a great series, I think they ended it pretty darn well.
  18. Went to the theater and saw Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb. I liked the first in the trio of films, 2nd was okay, this one was okay but kind of worn out with the same ol' same ol'. Kind'a sad seeing Roben Williams last role.
  19. I'm on the second episode of the final season of Breaking Bad right now, been watching the whole series over the past 2 weeks. Should be done with it tomorrow
  20. The problem is if you compare a movie to a book then nine times out of ten you will be quite disappointed. Which is only natural because think of it this way, if you decide to read a book then it's because you either really enjoy the subject matter, or you really like the style the author writes in. So the fan base for a certain book is much smaller, is very keyed into the details of the book, and very much in tune with the way the book is written and the message the author is trying to convery. Plus it doesn't cost 75 million dollars to publish a book. Now when it comes to movies it's totally different. Movies have to appeal to a much wider base of people from various age groups, genders, and basically a wide range of people including some that go to see the movie just because they had a free couple hours and the trailer lookied interesting. So naturally they have to add various things into the movie that are not in tune with the book they are based on. Doesn't make it a poor movie nor take away from it, it's just the way things have to be done to appeal to a broader spectrum of people. Movies like the hobbit don't follw the books 100% that's for sure, mainly due to the reasons I just touched on. IMO they are still enjoyable movies to watch, and are much better than sitting through some of the other mindless garbage starring no talent actors like Seth Rogan and people that pass for actors these days It's a movie, not a documentary, enjoy it for what it is is my take on it.
  21. Was just a simple question because I seriously wondered in what way you felt it suffered was all. NM though.
  22. Just wondering because I don;t see it...In what way do you feel it suffers?
  23. I read all the books back in the 80's when I was a kid and loved them, I also have seen the first two movies (and plan to see the third soon) and I for one enjoy the movies. Things don't always have to be exactly as they are in books. Truth be told the good majority of movies are based on books, and yet hardly any of them follow the script of the book they are based on to a tee.
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