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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. I used to get it in middle school here and there. Just using Head & Shoulders conditioner worked for me. Later I learned that different shampoos either completely or partially strip hair of its natural oils, that the "cheap" $2 stuff (which I was using) strips your hair of everything so it's best to only use it if your hair is very dirty then use something to reintroduce oils/moisture like a good conditioner or something like BioSilk Silk Therapy and to use a shampoo that has things your hair needs in it. I've been using Pantene Pro V shampoo and rarely their conditioner for years now with no issues. Good luck.


    I've never heard of the no shampoo solution. Hummm intredasting.

  2. That's the thing: I wanted it to be more difficult. I want to explore, search, hunt and farm. Not look at my crafting list, go "I need leather", look at the map, and know where to go straight away. That kills half the fun. The game was also too easy in general.


    That said, I got about two hours in and went "meh". Haven't touched it since.


    Someone mentioned banging the hot chick at the end, might have to stick it out for that.


    They could have made it more challenging I agree. It's very easy in general and the boss fights are a joke but it's still enjoyable because I get to run around set people and animals on fire, hit them with cars, explode them, LMG them, snipe them, etc...  If it contained nothing but treasure hunting and creating absolute carnage wherever I went with no story, mini games or point it would be the best game ever to me. :D O and you definitely tatau that ass. :P Pixel titties!


    It is repetitive. I've complained in the past of Assassins Creed's repetitivness being boring. FC3 is the same but I enjoy it more because of above. It really gets boring when you beat the game and capture all of the outposts. There's no one to kill!!! :lol:

  3. That makes me sad!

    Happens every year. It's also fun to go to rally races with mixed driver talent levels. Beefed up Evo's and STI's with $30,000 suspensions crashed out, flipped over, in ponds :lol: People have more money than brains.






  4. Fuckin tragic.




    :huh: Perhaps Ubi studied animal behavior and placed them in areas they felt they’d exist in the made up world? Animals do live in groups and defend territories. If the animals were sprinkled everywhere on the map the game would be way more difficult.


    The crafting doesn’t really affect beating the game (story) that much. Maybe that's why it's do it and its done forever. I beat 3 again the other day hardly crafting anything. I get the feeling you enjoy a more immersive experience. For me more time fucking shit up and less time in menu(s) / talking to NPC's / crafting / etc. is ideal. Maybe 4 will be better balanced and offer more options?


    Should be what the fucking about a man that carries a rook sack, everything he's crafted, 4 guns with full ammo, 4 types of explosives fully stocked, health, consumables, ancient knives, etc... then runs around full gait jumping up and zip lining down mountains and towers carrying all that shit. After that any type of reality goes out the window. :lol:

  5. fc4-global-header-logo_142138.png!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Just came here to post about it! ^_^



    Love the no Steam love choose a retailer and pre-order now to get a bonus! So my card can get charged today for something 6 months out. Whoooooooooooooooooooo! :lol:

  6. Right now they just seem to copy some of their or their competitors old ideas which is a disaster once someone comes around with something innovative. 


    I didn't know this and I can't find the article I read yesterday but it explained how M$ began with producing Apple OS, ganked Xeroxes OS, stopped doing business with Crapple and made Windows. If its true it would mean Microsoft has never, in their entire history, had an original idea and that they've only ever stolen others ideas and slapped their brand(s) on it. Great business model M$ bros! ;)

  7. :lol: It's every day. I almost saw a guy get run over yesterday in a crosswalk by the lady I was behind who had just blown a stop sign like it didn't exist. Wish I had the extra coin to install recording devices in my cars. I'm not making it up. I limit the middle finger, I'm a big thumbs up guy. Like this morning at 6 in the AM, after I'd only been awake about 20 minutes, when I went to pass some old ugly fuck and he moved over into my lane half way and rode in the middle of both so I couldn't pass without going into oncoming traffic. So I lowered the window, get mirrors hitting close to the guy he looks over... POP! The thumb and a smile. :D


    I like the oops one. I've been thinking a lot lately about ways in which I can deliver messages to other drivers while on the road. For example I can't stand when people throw cigarette butts out of their window and it hits or comes close to hitting my car. So if I had a T shirt gun I could pack it full of butts I gather from works smokers outposts in anticipation. This way if I got the chance I could pull up next to the person and shoot them all over their car and see how they like it. Fair is fair. Also thinking about using one to shoot rolled up drivers manuals or papers that have VR Codes to it (http://dmv.ny.gov/sites/default/files/legacy_files/broch/mv21.pdf) on them at people. Then I wonder how much jail time flinging garbage and drivers manuals at cars would get me  :lol:

  8. As a kid, growing up with 4 spiteful and wildly anti social cats, I would have been a puddle of blood and pulp because every cat we had would have immediately run and hid. That cat has gumption!


