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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Insomnia has been hitting me again these past few weeks so been watching a lot of movies on the movie channels late at night. Just watched "Dumb and Dumber to"..... I remember liking the first one back 20 yrs ago well enough. I don't know if I'm just getting old and my idea of comedy doesn't fit with what's being put out there by Hollywood today or what, but outside of one or two chuckles I thought it was just flat out unfunny.
  2. Well after a full day or building rods I ended up with a few spare hours this evening so decided to get started on this and not put it off. Gotta try to get what work done when I can. Started out with areal mess in the utility room where I plan for the tank to go so had to clean all that up before any real work could be done. Quick shot of inside the utility room as well as the view from the front. After getting all that area cleaned up it was time to cut out some braces on the wall that would prevent the tank from mounting flush with the wall itself. Ran into an issue with the footing of the wall. Even though this is not a structural wall at all the footing has to stay because it's old pine board tongue & groove so it needs the footing to help it support the boards. So after thinking about it for awhile I decided the best way to do it would be to build a base that the entire stand would sit on that would be level with the existing footer. That way the stand&tank will fit right up snug to the backside of the wall. In this pic it is just mocked up with a single board the thickness of the existing footer just to make sure it'll fit good. So tomorrow I'll be headed to Lowes to get some lumber and build a solid base under the stand, then it'll be time to cut the rest of the opening down to fit the tank. Nothing pretty yet but it's just the grunt work right now.
  3. I actually downsized my tanks back around Jan/Feb so I've only got the 75g that's in the office and the 20g in the workshop. So this will only be tank #3 for me now. Back when I had 8-10 tanks it just got to be a hassle doing water changes all the time. So now I'll just have the two 75's and the 20 and call it good.
  4. Just watched Goldfinger (James Bond) for the 30th time......Is there a way to say it's one of the best movies ever??
  5. Grabbed one for $23 (used) I'll let ya know how I like it Bart. Thanks for the suggestion.
  6. Here we go again! lol I wish these damn tanks would stop following me home.
  7. Last night, watched 'When a stranger calls back". I liked it. From 1993'ish but good. Was a good thriller I enjoyed.
  8. Found a few used ones (the G7) on ebay and amazon that say excellent shape with starting prices of only a few dollars. I'm watching them so if they don't get too crazy with the bids I may put down a bid and see if I can grab one.
  9. Thanks Bart I'll google that one and take a look at it.
  10. Anyone use a wireless mouse that they like and would suggest? My wired mouse on my desktop PC is about shot (scroll wheel works maybe 50% of the time now) so I'm looking to get a wireless one now. I have a wireless one on my laptop but I don't like how small it is (I have larger hands) and it works good but just feels tiny to me. Looking for one that has scroll wheel that maybe also acts as a 3rd button, is larger sized, and preferably under $35/$40 range. Been looking at some online but hard to gauge size from pics so thought I'd see if anyone here uses one and would give some feedback. Not looking to game with it, just normal surfing online stuff.
  11. Been tryin to catch that that this month,looks awesome IMO.
  12. Agree with ya there for sure Doc. Case in point, my rod business. At times when I am really pumping out rods I will build a few and sell on ebay for $125. That's while I am building pretty much the same rod for a customer that he is paying $175-$225 for. Why is that? Because HE came to ME (demand). Sure I am doing some of the stuff to his specs like colors his name on the rod etc etc, but I still have the same margins in the two builds. Supply and demand.
  13. I know man I hate that. I saw a tip jar at the friggin GAS STATION a couple weeks ago. A FUCKING GAS STATION???? that one really burned my ass.
  14. I think that is true in "some" cases, but not all. There's a very good mark up in some restaurants. There's one up by my cabin that my family eats at all the time while on vacation. One of my family's fav dish to order there is lasagna. A normal size piece there is $14.95 now this past July. There's six people in my family so that's $60 just off a small try of lasagna. Usually a complete meal there for us comes out to between $90-$110 total. And this is not a fancy place, just a hole in the wall 8 table joint out in the country. There's a good profit for them there. So while some places have a slim margin, I think a lot have a pretty healthy margin and it should not be placed on us to pick up the slack for the owners. That'd be like me expecting tips from all my customers on the rods I build. I just personally don't agree with the whole tipping thing. If your gonna tip people for doing their job then where does it end? Just the way I feel about it though.
  15. 99% of commercials these days just plain suck....but that one is one I just LOVE. "I believe it's a Kraken Bruce" "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!"
  16. Also picked up this angelfish yesterday to go in with my yellow koi angelfish I already had, he's HUGE but they get along great so far.
  17. Finished it up completely now. Yesterday I added a black background, finished the canopy, and also added some more live plants (Anubias) to go along with the existing java fern. I'm much more pleased with it now than I was before.
  18. When it comes to tipping if the service was good then the normal tip here is about 15%. If the service was not good then it will reflect in the tip, if the service sucked then no tip. Honestly though I feel tipping is a bunch of bullshit if you ask me. Why should the customer be expected to pick up the slack because the owner is too cheap to page a livable wage. Raising the minimum wage is NOT the answer either. The problem is state laws do not require an employer to pay a tipped worker minimum wage so they are allowed to pay waiters crap and then let the customer pick up the slack. That's bullshit IMO. Pass a law like some of the other states have done already and force employers of tipped workers to have to pay minimum wage and stop making the customer cover your employees wages. Sorry for the rant, but tipping is one thing that I have always thought was total crap.
  19. I just hope the records at Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops doesn't get hacked...if that info ever got out I'd be F$@#'d
  20. Watched "Afflicted" the other night. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2309961/Very odd movie to say the least
  21. At least he had the wherewithall to unzip!
  22. Also trying to decide if I like the looks of the office one with the background blacked out or leave it open where you can see through it. I think black would make the fish colors pop even more than having it open. What do you guys think? yeah or nay? . . . . .
  23. Thanks Jay. Even though I downsized my tanks back in the late winter...I'm startin' to get that aquarium itch again lol....had to really resist picking up another tank that I found for a super price. Must.....not.....give.....in!!!
  24. My OCD turned a simple 30min tank cleaning into a 5 hour long re-do today. Been bored with the aqua-scape of the office tank lately so not only re-scaped it but also rebuilt the canopy to accept better lighting. The LED strip lights before were bit dark for my taste. So now the canopy houses four 48" long T5 tubes. Two natural daylight and two warm color. REALLY made a huge difference in how good the fish colors look now. Just have to make a new side panel to cap the end of the canopy now and then it's done. . .
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