Well I could not wait. I had it downloading downstairs and while I was upstairs it finished and I heard the Star Wars music blaring from up here after it self started. So I went to it like a moth to a flame being the old school Star Wars fan that I am
First off I only played with it for about 20 mins. Enough to get through all the waves on the survival on Tatooine so it's hard to get a real feel for anything after that short of a time, but I will say this. The graphics are flat out amazing, and the sounds are just absolutely spot on! On the 54" HD it was like watching Star Wars on the big screen and being a part of it.
I can see why some people that are super die hard FPS gamers may think it is not up to par, but keep in mind this is simply a taste of the game, I'm sure once it is the full game there will be enough to make it a very enjoyable game to play. Is it something to rival the best FPS experience out there? probably not gonna do that, but if you're a Star Wars fan and want to play a game that is just beautiful to look at and most likely from the little taste I got...will be fun, then I think this will be worth it.
And lastly.....Back when I was a kid and wanted to play Star Wars, THIS is what I had to play right here...So quit yer' bitchin!
I'll try it again more tomorrow when I have a bit more time as well.