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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Ah okay, thought maybe I was going stupid there for a minute and didn't understand what was going on lol
  2. Don't get it... what am I missing??
  3. And you don't have to put up with pictures of food that someone is about to eat like you do on Facebook. Like they are the only ones that ever eat food or something
  4. I got into it pretty good for about a month, can't remember off hand what level I managed to get too, but at one point there was an area that was just over run with enemies and was too much to try to handle alone it seemed and I took a break from it and just got busy with other things for a long time. I popped it back in about 6 weeks ago just to maybe start playing it again and it had been so long I had forgot what the controls for the weapons and such even were. Been thinking about maybe wiping it clear and just starting all over again. That's good to hear it's a s good as I thought it looked to be. I'm watching a few used copies on ebay right now so will probably pick one of them up. Haven't really looked into any of the fallout games much but will watch some gameplay vids of them today and see how they look.
  5. I haven't been doing much gaming at all over the summer. I got the new PS4 last Christmas and played Destiny for about a month, but haven't played it in a long time now. Picked up the UFC game back in the spring and like playing that, but haven't really even played that much this summer. I'm planning on getting back into some gaming more now that fall&winter are right around the corner and I plan to pick up the new Star Wars Battlefront when it comes out, as well as the new BO3 when it is released. In the meantime I'd like to pick up a new game or two to enjoy and get back into some gaming between now and when the new BF & BO3 comes out. Looking mainly for some interesting single player games that offer some multiplayer as well. Been looking online and that game The Last Of Us looks somewhat interesting, and I just saw some of the gameplay from the Mad Max online and that looks pretty good as well. Anyone here play either of those and offer some feedback on them? And anyone have any suggestion of other good games that are out there right now to fill the time between now and the release dates of the others upcoming?
  6. Wonder if I could shoehorn one of them babies into my GTO.
  7. Had to share this. You guys know I do not have kids, but at 43, my Niece & Nephew I'm very protective of, obviously my Niece because she's like the Daughter I never had. Well she has a new BF, been with him for about 6 months. I "friend ed" him on FB when they got together. Because I am a nice guy and want to be friends with ya?? Nope, just because I am the Uncle and I will keep tabs on your ass no matter where you go and if you make my Niece cry I will hunt your ass down and make you wish you never heard my name. So long story short....the other day I see a posted FB pic of Her BF and her kissing and he has his hands slightly below her waist a bit. When they first started going out, I messaged him and let him know he needs to treat my Niece right or it would not end well for him. Honestlly he's a great guy, I like him alot.. So when I PM him earlier I get back a reply that was telling me how sorry he was, how he did not even know his hands were where they were, how he loves and would never do anything to hurt my Niece.... Ahhh yes....this must be like fatherhood is like BTW....I did re grow back the full "Drifter Beard" again so maybe that has something to do with it
  8. Watched "Alpha Dog" with Emile Hirsch last night. I dunno, it was good yet odd as well. I never cared for Justin Timberlake at all...but he co-stared in this and he really did a good role. Kind'a gained a new respect for him after this flick.
  9. Picked up an FX5 for filtration on the Discus tank the other day. Slowly but surely getting it together.
  10. Thanks, I'm enjoying it quite well. Have been trying to read a lot online about how things are done and like anything else, it'll take time to get proficient at it, but I'm finding it a relaxing thing to do.
  11. Started playing around with another one last week when I had a few minutes here & there between rod work. Decided to try my hand at a stormy sea, may end up putting something like the Edmund Fitzgerald fighting the waves in it before I'm done.
  12. What the fuck do you want me to do Bart, stop reading the site entirely? Maybe if you guys would find something better to talk about than politics every fucking day :rolleyes:
  13. You know how I feel about political talks online but I will say this.The funny thing is, she's not even a Republican, if you look into her background she's been a registered Democrat for 27 years, yet the far left is trying to paint her as one of us bad Republican Christians and facts are she is neither. She's a Democrat, and a hypocrite. I personally do not agree with same sex marriage but also don't think a person should excuse her own sins while condemning other people's sins. That's not what Christians do. . . . . . And the one other thing I'll add to this is...
  14. Yeah if it's a tendon or nerve issue then I dunno if PT would even help. Might be worth making a one on one appointment with a Doc and seeing what he says before starting into anything. I don't think it's gonna be an age thing yet. If I remember you're a bit younger than me and even with the numerous broken bones I have had I still don't suffer much with soreness/pain yet (I'll be 44 this winter). I'd say to drop the coin on an office visit with your local General Practitioner first and see what his thinks before going into an 8 week PT course.
  15. What sort of issues is it still giving you? I wouldn't think you'd need PT for a sprain, actually I don't really see a need for it even with a break. Back when I was 26 I broke my ankle pretty bad, I never did any PT and I don't have any problems with mine other than the fact that it visually looks about 10-15% bigger than the other ankle.
  16. I thought it was gonna be lame at first, but I gotta admit that was pretty funny! I cracked up that the "What is love" nightclub guys from SNL were in it LOL.
  17. Just in case anyone needs any Christmas gift ideas for me
  18. Saw that as well a couple months ago. I kind'a liked it. Sort of one of those lazy day Saturday afternoon movies, not outstanding, but not bad either.
  19. Watched "Turistas" last night. Didn't really care for it at all. The story was rather thin at best, and really just was not deep enough to hold my interests at all. Only redeeming factor that held my attention for the movie was that Olivia Wilde was in a bikini for 75% of the flick
  20. Yes you can do Pirhanna tanks. Some states it is illegal such as in Ca and Fl, but here in Mi you can legally own them. They really are not a fish that makes a good looking tank though. They are rather dull in color and nothing special to look at in my opinion.
  21. They do require a bit more care than most freshwater fish but from most the keepers I know in my club they say they aren't nearly as hard to keep as most people make it sound.
  22. Not a movie, but been re -watching the Breaking Bad DVD's the past 2 weeks and just watched this episode tonight. IMO the best segment of the entire series. . . . .
  23. Well you guys know me, I can not leave well enough alone. IMO anything worth doing, is worth OVER doing 8) So with that in mind, I spent the past two days working on changing the "utility room" behind the future discus tank into a "Discus tank support room" ;D....Lots of cleaning, scrapped and painted the walls flat white, cleaned the floor and painted smoke grey, mounted some shelves for food and support gear, cleaned and painted the tub, added some area rugs, added 20g tank and stand for over wintering my Koi (still need to pick up another 20g for that tomorrow). The "support room" for the discus is about done.
  24. Opening roughed in, new wood base under the stand is done, tank is leveled and just leak testing now. Long way to go but starting to see the direction I want to go with it now.
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