Well we had to push it back for a few weeks due to the high waters on the Au Sable because of the rain and snow back at the first of the month, but we finally got on the river the past few days. My buddy Mark and I were going to go back about the first week of April but the run off had the river levels up about 3ft above normal, so we changed it to this past week and water was still slightly high but at a much better level and very fishable. Had a great time and spent 3 days chasing steelhead on the fly. Hooked into & landed a number of nice chrome steelies, tons of big 5-6lb white suckers which keep us busy between steelhead, and even a nice bonus fish in the form of a good sized healthy walleye that grabbed the egg fly pattern early the first morning. Great time on the river and a good start to the 2016 season. Next trips will be switching gears and going after browns and rainbows in the more secluded trout waters further upstream on the Au Sable.