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tronic44 last won the day on June 13 2024

tronic44 had the most liked content!



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  • Location
    London, UK

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  1. FG Friday - Wreckfest

    Wreckfest shenanigans this Friday, sign up and join the car based murder😛

  2. FG Friday

    Playing whatevs innit.

  3. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races!

    GTA FG Races is back! A few tried it last week and I think its well overdue a huge lobby of us all for tons of games and banter.


    Make sure you update the game before tomorrow night, plenty of time to get it done!


    RSVP on the event so we know if you can or can't come!!!!

  4. 7 days base discussion

    There’s been several conversations amongst varying numbers of us while in game, whatsapp etc.  So I thought it best to arrange a time when hopefully as many people as possible can make it on so we can get some sort of cohesive plan.


    I think Rich and Anna have played 7dtd the most so they’re going to be our experts.  But things to think about;

    - Ideas on how to build (underground, overground probably best to avoid wombling free)

    - Do we build one massively defended base for horde night and small bases around the map? Or build all the bases as proper defensive ones?

    - Where do we want to build it? This is somewhat dependent on what we build but presumably something not too far from out current base due to needing to transfer resources.


    Obviously on top of this we will 

    need resources of stone, cement, iron etc. to build the base out of so that’s a given.  Which I’m more than happy to focus my efforts on.


    Edit: Now tonights cause your a bunch of bumders.  


    @GazzaGarratt @tronic44 @phil bottle @Plumbers Crack  @crispymorgan  @craftofboredom  @Misneach_  @Shucker  @Diddums @Emma

  5. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races!

    GTA FG Races is back! A meet up on this in long overdue. Let's try and get a huge lobby of us all for tons of games, races and banter.


    Make sure you update the game before tomorrow night, plenty of time to get it done!


    RSVP on the event so we know if you can or can't come!!!!

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