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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. I couldn't care less anything about that no talent waste of skin or any of her useless fake family, but personally from what I read, my feeling are the whole thing was just as fake as she is. I think it was staged because their show is tanking hard this year and they are trying to get back in the spotlight. Too many things about the details just don't seem legit.
  2. LOL wall walking & jet packs were the main reason I sold the latest BO's game on ebay one month after getting it Really looking forward to this game coming out. First time in a long time that I have actually looked forward to a release date for a game.
  3. Yup I think I had you mixed up with Bart Cyber, I believe he was the one that said it was really good. Well I watched it last night. Visually it was quite impressive, but that was about it. The storyline/plot was pretty weak, acting was iffy at best because I didn't think Charlize Theron did a very good job and I have always hated that Nicholas Hoult guy. And there were some really dumb things going on in it as well IMO. Like the big rig in the war party that had all the drummers and guitar player following the war party like a mobile soundtrack, come on that was just lame as hell lol. Although with that said I have never been a big fan of the Mad Max films, have seen them all but I've never really seen the whole appeal of them to be honest. Wasn't the worst movie I have ever seen but certainly not one I would bother watching again though. I'm a big Tom Hardy fan, I liked him every since Warrior, but I don't think this was one of his better films at all.
  4. Gotta drop off some movies at the store in a bit so thinking I may pick up Mad Max while I am there. I remember someone here (was it you maybe cyber?) saw it and said it was really good so might give that a watch tonight.
  5. Okay thanks. I have never played any games on PC or anything like that so it's all new too me. So if I join that page then how would I find where say you and Plasticgaming are playing? Would you guys send some sort of request to join the game your in or how does that work?
  6. Funny you mention Assassins Creed because I just recently bought AC Unity at Walmart for like $15 and started playing it last night. So far it seems decent. Takes some getting use to the climbing/controls for me though that's for sure.
  7. So what exactly is that? Can you explain it a bit for me because I don't know anything about it. I clicked the link and it just takes me to a sign in/up page.
  8. Iheard there was supposed to be Skyrim coming to PS4 but forgot all about that. Looks like it is coming out somewhat soon though by the release date I just looked up, will for sure grab that when it comes out. Never heard of Neverwinter but will look into that this evening when I have more time. I was also looking a bit more last night and found a game for PS4 called Shadow of Mordor (LOTR type game) which looks like you can buy it new pretty much anywhere now for only about $20 since its 2 yrs old now. Has anyone tried that one?
  9. Now that summer is over and I finally will have more free time and plan to get back into gaming a bit more I plan to buy a few new games over the next couple months (Battlefield for sure) but I was just wondering something. Back in my younger days during the late 70's through late 80's my friends & I were massively into Dungeons & Dragons RPG. I would love to find a game that was somewhat like a D&D version for PS4 but not sure what if anything that is out now for PS4 would fit that bill? I know when I had my PS3 Skyrim was somewhat of a console D&D game. So kind'a looking for something like that for PS4. Anyone know of anything that's out right now?
  10. Did you see 10 Coverfield Lane? If you haven't then if you get a chance check it out, you might like it. I can't say I didn't enjoy it because 90% of it was really good. I just didn't like what they did near the end. Still worth a watch though. John Goodman was really good in it.
  11. Well just watched Terminator Genisys.. One word describes it.... Terrible! Absolutely positively TERRIBLE. They tried to make it so intricate with all the time traveling and alternate time dimensions but the only thing they accomplished is to keep you confused as fuck and get to the point where you don't give a damn about the characters what so ever. I literally was asking myself after 1 hour how much longer this crap could go on?? My suggestion for the Terminator franchise? Get in the time travel device and go back to the day after T2 was released and kill the franchise there. Because T2 was the least decent Terminator movie. I honestly don't think I would sit through this latest one again for anything less than $50 lol.
  12. BTW also picked up the latest Terminator and just about to pop that in the computer to watch
  13. Watched The Revenant and 10 Cloverfield Lane last night. I have to disagree about the Revenant being boring or lacking story. I thoroughly enjoyed it myself. I can see why it may have seemed dull to you if you're not into that sort of movie though. For me I enjoy a movie that relies on good performances and great cinematography to capture the audience rather than lots of CGI and fluff action. I enjoy some non thinking type action flicks with CGI as much as the next guy, so I wouldn't want every movie to be like The Revenant, but a movie such as it is very welcome by me every once in awhile. IMO it is along the lines of Dances with Wolves, The Grey, and Into the wild, which I also enjoyed. Also I didn't realize that was Tom Hardy playing Fitzgerald till after I watched it. He was fantastic in the movie. 10 Cloverfield lane- Jeez I dunno where to even start on that one lol. I don't want to spoil it for anyone that has not seen it so I won't go into detail much. To me it was almost like two different movies in one. The first 75 minutes were really great. John Goodman was excellent playing the role he did and I really enjoyed it. The last 15 minutes....There's a twist that I really did not see coming and the last 15 mins seem like it went off into a totally different film. Loved the first 75mins, rolled my eyes at the last 15 minutes lol. Worth seeing though for sure.
  14. Soooo Revenant it is ! lol All kidding aside, did you really not like it much? Cuz I was leaning that way.
  15. Anyone seen the new Independence Day yet? I've got an open relaxing day planned for Saturday and plan to grab a movie to watch (Either The latest Terminator, The Reverent, or the new Independence Day)...have read that Independence Day was pretty bad in reviews though so wondered if that was the case or if it was worth renting?
  16. Probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life, and most honest..
  17. Can't believe no one said Woody Woodpecker. Use to love that one back in the day when I was a kid.
  18. No sure what is next, but you know me, there's for sure be something I jump into soon lol
  19. DONE led's installed and remote controled for easy use. Added a new illuminated gaming keyboard, my 2TB ext HD, and even a cup holder lol . . .
  20. Thanks guys. It's killin' me not having the LED's yet though I hate having a project half finished lol. Once it's fully done I'll post some more pics of it all finished.
  21. Here are a few pics of the work I got done last night. Still lots of to do but it's shaping up nicely so far. I gotta say, I'm LOVING having a 40" screen for a monitor now! . .
  22. I ordered 15ft of RGB LED's with remote off ebay last week. So they can be blue, red,green, orange pretty much any color with the push of a button. OCD my friend lol. It's a curse and a gift to have OCD. It stresses me out a lot because I fixate on tiny things no one else would even bother with, but it also motivates me to stay on taste so once I start something I usually work 10-15 hrs straight on it. Got the 40" tv set up and 23" side monito and all done now last night. I'll snap another pic in a bit after I get back from lunch with a friend.
  23. Getting there. Can't wait till the LED lights come in a few days so I can light this baby up! . . . . In this pic you can see the channel lined with felt so that the glass has something to cushion it.
  24. Got the basic frame of the desk roughed in now. Recessed the glass by running 3/4" wood strips to support the glass on, once done I will line the surface between the glass & wood with some felt strips I bought. Also plan on going back to dual monitors. Ordered the proper cables yesterday so I can run my 40" Sharp Aquos LED TV as my main monitor and then my 23" widescreen as a side monitor, both mounted on swing arms.
  25. Watched about 20 minutes of Sharknado 3 last night. 20 minutes was all I could take, it was literally painful to watch even that much of it lol
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