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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Happy Tuesday all, hope you lot have a great day.
  2. Greboth

    More mods?

    Cool, thats what I thought
  3. Greboth

    More mods?

    Afternoon all, Before anyone gets the wrong impression I'm not asking for more mods on the server. I'm happy with that as it is. Having been reading up on stuff it lead in to the all machines and things you can build with guides mentioning stuff from other mods which obviously we can't use. Some of these look like they could be fun to try out but would obviously need to be done in singleplayer. Can we add additional mods to the this build or do the mod lists have to match to connect to the server? Alternatively, I can see having a completely different version would be best to avoid any possible mod conflict. This is a long way off as I still have done so little on the server but I was thinking about it so thought I'd ask.
  4. Missandei Melisandra is the red priestess. PTPRSD In fairness what other option did he have, fighting would have been death to them both.
  5. Whether it lives up to your expectations or not is completely personal and subjective. However with the Destiny 1.5 comments, I'm not sue what people expected. Something like CoD or even Final Fantasy, they're iterations or stand alone but games like Destiny that are story driven the sequels are always more like DLC packs. So for me, it isn't a question of is Destiny 2 going to be different to Destiny 1 because when it comes to mechanics, lore, premise etc. that isn't what I want. I want Destiny 1 with a few tweaks, more of a story like the later DLC's than the vanilla game and, as it costs the same as a new game, a huge chunk of content. Maybe Destiny Chapter 2 is a better name for it being that is what it is rather than a 'new' game.
  6. In reality one good player can't carry a team, we suffer with it but we don't tend to focus fire. Were you on the night when we got badly beaten as there was a good Genji on the other team. The next round though we got matched with the same team, focused fired Genji until they changed character and we won. That isn't to say the matchmaking is perfect because it isn't, I just don't know enough of how it works to provide any constructive criticism.
  7. Congrats man, enjoy the day. Morning to the rest if you too. Game of Thrones already watched which means time for work
  8. Well that's a spanner in the works. Also, just for you @tronic44 there were boobs.
  9. I would have thought that the log would be the normal FG logo at the top of the forum? The end clip, I just used the one above thought I have had to amend it slightly as the subscribe button was too low for youtube so hgad to higher it a little and make the spinning FG logo smaller. If we are going to be using this end card then I will upload the new version for everyone. As for a banner though, I don't think we have one and I said I was going to give a go but completely forgot about it. If I get off OW early enough I'll give it a go tonight.
  10. Unlike Chris' suggestion they can't just ignore PvP, it is a big part of Destiny and there are a good chunk of players who almost solely play PvP. We were discussing this the other night and I apologise now as I can't remember the exact numbers but it is something like 60% of the community have ever tried a raid while only 20% have completed one. Obviously there are the strikes and NF's etc. but it gives some indication that, to a good chunk of the player base, PvE isn't that important. I can't really comment on super charge time as I've not played enough control to know how it works in that. In the competitive mode, I don't see a problem with how slow the supers charge as arguably supers actually ruin the game mode as you either it is use your supers for an insta-win round or supers are used simply as counter to other supers. I can see (but haven't exeprienced so may be wrong) that in control with more kills and more points from capturing objectives that supers will build quicker. I don't think it is clear cut as seperating PvP and PvE out to seperate mode and the game will instantly be better. It would still take careful balancing and arguable more balancing than currently due to effectively having 2 game modes. Bungie would also have to be careful not to run into the situation of there being PvP weapons and PvE weapons - a gun that is powerful in one should be powerful in the other. On balance though I do think they should seperate them out, we saw in D1 that in trying to balance PvP and PvE shotguns became OP to fuck then became uselss and Hand Cannons followed a similar path.
  11. It's my Dad's bday that day but haven't decided when we're doing anything yet. Up for more of these though as want to get back in to CoDs ready for WWII.
  12. The only one I play with any regularity is super hexagon (sometimes called just hexagon). It is possibly the worlds most frustrating game ever!
  13. Enchantment doesn't really matter, even non-enchanted armour is going to be pretty good.
  14. I presume horse armour will follow the same as regular armour in which case iron is better than gold. I haven't managed to find any diamond horse armour yet though
  15. I'm not sure when I'll be on over the weekend but feel free to grab one yourself. /warp greboth should put you outside my house, then just go up the steps in to my house and turn left and you should see some stairs against the wall. Go down them and you should then be in my store room, at the far end there is a chest called "random stuff" which should have a few saddles in.
  16. Warlock first for me without question, it was my first choice in D1 and D2 won't be any different. Depending on how D2 works with the full release I might run 2 Warlocks again due to it being easier to level up. Ultimately though I hope to end up with one of each to the full Destiny experience.
  17. Oh god! We're going to have Lee going off with GGFGSnDD2 I didn't make it on last night to try the strike but hopefully tonight I will. It's a shame to hear that they're sticking with bullet sponge boss' but on the other hand I can't think of a different way for them to do it.
  18. I haven't found anything and I haven't read anything about hidden stuff being in the beta. If Destiny 1 is anything to og by though there will be loads of stuff hidden around to find.
  19. I've got a few saddles if anyone wants one.
  20. I've come to expect day 1 patches on release but a day 1 patch for a beta seems excessive I'll make sure I get the update going as soon as I get home but I wont be playing until about 9 ish. I expect the servers to be dead at launch but hopefully they will have calmed down a little by the time I come to play.
  21. I used to watch it in the evening but so many spoilers end up on the internet or social media. So now I get up a bit earlier and watch it while having breakfast Who doesn't love sex and violence with their cereal
  22. No worries mate, let me know if you need anything else.
  23. I wont say too much until everyones seen it but that was a good opening in my opinion. Setting everything up, getting all the players of the game where they need to be. Plus Tormund was as entertaining as ever
  24. I've just put some in the chest at your end of the rail lin
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