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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Azalea bonsai is just about in full bloom finally. This is the 3rd year for this one being in a bonsai pot.
  2. You just made Trekkie heads every explode! LOL
  3. I had no idea they were going to come back with a new Star Trek TV series but looks like 2017 will have one on CBS Wish the clip was an actual trailer and not just a preview of the logo, but hey cool anyways that they are coming back with the show on TV.
  4. I've been so busy filling custom rod orders for the past 2 months I finally just had to take a little mental health break after finishing a rod tonight. Spent a couple hours relaxing and doing a little painting. Plan to hang this one out in the backyard bonsai garden next to the one I did last year. I really enjoy spending time painting since taking it up last summer.
  5. The very first "Hangover" was OKAY, but defiantly not a great comedy by any means IMO. The 2nd and 3rd ones sucked hard. 21 Jump Street....Sorry Dave I'm with Bart on this one. I didn't care for it at all myself.
  6. I totally agree with ya there, I've been saying that for years now. Comedies these days rely on two things, immature toilet humor and in your face blatant slapstick. Neither comes across as funny to anyone with an IQ above the freezing mark.
  7. I've been wade fishing some rivers at night and had deer come crashing down a hill and into the water to cross the stream about 50ft behind me. I just about walked on water the time that happened lol
  8. Never been on a cruise myself. The weird thing is I have somewhat of a phobia of water, yet I love water/rivers/fishing....figure that one out
  9. I'm gonna need a lot of line on my reel to reach the water from the upper deck
  10. Says the guy with the demon clown for an avatar
  11. Him saying that right there tells me you must be doing a better job at raising him than you are giving yourself credit for bud. Don't be too hard on yourself.
  12. (If you're old enough you'll get it )
  13. I was really looking forward to it Bart because I liked the first one so I picked up the Scorch Trials from the video store the other day and planned to have a nice relaxing Saturday in the den watching a good movie....but twas' not to be! My expectation for sequels usually is set lower than the first movie because I know it's hard to live up to the first of any movie series, but this one was just down right boring. I honestly was fast forward/skimming through the last 30 minutes of it just because it couldn't be over soon enough.
  14. Watched Maze Runner "Scorch Trials" yesterday. Total and complete let down! I really enjoyed the first Maze Runner, it was original and interesting and I thought was a pretty good movie. This second one was not even remotely close IMO. I found it slow moving, uninteresting and at times down right boring. After 45 minutes I was so uninterested I was hoping it would go off soon. They left this one off so they could go into a third one.....I won't even be bothering to watch the third one when it comes out.
  15. Thanks. Here's some other pics of the whole garden now. Been working in the bonsai garden a lot this year. Been four years I've been building it up and it's finally coming together nicely this year. Still some to do but a nice relaxing spot now.
  16. I'm not much of a wood worker, being a former 20yr welder wood is not really my forte, but I have been wanting to build something for out in the bonsai garden and decided to build this today. It's somewhat of a raised flowerbed/arbor type deal I guess is the best way to describe it. The center pole I made so I can switch my bonsai trees on it when I desire (right now it has a Japanese maple on it) then around it I planted some annuals. Came out pretty decent for a non wood working guy and only $60 and 6 hours invested.
  17. I like it. For some reason it makes me think of NHL hockey, no idea why it just does lol...but I like it, looks good.
  18. Just watched A Walk In The Woods (Robert Redford & Nick Nolte) Enjoyable movie and quite a bit funnier than I expected it to be. Not a real deep story line and probably not something the younger crowd would like much since there's no real action in it, but an enjoyable flick in my opinion.
  19. My newest fish I bought today. This one is from the "damn-i-poked my thumb-ius" species.
  20. Yep for sure. I don't know exactly why but for some reason he really makes me think of another great actor that had a real screen presence, Patrick Swayze. He not just the same look, but also has that tough guy demenor, yet with a bit of humor and sensitivity all in one. I think he's really going to become a great actor with each film he does.
  21. He was an amazing musician and unlike many of the ones these days, he had great talent with many instruments. I can't help be be taken back to memories of Junior High School anytime I hear any of his songs from the Purple Rain Album. Really a great loss to the music world They haven't said yet but I really would not be surprised to find it was drug related/OD. People don't just drop dead at 57 from the flu as they are trying to elude to being a factor. Although he was not known for being a user, it's just so common in that lifestyle and industry. There's also talk of him having to be rushed to get a narco shot a week before his death as well which not confirmed, it would maybe shine some light of what happened to him if it is true. Plus the fact his jet had to have an emergency landing a couple weeks ago due to him being "unresponsive/unconscious" not even 50minutes from their destination. Will have to wait and see but as the case usually is most times the real truth my never come out. No matter what the cause it won't change the fact he was a great talent and someone who's music I really enjoyed as a teenager.
  22. Well we had to push it back for a few weeks due to the high waters on the Au Sable because of the rain and snow back at the first of the month, but we finally got on the river the past few days. My buddy Mark and I were going to go back about the first week of April but the run off had the river levels up about 3ft above normal, so we changed it to this past week and water was still slightly high but at a much better level and very fishable. Had a great time and spent 3 days chasing steelhead on the fly. Hooked into & landed a number of nice chrome steelies, tons of big 5-6lb white suckers which keep us busy between steelhead, and even a nice bonus fish in the form of a good sized healthy walleye that grabbed the egg fly pattern early the first morning. Great time on the river and a good start to the 2016 season. Next trips will be switching gears and going after browns and rainbows in the more secluded trout waters further upstream on the Au Sable.
  23. Now I'm feeling even more excited for it, the trailer looks awesome
  24. Oh wow, first I have heard of this remake. You know my thoughts on redoing "classics"....I generally despise it deeply, BUT....I have to agree with you on the casting. Whoever cast this film really picked some perfect actors for the best chance at a good film. I'll for sure see this when it comes out. I have some hope for this one.
  25. A pop up that can also be used as a target to sight in a rifle. Noooooow we are getting somewhere
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