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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 25/100 My Time 183 seconds
  2. I thought you would be higher than D but then you haven’t done that many races. I’ll be doing some practice when I get home for the Gr4 Dragon Tail race this week. I want to try and get another half second off my lap time before I do anymore races. I was going to simply time trial but if you’re on there’s bound to be a server up on this combo.
  3. Phil, Lee and I have been on a few times together but, as Phil said, that isn’t enough a decent race. Though others have/had the game but it’s rare to see them on. We’ll just have to have a race and I’ll start 10 seconds behind everyone 🤣 As Phil said though we can’t race official races together as we’re different ranks. Though even if we were the same it would be luck if we ended up in the same lobby. We could always go for a regular online lobby as some of them can be decently populated. Although they can be a little crash happy in public lobbys. Whatever I’m sure we can work something out to get some clips for you Rich.
  4. “Microsoft has issued a patch and said it is now aware of the bug being exploited by hackers.“ and “Although there is no evidence that it has been exploited by hackers“ gg BBC.
  5. I remember Pain and Gain being quite a fun film. On the subject of Mark Wahlberg - The Fighter and 2 guns are pretty good films. I also got reminded of Sully earlier which is well worth a watch as I didn’t realise all the stuff that went on with that. Plus you can pick almost any Tom Hanks film and it’s good; Any Toy Story, Captain Phillips, Terminal, Forest Gump, The Post, Bridge of Spies etc. Sully also reminds me, Flight is a fun film too.
  6. They can laugh but Phil is getting close on some tracks. One day, one day.
  7. Mental health is an issue for many people and certainly a number of us too. MIND is a brilliant charity for that and one worthy of support. However, first and foremost, we’re a gaming community and as such I think it fits better to support a more gaming based one. All 3 gaming charities sound fantastic and it’s hard to only pick one. I went with Childs Play in the end as it is the one that hits closest to home for me. Though whichever gets chosen will be a worth while cause.
  8. To be fair to it, it’s more of a heist movie that uses ‘magic’ to obfuscate their real actions.
  9. This got recommended to me ages ago and I watched it though it has been years since I watched it. I can't remember a great deal about it so looking forward to watching it again.
  10. While I’m glad we have a Royal Family my interest lies in what they add to the country rather than their personal lives. Harry seems to have taken after his mother in humanising the royals, doing a lot of work for good causes etc. So it seems weird to, from the outside, to just leave it all behind. Especially as it seems to have come to a surprise to everyone. Though I wonder if it was discussed internally and he couldn’t leave so just announced it anyway.
  11. Nice one, It’s one of a few I’ve not done due to the bug. Time to get all that nommy xp.
  12. Have you only just noticed? I have some bad news for you, I noticed it in the Matrix and it’s one of those things that once you have seen it you’ll notice it in every film. Anyway, on to actual film for this week. I’d seen the film at the cinema when it came out but I had forgotten about some of the characters. It all came back watching the film though and it was interesting watching knowing the ending. The ending is a nice twist that I didn’t see coming the first time. Overall I enjoyed the film and I’d give it 7/10. Also Isla Fisher 🤤
  13. I came expecting good news that we were finally banning @Diddums. I am disappoint. Never happened to me but good work fixing it.
  14. I’ll need to dig out my disc and get it installed again but I’ll be up for some siege. It will be good to get a but more experience than the 2 matches I’ve played so far.
  15. All your graphics card are belong to us. It’s hard to say what will be needed as games have only been measured to the ‘old’ 240fps maximum. Though most e-sports games minimums drop below this if you turn the settings up. This is on a 2080Ti so it’s either turn settings down or wait for a newer graphics card. The potentially bigger issue is that game engined don’t run that fast. Off the top of my head I know Overwatch engine caps out at 300Hz and Doom at 200Hz. So you can’t enjoy the full 360fps even if you have all the graphics cards.
  16. Anyone else got deja vu or is just me @Plumbers Crack @phil bottle
  17. Ahhhh I take it you’re one of these caps over there headset kinda players. Not my style but whatever floats your boat.
  18. MLGOAP over here 🤣
  19. I didn’t check Netflix or anything, just blurted out films but sounds good for it to be a community choice.
  20. Aa for ideas for films; Matrix Blade Godfather Wolf of Wall Street BlacKKKlansman Spiderman in to the Spiderverse Raid 1 & 2 Ready Player One Hanna Only God Forgives That’s off the top of my head but sure there’s more so will give it some thought. Edit; Momento Deus Ex Machina Taken V for Vendetta The Prestige Alien Mr Nobody Coherence Night Crawler Nocturnal Animals Oldboy (original but could do remake)
  21. I watched this at the cinema but I don’t think I’ve seen it since so will good to re-watch it. I remember I quite enjoyed it even though I don’t remember much of the story.
  22. Greboth


    Glad it’s that kind of grease monkey kind, we can never have too many car people on this forum in my opinion. This place is like herding cats at times but we are occasionally organised enough to bigger game things like raids.
  23. Greboth


    Mmmmmmm fresh blood, yessssss fresh blood.....ahem. Welcome Mitch (I’m assuming your name is Mitch). I’m assuming at the mention of Halo you’re on Xbox? Most of us are ps4 but we do have some xbox users on here too. Raid in what game? Destiny? WoW? or something else? We are committed to gaming but not sure you can rely on us *cough* Diddums guardian down *cough* 🤣 Also mechanics as grease monkey style or maths mechanics / physics?
  24. At an estimated $600 you’re going to have to be serious about gaming to buy one (or more) of these. Especially as you’re also giving up res to achieve the 360hz.
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