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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Not sure if you all read, which could be considered a spoiler, that Fishburne will be back.

    "I'm not going to do a full season of 'Hannibal' this year, and I'm not going to do a full season of 'Black-ish,' which will keep me free enough for both, to have fun and to contribute as best I can," Fishburne says. "It's not a problem. It works out just fine."


    Also that the show is on the bubble and would have been canceled if the execs didn't push for it. They are trying to gain a wider audience.



    I don't read a lot of books but I started reading the Hannibal series last week. I finished Silence of the Lambs this morning. I'm about to start Hannibal. Kind of hoping season 3 doesn't drag slightly like 2 and that they are able to get the rights for Dolarhyde and/or Gumb and start incorporating the Red Dragon story/characters into the show based off of characters from Red Dragon. :lol: With Jack not being around all season I'm not sure that is going to be an option?

  2.  Food :wub:


    Lasagne is a good one because if you make a big enough one it can feed you for a few days.


    Unless your a slob I am :lol: I made baked rigatoni with hot sausage sauce Monday night for myself. I finished it yesterday.  :ph34r: My girl had dental surgery so she's on a liquid diet. Which means I've been on a restricted diet and haven't been eating normal meals for the past few weeks. I went full hedonist on it. No shame, it was awesome!



    How about Pasta Alfredo with baked eggplant and asparagus?

    Dredged in olive oil with salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano and basil on both sides. Then shredded Pecorino Romano (Locatelli) on top. I bake the eggplant and asparagus in the oven at 350 for 35 minutes (or longer depending on the size of the asparagus/your preference)


    Then take a jar of Newman’s Own Alfredo Pasta Sauce, which is pretty bland by itself, chop up the veggies and throw them in the sauce while its heating on the stove. Salt to taste and throw it over pasta of your choice. You may also enjoy the browned Pecorino Romano on the bottom of your baking pans ;)


    Simple and easy. I normally cook a few different things on Sunday to make dinner with during the week so I cook the veggies and have them on hand when I want to make it to split up the cooking time. It's just as good if it's made all at once or not.

  3. Thanks for sharing but this saddens me. They don’t want to follow the same path as music but align themselves on a parallel. I’m not opposed to change. I’m opposed to rape as a business model. A formula he admits is proven to be disastrous but their past changes have shown us they aren’t in the business of looking out for gamers best interests. That’s why people are opinionated and against any change.


    Isn’t EA the first to have one user online codes and notorious for shutting servers down? With price drops, releasing incomplete games with pay to win/pay to continue playing DLC microtransactions, killing franchises that don’t make X and sell Y amount of copies and other sleazy tactics they’ve already made it clear we’re investing in things that have 0% value. It’s very much the same thing as a CD with 2 good songs on it! It’s clear to me they’re focusing on changing to make as much money as they can before cutting support and releasing another version of the same thing over again that isn’t worth the materials its printed on just to reboot the money making cycle.




    I just had a mini side epiphany; EA are fucking carny grifters! My friend took the kid to a circus and they had these flashlight toy things that were $20. The kid wanted one, he said “no way I’m paying $20 for a $2 item" as he had already shelled out top dollar for some other oriental trading company toy. The show starts, a dude comes out, starts his monologue and asks the kids in the crowd who had their flashlight toys, to hold them up and wave them like animals. My friend said he looked down and around at all the kids that didn’t have them and they all looked defeated and some were crying, so he felt bad and bought the fucking thing for the kid. This is exactly what they are doing. This is their business model! You can’t enjoy the game 100% if you don’t have some or all of the DLC. Especially if your friends have it and you want to play with them. It’s a psychological mind fuck that forces you to make them rich. These are the changes they make. RESIST!

  4. Just bought 3.

    And an iPad.

    Is that so we can share because I don't have an iPad either?


    IT should get a kick out of the "how much radiation does an iPad give off" and "effects of radiation on a penis" google searches :ph34r: I can't even keep my phone in my pocket for a long time it gives me the tingles. Maybe I'm more sensitive to it but I wouldn't go sticking my business by one. If I was that hard up I work with a whore that will perform fellatio at the drop of a hat. Once on a stranger in the parking lot a 99's. :lol:

  5. prior to seeing it, i can't place any confidence in this movie based on Megan Fox's involvement alone.  this is coming from a rabid TMNT fan who would've liked to have been optimistic about this . . . but is not, at all.


    I share the same feeling, and reading speculation that April will somehow be Splinter's (if Hamato Yoshi is Splinter in this) daughter which would make her the Turtles sister isn't helping matters.


    Also "We're taking your armor to the next level."  William Fichtner is The Shredder so he's saying that to Oroku Saki? The full cast and crew hasn't been released.

  6. Its the same with music.  Bob Dylan put out a lot of complete shit, but that doesn't get any radio play and only the most hard core Dylan fans will seek out entire discographies.  The ones that are gold continue to get play, the suck ass ones fall aside and disappear, and the end result is Dylan is a "classic" compared to a modern band that's shit songs are still fresh in your mind.


