Had to share this. You guys know I do not have kids, but at 43, my Niece & Nephew I'm very protective of, obviously my Niece because she's like the Daughter I never had. Well she has a new BF, been with him for about 6 months. I "friend ed" him on FB when they got together. Because I am a nice guy and want to be friends with ya?? Nope, just because I am the Uncle and I will keep tabs on your ass no matter where you go and if you make my Niece cry I will hunt your ass down and make you wish you never heard my name.
So long story short....the other day I see a posted FB pic of Her BF and her kissing and he has his hands slightly below her waist a bit. When they first started going out, I messaged him and let him know he needs to treat my Niece right or it would not end well for him. Honestlly he's a great guy, I like him alot.. So when I PM him earlier I get back a reply that was telling me how sorry he was, how he did not even know his hands were where they were, how he loves and would never do anything to hurt my Niece....
Ahhh yes....this must be like fatherhood is like
BTW....I did re grow back the full "Drifter Beard" again so maybe that has something to do with it