    If the image I saw yesterday was correct the gashes in the kids leg from the dog were gnarly. Poor little dude. :( At least if they can find an owner and sue his College education is paid in full! :lol:

  9. I'm going to throw this in here:


    Why is the PS4 outselling the Xbox One? Microsoft weighs in...

    Yusuf Mehdi says, "They're in 40+ markets, we're in 13," and claims Xbox 360 owners are enjoying the systems so much they are less inclined to upgrade.




    The untruthfulness of "People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short-term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360" infuriates me.


    Good reply I saw was "Excuses are like PS4's. Everybody's got one!"  :lol:

  10. It defintely reminds of his costume in The Dark Knight Returns




    Remember, this Batman is supposed to be retired from being Bats, just like his comic counterpart.


    High res Affleck suit image

    I was just about to put this in the shoutbox, glad I checked here:

    ...So they chose the Frank Miller - The Dark Knight Returns Bat Suit with the short ears and slightly modified huge chest logo. I’m hard to please but that chest bat bothers me.









  11. This has me going: The Kinectdenburg Disaster :lol:





    Changing policies yet again. How can you trust them?

    AND: "Microsoft confirms it's removing their controversial Xbox Live Gold requirement for streaming Netflix, Hulu, and more." :lol:



    Free 5$ games though! :lol:


  12. I don't have a xbone but do have a 360 so I'm basing the following negative response off of wasting more and more money over the years on a service that has given me 2 or 3 free complete shit games that I played once and deleted. Seriously MS have the eggheads in your marketing department ever heard of tchotchke? Like if I spend $60+ send me a fucking led key chain that says XBONE on it or a t-shirt, or a stress ball because you make me fucking need one!


    Nothing that's $60+ USD a year and gives you absolutely nothing other than online connectivity and the opportunity to waste more money on shit you definitely don't need is "the best". Also some games rely on an internet connection in order to utilize DLC's. Paying for things you can't use if your internet is down or you bring your console/HD to a friends house = not the best.




    Does Live give games and things away like PS Plus now or are they still trying to convince people that their service is worth every penny so they can give you video blog updates about future games that are going to suck balls, or other things they think are great and add value to LIVE that I ignore?




    Edit: must have read my rant. <_<

  13. man, Death letter by son house just cuts me

    i dont know whether to feel crying shame or radiant joy that the blues came out of the worst conditions and harshest treatment of men, woman , and children that did absolutely nothing other than be born with black skin


    Me too; at first it sunk it's hooks in me because it's catchy but after really listening to and reading the lyrics it lumped my throat. (In fact it's been stuck in my head for days now. Woke up with "You know love hides all faults, make you do things you don't want to do. Love sometimes, leave you feeling sad and blue" looping in my brain.)


    It's funny I really enjoy the tempo and vocal delivery in this version. The toothless mouthing of words actually adds to the feel. :lol: If you search for more versions you'll notice it's almost never delivered the same way twice musically or lyrically. Also learned The White Stripes covered it. Their cover is garbage much like most of their music IMO but... This thread has me digging around and finding gems. I started a list of people to listen to and share in the future :ph34r:


    Yeah, the foundations of our "civilized" societies are totally fucked.






    So yesterday I was listing to some blues on Pandora and this song came on.



    Immediately my brain began to hurt because I couldn't place where I had heard the riff before and I knew I had. Eventually I uncovered where the Joe Bonamassa - An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House album.




  14. So the last episode was the one we've been waiting for where new main characters are relieved for a spin off. It was a great episode. Different feel to Supernatural which was ok but I don't like the battling houses, forbidden love, Romeo and Juliet direction. It's beat. The episode was still interesting though.



    Via Wiki:

    In this back-door pilot for a proposed new TV series (Supernatural: Bloodlines), five different mafia-esque monster families are running the underbelly of Chicago. One is a family of shapeshifters run by Margo Lassiter (guest star Danielle Savre), whose leadership is thrown into question when her younger brother David (guest star Nathaniel Buzolic) returns home to claim his place in the family business. The other reigning family in town is made up of werewolves, lead by Julian Duval (guest star Sean Faris). The Families paths with Sam and Dean cross when they meet Ennis (guest star Lucien Laviscount), a man with a personal vendetta against the monsters when his girlfriend is murdered by a mysterious figure with silver claws who kills David's brother. The Winchesters warn Ennis about heading into the hunter lifestyle, but Ennis refuses to listen and starts down a dangerous path. David is revealed to be having a romance with Violet, the werewolf sister of Julian, which could bring on a full-scale war between the Five Families with the humans caught in the middle.

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