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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Never heard of "dabbing" till now. Just googled it, stupid.
  2. What's Matt Damon movies got to do with it
  3. Baseball is the only sport I care to watch. Only 30 mins till the first regular season game of my Detroit Tigers 2016 season. Got the big screen and surround sound ready
  4. Looks like a mix between Vanilla Ice and The Heatmiser.
  5. I watched that last year and felt the same way. I wasn't expecting much from it but was pleasantly surprised that it was a pretty decent movie that was different than most other ones out. Can't speak on #2 yet, have not seen it myself.
  6. Right now I'm currently about 3/4 the way through "The Wild Truth" by Carine McCandless. She's the sister of Christopher McCandless (Into the Wild movie was about). I read Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer a few years back which was the story of Christopher McCandless' life, his sister's book is more in depth into the family life they had and what drove Chris to do what he did.
  7. I understand man, no biggie. And it's not something I want to keep going back & forth about, so don't take it that way or anything. All I'm saying is if I had dinner one time in Venice with my family, then I'd want a picture of all my family & myself sitting around the table smiling. That's a picture than makes memories for you to look back on years later, not a picture of a close up of the plate of lasagna we ate that day. That's my only point I am making.
  8. ....that didn't make the news on this side of the pond that I know of, what was all that about??
  9. That's terrible that anyone, especially a family member would say something like that. Defiantly something you can't just shrug off and forget I'm sure, but like you said it takes all kinds in this world, some you just have to shake your head and ignore what they say. Sucks that some of those organizations are that way. Seems some of them just have their own agenda which is not in the child's best interest. Something that you sadly find to often. My 34 yr old cousin was born with really bad cerebral palsy, she can't speak or walk these days. Her parents do a lot of work with a number of CP organizations, Shriners and other things for children with handicaps/conditions and for the most part all the ones they work with are really good groups, but I know there are some out there just try to push their own agenda or just money driven etc etc.
  10. It bows my mind when I hear people talk about vaccines causing things like this. Just unreal what people believe to be true these days isn't it. Just wondering how come you have grown to hate the organizations you mentioned?
  11. Agree with ya there, my Niece & Sister are that way and it is just so pointless. I see them talking to each other on facebook in the evenings, while they are both at home in the same damn house. And it's not even birthday wishes or anything, just general chit- chat type stuff. Walk in the other room and talk to each other for crying out loud.
  12. I dunno if the dude was just a moron, or if maybe he was just trying to get a pic of the guy in case it was needed for authorities later on like cyber suggested. With the way people are these days I'm leaning toward the guy just being a selfie crazed moron, but you never know. The whole selfie thing has just gone nuts though anymore. My Niece is that way. Even at Easter dinner the other day I saw her talking probably a half doz selfies sitting in different chairs at the house for no reason at all. I just don't get why people feel the need to do the whole selfie thing all the time. It's a very different world these days then when I was growing up that's for sure.
  13. Apples and oranges, quite a difference there. A trophy fish is the culmination of learning how to fool a large living thing with a brain in his own setting as well as as documenting the time and work spent to do so in a beautiful setting. Little different than sitting down and saying "I'll have the special of the day" If that's what she likes then that's her thing, but sorry I just don't get it.
  14. Not really, I haven't keep a fish in about 10 years now. I'm strictly catch & release these days. So there
  15. I'm mid 40's and my memory sucks these days....and pics of food still don't make sense to me . Why would you ever need to remember what food you had on vacation? Long as it's good then that all that matters.
  16. lol as popular as I have heard that to be, I don't think I have ever been on Pinterest, nor Twitter for that matter. FB is the only social media I take part in. And that's mainly just because of my business more than anything. If I didn't have my rod biz I probably would not even use FB.
  17. Not much in this screwed up world we live in today makes much sense to me, so I could probably have a list that would crash the server if I listed everything. I'll start with just one for now though.... PEOPLE THAT POST PICS OF FOOD ON FACEBOOK!................Like they are the only people in the world that eat anything. Enough already!
  18. I enjoyed the latest Star Wars flick pretty well, it defiantly was better than the previous three IMO, but yeah I can also agree that it was a lot like the story from four just rehashed and tweaked a tad.
  19. I don't agree with that. Rocky IV was by far my fav of the Rocky series, this one was different that IV in a lot of ways IMO.
  20. I think there may be more of the CREED series from the way this one left off. I also heard that Stallone was going to retire from acting after this year and focus more on producing so I bet there will be more to the this franchise.
  21. Just watched CREED. Really enjoyed it. I'm a huge Rocky fan but I think anyone would enjoy it, it's a well done movie and the kid that played Apollo's son did a good job of it.
  22. Added some DIY moonlighting to the frontosa tank so now all the tanks have moonlights. Nice way to sit back and watch the fish after a long day working on.
  23. Thanks guys. Time sure does fly as you get older doesn't it.
  24. Today is the 5 year anniversary of the day that I quit smoking cold turkey back on Good Friday of 2011. One of the wisest choices I have ever made in my life to date. Lungs and overall health today is just vastly better than I was 5 yrs ago!
  25. Now that the frontosa are moved into the 6ft tank I redid their old 75g tank as a new home for my Jaguar so he can grow up happy and large all by himself. Added a bit of wood, used tan play sand with some pea gravel mixed into it. I had planned on doing a 3d background for this tank but decided to go with a flat black painted one instead. Figured with the colors of the Jag and him being the only fish in the tank I didn't want hm to blend into the background so once he grows some and lightens in color a bit think he's look good in this set up now.
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