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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. I wasn't sure if Kevin Nash was his actual real name or not but I just looked it up and that was him in the movie.
  2. Am I wrong or was that Kevin Nash (former wrestler) in the movie that played the bouncer at the club?
  3. Watched John Wick the other day. Jury is still out on if I liked it or not . On one hand it was somewhat cheesy, yet on the other hand it was almost like a modern day 80's flick. Was cool to see Keanu Reeves back in an action film again at least.
  4. There are instances where it is a bit easier to hold the media a bit more responsible for their action though. Granted I am not naive enough to think there would EVER be a case prosecuted to a conviction when it comes to holding them responsible, because they will hide behind freedom of speech etc etc. One instance that comes to mind is when Michael brown's father was screaming "Burn this bitch down". The media sources ate that up with a spoon and played it over and over for days on end. To me that is something that would have been best to edit out of the broadcast because it did nothing but fuel the fires and incite riots and the burning of the city and cost people their businesses and livelihoods. As I said there is really no way the media would have been able to be prosecuted for continually airing that, but I have seen cities waste money on far less important things so I would have liked to have at least seen some legal action at least threatened against the media if for no other reason than to just send a message.
  5. The media pumps up the race card all the time no matter if it's election year or what year it is. They've been doing it for years and it gets worse and worse every passing year. To them they feel it makes good reporting. If you have a headline that says "White cops kill black man" it grabs more attention than the truth "Drug dealer attacks cops and gets shot because of his actions". IMO media outlets should be legally held accountable for inciting violence because they are the ones that pump all this race bullshit out there that gets all the sheep following right along in line with what they want them to think.
  6. wow first I have heard of this. That's insane.
  7. That one is one I did for my bonsai garden so it's already hanging in the garden. Once I finish collecting all the proper painting supplies though I'd be happy to do something for ya.
  8. Watching the last season of BB right now....Again!
  9. ??? What'cth you talkin' bout' Willis?
  10. Finally watched American Sniper tonight. I am not a Bradley Cooper fan at all, but I have to give him huge credit for his performance in that movie, he was really perfect for the role of Chris Kyle. Excellent film on a true American hero. Loved it.
  11. $30 CL score...ba-bam!
  12. Hey now don't hate on the Hobbit Trilogy, I really liked them
  13. Before & after. First pic was last week after returning home from 2 weeks upnorth fishing vacation. The auto timer for the sprinkler had made the weeds take over the bonsai garden. Spent about 30 hours weeding, putting down about 500lbs of white crushed marble rock, moved some plants around that were getting too big for their location, and did some other various work. Koi have also about doubled in size in the past few months. Plans for next year are to move the lattice fence back another 10ft so I can add some more bonsai poles and perhaps a larger 300 gallon or larger pond in the back of the garden as well. Before.... WEEDTOPIA! AFTER...
  14. Good CGI is okay, added in the right spot for the right amount of time I like. There is some bad CGI out there though. And too much of even good CGI takes away from a movie for me.
  15. Yep. The background colors..red, yellow, blue(there's a hint of blue but just a tad)) I did with spray cans, then the tree and grass silhouette I did with brushes.
  16. Decided to try my hand at doing some painting. This is my first one. I used some plastic sheet board so that I can clear coat it and hang it in the bonsai garden on the bamboo fence behind my bonsai trees. First time I have painted a picture, rather enjoyed it. I think I may continue with painting more as time permits.
  17. LOL... I actually just picked up American Sniper from the vid store over the weekend, plan to watch it either tonight or tomorrow night.
  18. You don't have to agree, you're free to your own view of course. As I said though, I think most people will agree with me that certain movies are classics which simply don't work when messed with, which most people will agree Ghostbusters as being one of them. And changing the main cast to a totally different gender, race, or (input whatever change you want here) is just not something that does the original move any justice. Mark my words, I will all but guarantee you that this movie flops majorly when it comes out. They want to make a movie about a team of women fighting ghosts then more power to them, just don't call it Ghostbusters or base it on the original movies. Or better yet Hollywood.....come up with some new ideas for once and stop fucking up beloved classic movies.
  19. Akroyd and Ramis are actually only doing some of the character writing for it, the movie itself is written by Paul Feig and not them. Dan Akroyd actually had written three versions of a 3rd Ghostbusters film over the past 20 years but all three scripts were rejected. Squeal, remake, reboot, doesn't matter I still say it's gonna suck big piles of shit IMO. There are some movies that are classics that should not be messed with when it comes to the main characters. Doing a Ghostbusters film with an all female cast would be like doing Thelma and Louise with two dudes, it just doesn't work. Not to mention anything with that no talent Melissa McCarthy just turns my stomach. There is just flat out nothing funny about her acting.
  20. Same here, Happy B day bud.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9FKfuwhXkg
  22. This WAS my view for the past 2 weeks. I'm ready to go back.
  23. Maybe it's just me.....but this does not need to exist. Just NO NO NO
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