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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Very scary.


    I will never forget the smell. If I smell smoke from certain plastics I get flashbacks and anxiety.

    I visited a house that partially burnt. I still remember the penetrating stench. It's definitely something you don't forget.

  2. Great shots. Is the arrow pointing to a monkey or porcupine?

    Been meaning to ask if you watch River Monsters? I saw an episode the other day where my man JW caught an Arapaima using a fly rod/reel. He's caught other huge fish with a fly fish set up. I didn't think the rods could hold up to that much abuse but he proved me wrong.

  3. I beat it not to long ago. Big ups to Bees for letting me borrow it! 




    Preach! Everything you said I agree with. The enemy AI being what it is, the friendlies getting in my mother fucking way all the time, giving my position away, starting fire fights when I'm trying to creep quiet with 3 rounds... all were infuriating. Along with the gaps in reality.

  4. I don't have one (yet?) but if I had to choose where to put my money it would be on SONY and a PS4.


    1.) Bluntly, FUCK MICROSOFT Xeverything! I have no confidence in them. Not because I'm a fan boy of one or the other, I've been fortunate enough to have both [XB/PS2, 360/PS3], but because the 360 is an abomination. Their persons in charge, consoles, peripherals and the way they conduct business are garbage and in no way benefit a customer. (Releasing a console they knew would break, racing wheel that sets on fire, THE WORST D-pad ever made in the history of gaming, camera that when plugged in reaches unsafe temperatures, HDDVD, don't move the console when playing a game if you don't want the game disc totally ruined, etc...) 


    2.) Just recently one of the morons in charge stated that they are working on having a larger influence in the PC gaming market. Trying to figure out how to copy Steam basically. Think about that for a second... Microsoft wanting to get in on the PC gaming market. The same fucking assholes who's operating system is on billions of PCs just now decide to beef up their PC presance. :lol: They have no fucking idea what they are doing. 0% 


    3.) Most XBONE games are coming out running at lover resolutions than the PS4. Argue who's better all you want. I'm used to playing games on PC so I prefer to play in 1080p not 920 upscaled. "Next-gen" :huh:. (Ribbing a friend last night over buying Watch Dogs for XBONE when his PC would crush it. He said it looks worse than GTAV on PS3 at times. I value his opinion(s).) 




    If you don't care about exclusives you should build a gaming PC and cock a snook at console gaming.  :o  :lol:  






    I picked up S01 on Blu-ray the other day. The image quality and 5.1 DTS sound really make it an even more pleasurable experience. Way better than watching it on TV. You almost feel like your in the room with them during certain scenes. The extras, especially the gag reel, are great too!


    Started S02 again, left off at EP06. I missed a bunch of things. Watching it all the way through is the way to go. -_-

  6. I'm excited to see this. I dislike the original shows/movies, and the 2001 abomination, greatly but was very surprised with the last offering. It was put together well enough to keep me interested in what was going to happen next and ends leaving the viewer wanting to know what the fuck was going to happen next.

  7. She squealed in horror, or hunger, I dont' honestly know and walked away.


    "Chops and gravy, YUM YUM YUM!" :lol:


    I enjoyed the episode, not having read the books I didn't see the end coming :)


    I especially liked when Gregor punched Oberyn in the face and sent his teeth flying then we see them broken in the closeup face smoosh. One thing that spoiled the end for me a little was my laughing about Oberyn repeatedly demanding Gregor admit to killing his family. Might be Pedro's accent but it reminded me of:


    Inigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

    Count Rugen: Stop saying that!



  8. The trailer does look amazing! I enjoyed MK9 but have kind of tuned out fighting games. The super duper 35 hit combo moves introduction of weapons and weapon combos aggravate me as I am not Japanese, on crack or both. Super Street Fighter 2, MK 1&2, Battle Arena Toshinden, Dream Cast Soulcalibur are my speed.This hyper caffeinated no time to blink era of fighting games doesn't appeal to me. I'll love to play this on PC though. :ph34r:

  9. ^ Yeah it was around the time of the bombings.



    Some dirty word at work got me sick so I felt like hammered shit and bummed around all weekend which lead me to start watching Hannibal over again. Up to E11. I've noticed a few things I missed which is cool...


    On S01E02 - Amuse-Bouche I think Eldon Stammets was modeled after the mycologist Paul Stamets. Which makes it that much more cool and appeal to my dorkness.


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