Doc I have a gun question for you that maybe you can help me with. I've got a Mossberg 500 12ga full length barrel/wood stock that I have been meaning to strip down and rebuild into a nice home defense shotgun for the longest time now but just have not got around to doing yet. I'm thinking I may finally do it over the holiday season when I have a bit more free time in a few weeks so I've been doing some searching online and looking at all the tactical/upgrade parts for it. I'm not going to do anything too expensive or crazy with the build but I'm thinking composite rear stock with built into rear pistol grip, rail mount shell holder, shorten the barrel, flashlight mount and composite forend.
And that's where I have a question for you. In looking at the composite forends for shotguns I see they have the standard grip, then the forend grip that also has a pistol grip on it. I've shot a lot of rifles and a number of shotguns but I have never shot any long gun that had a pistol grip on the forend. To me that seems like maybe it would take a lot of getting use to or just seems a bit unnatural of a way to hold a long gun. Have you ever shot one with a pistol grip forend? and if so did it seem odd feeling at first or was it not an issue?