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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. I'd hit it...she'd look even better as a redhead though
  2. I use to love legos back when I was a kid. I think I actually still have the big huge box of them packed away some where from when I was a kid. I really should try to dig them out one of these days, probably could get some decent cash out of them I bet.
  3. I would probably go with option #1 if it were me. The thought of there being any chance at all that your gun might not fit with option #2 is a bit scary. Would really suck to invest $250 and then find out it doesn't fit properly. If the 6-12 month wait time is what is worrying you then it may be faster than he quoted for a time frame. As someone whom runs a custom business myself I always give potential customers the worst case scenario for a delivery date when I quote them a price/time frame just to be on the safe side. So if I tell them 6 weeks it usually ends up being less than 3, but that way I can cover myself for any unforseen issues just in case.
  4. I'm glad you like them Doc. Those were my Dad's and he was really big into reloading back before he passed away, and since I'm not into that I just wanted to see that they went to someone that was into it and could enjoy them. Glad they found a good home, hope you enjoy bud. I'm sure my Dad would be happy someone is getting some use out of them
  5. We don't have any problem with commercials during soccer here in America.....because we don't watch soccer lol
  6. So what do you guys think so far of the show? I "like" it so far, but it does seem to be off to a really slow start. By the 4th episode of Breaking Bad there was a lot more going on than there is in BCS so far. They need to get it moving into a bit more action IMO.
  7. Yep I was sad to hear this yesterday, but he was 83, lived a long and very full life and passed away in his own home so that's about all a guy can ask for out of life. And as Capt James T Kirk once said in Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan... We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.
  8. Yep this, that's what I do with a lot of show. Just Tivo them and watch them later when I have time and as a bonus I can FF through commercials. You do get use to it though, and honestly it's not all that bad. For us middle age guys like us Mark it gives us a chance to get up and take a wizz every 15 minutes or go grab a pop or snack etc etc.
  9. Hey I was starting to wonder where the heck you had been lately, good to see you back around again
  10. Dunno why, just am ....
  11. ' Working on covering all that new wall space with pictures from past trips. Darn prices of printer ink cartridges is killing me though.
  12. Congrats, she's a cutie!
  13. Something I found funny here. Last night I started trying to think if I had seen the guy that plays Saul in anything else before and couldn't think of anything off hand so I googled him. Blew my mind when Jim Careys "Cable Guy" came up with credits to him being in it. I looked and I'll be damned he was in it. He played Matthew Broderick brother. . .
  14. Took some time this weekend to finish getting the tank decor set up now as well as spray bar mounted etc etc. I'm very pleased with the way it looks now, pretty happy with the LED strip lights I set up as well. Bright enough to show fish colors yet not so overly / too bright.
  15. Yeah man I really wish I could find another like to so I could have a pair of them down there.
  16. Well, that aside.... Appreciate it my friend.
  17. Being OCD has it's advantages and disadvantages lol. Seriously though, that's were so much of my drive and detail orientation does come from. I've been a bit OCD my whole life and when I start a project I just get so focused on it I don't stop till I can touch with my hands what I had in my mind. It's got it's good and bad effects though that's for sure.
  18. Well you guys know me, I am not one to stay beat down by anything. So I have put in about 80-90hours of work on the remodel of the office in the past week since the big 265g tank decided to leak all over. Some of the things I have done are new floor, new varnished rustic plank ceiling, painted walls to match, trout border, trim work, made the desk all out of hand carved painted and sealed foam board, put up a wall in the very back of the office to cover the storage area, recessed an area for over-wintering my Bonsai trees, built the 75g tank into the desk, made low profile canopy with 15ft of LED strip lights for the tank, added surround sound. And much more but you get the idea. Still have to hang a door to hide the furnace room, do some more detail odds & ends plus hang some more fishing trip pics on the bare wall areas etc etc as well as set up the decor inside the aquarium....but It's taking pretty good shape now. A before pic before I sledge hammered the tank out of the way to start working . . And the stage it is at now today....
  19. You're passing up a golden opportunity. Once she see's that movie there's no telling what she may want you to do to her
  20. Rented the Equalizer with Denzel Washington the other night. I quite enjoyed it. I would not say it was one of his top 10 movies by any reach, but it was still a good entertaining flick and well worth watching. I'm constantly amazed at his range in acting ability. The guy is a true gem of an actor.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxmaimQ3cZ4
  22. The first pic in the article makes me think of some pics of Michael Jackson as he came out of one of his court cases for some reason
  23. - "Police said the driver had a gun in his hand when he got out of the truck. That's when he was handcuffed and detained." Sounds to me like the guy lucked out. You get out of a car and approach a cop with a gun in your hand and most times that is not going to end well for you
  24. I thought it was good. I agree the very first episode was a little slow moving, but that is also how Breaking Bad was so you get use to it if you're a fan of that series. The 2nd episode was a lot better so I think it'll start picking up a bit now. I love that fact they included Tuco! Saul's one liners crack me up. I love when it told the kid "The only way this steaming pile of shit I drive is worth $500 is if theres a $300 hooker sitting in it"!
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