    I think the movie industry has the same attitude toward its fans/patrons as Bobby D. They don't care about you or what you think. :lol:

  7. Movies for the past 5 years have killed me too. We all need more remakes, prequels, horror comedy spoofs, James Franco - Seth Rogen tag teams, POV camcorder and comic book hero (so that studios can retain licensing) movies in our lives.   :rolleyes:


    I agree with a lot of what’s in here. Mainly the who thinks these things are good ideas!? You all are right they’ve been out of touch for a long while now. The thing that’s killing it for me is everything is even more formulaic than in the past which makes movies predictable and hard to loose myself in. The practice of taking a new concept and cramming it into an industry mold that’s been successful in the past just to shit another turd out for a small profit needs to be revamped. It’s not innovative, thought provoking or entertaining and has taken away from film making as a craft. Is it me or is TV actually on par with film :blink: now? I think it is and that everyone in the film industry should be ashamed.


    I’m glad Comedy was touched on because take Adam Sandler moves for example. When is the last time they were funny?, but there’s a new one or a sequel every 1-2 years traveling the same rails and beaten paths as its predecessors adding little value to the genre. They keep dreaming up new ways to tell the same boy gets girl story with the same brand of humor. It’s tired and mildly interesting at best. Another thing in recent comedy films that has been aggravating me is the SNL brand of “Look at me and how obnoxious I can be. LOOK! Aren’t I funny? Yeah… I’m so funny!” that isn’t fucking funny at all. If you want to be obnoxious (or an obnoxious Jew ;)) and funny steer more towards Don Rickles and not Andy Samberg. I am interested in Melissa McCarthy’s new film ‘Tammy’, I’m a Mike & Molly fan, but even though I can stomach her a lot of the times everything else aggravates me.


    The last movie I actually really really liked was ‘The Frankenstein Theory’. Not because it’s a good film at all but just because the story provoked thought by stirring my interest and curiosity.



    I hope this reads ok I've been interrupted mid-thought like 10 times :mellow:

  8. Also picked up Surgeon simulator for the wife

    I tried to play it. It's fun to mess around in but it's as annoying as 'Probably Archery' as far as getting the controls to behave like you want them to. At least for me it was  :D Reminded me of the Swedish Chef. :lol:




    I'm still toying with Saints Row 4 for £7.49 but I'm holding back as it may drop even further.


    Same I want to pick up the Ultimate Franchise Pack, mostly for the DLC, and to add IV + DLC and 3's DLC to my list; I already have 2+3 from Humble. It would be great if they gave you the option of accepting store credit when buying games multiple times in DLC packages.


    For example I was thinking of re-buying the $14 Skyrim if

    1.) I could gift the game to a friend and keep the DLC (If I buy it for me can I gift it later if I already own it?)

    2.) Steam would credit me the $4.99 for already owning the game.


    I know I'm typin' crazy but it would be nice. :)

  9. Prison Architect has gone down to £6.79 :angry: wonder if Steam will credit me as I bought it a couple hours before in the sale for £10 :lol:


    Same shit happened to me with Skyrim. Got it for $9.99 thinking it was on summer sale as it was featured in the 'Top Sellers | Under $5 | Under $10 | New releases' section of the sale then next day it's $4.99 and the Legendary Edition is $14. I would have bought the $14 one. :angry:


    This and I've gotten a lot of the summer sale games in humble bundles for less then they are selling alone. I think Steam should have factored that into the sale and increased the -money% savings for those games. Some of which have been in multiple bundles...

  10. image


    Unfortunately this costs the price of a house, and then you'd need a house with a garage to put it in!!


    I just built mine. :lol:http://www.astonmartin.com/en-us/cars/vanquish-volante/vanquish-configure


    Paint Colour: Jet Black

    Brake Calipers: Black

    Bonnet & Side Strake Mesh: Black

    Leather Colour: Parliament Green

    Door Handles: Carbon

    Wheel Options: 20 Spoke Gloss Black DT

    Mirror Caps: Standard

    Side Strakes: Carbon

    Front Grille: Black

    Tailpipe Finish: Textured


    Lower Environment: Parliament Green

    Upper Environment: Parliament Green

    Door Insert: Pure Black

    Carpet: Obsidian Black

    Hardware Pack: Black

    Jewellery Pack: Shadow Bronze

    Upper Stitch: Pure Black

    Lower Stitch: Pure Black

    Seat Colour: Pure Black

    Seat Accent: Parliament Green

    Upper IP: Pure Black

    Paddles: Carbon

    Seat Welt: Parliament Green

    Headlining: Pure Black

    Facia: Carbon 2x2

    Steering Wheel: Parliament Green

    Seat Insert: Pure Black

    Seat Stitch: Parliament Green

    Rotaries: Piano Black


    M60 :wub:


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