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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Very cool but wow at the prices! That's some I didn't turn one bolt on it myself, had it delivered to the custom shop before even seeing it type of rich bitch nonsense. Also with the tune, launch and traction controls can anyone be happy for the driver? It's as easy as a 1.2-litre Kia to drive in a straight line. Tap several buttons, hit the gas and what pretend to paddle shift with my tough guy sunglasses and 90's ear jewelry? <_<:lol:

  2. So I hit 10 years of service on Steam today. Was thinking they'd give me a gift certificate or something. Nope just a dumb badge. :D

    Has anyone played Tomb Raider 2013? Thinking about picking the GOTY edition up.





    Crazy big free weekend and cut prices. (Payday 2, Company of Heroes 2, Awesomenauts, Trine 2, Blade Symphony, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Don't Starve, Grid 2, Killing Floor, Injustice: Gods Among Us.)


    With my slow ass 1.8mb/sec internet I'd need the weekend just to download them :lol: Grid 2 is 10GB and that Injustice fighting game is almost 30GB!

  3. I don't know how to do spoiler text on this forum, so I'll refrain from further comment.

    [spoiler] YOUR TEXT HERE [/spoiler]


    I was really into this, glad to see Donal Logue working again, but the show is sliding off for me already. The more I watch I realize how much I don't care about this version of what happens before Bruce sets out as Batman. All events that are perfectly attacked with flashbacks in other Batman offerings.


    It's well done and interesting but is it good enough to separate itself from other freak of the week Cop dramas? And what's the point? Bruce is pissed and Gordon is a good guy bad ass? *yawn*

  4. ^ Just Cause is a pretty cool series.  

    I got into playing 2. The world is too damn big :lol: takes 5-10 minutes just to get where you need to be. It is awesome though.


    Just a heads up if you missed some of the WB game Seam deals like Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition, Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition, Batman: Arkham Origins, etc... http://www.bundlestars.com/ has them for what Steam was selling them for last month...

  5. I agree with a lot of things in this thread. I've been feeling bummed also missing laughing and killing fools. Bees' rage and Froggies singing :lol: I've been wondering how Ryan 'RLPK' is doing, I hope well. In my case building a PC and the release of next gen consoles destroyed gaming with you all. Also to put it simply: I fucking hate Ghosts Multilayer. Actually the other day I saw James 'J4MES OX4D' had pre-purchased CoD: AW and it pissed me off :D It reminded me of how exciting it was in the MW/BO days to get the game and the agony waiting to leave work only to rush home so I could join up with clansmen/and women and get to whompin'. It isn't the same and as far as reasons why you all touched on the big ones. :ph34r: I'd like to touch on the big ones :benny hill emoticon:


    I'm weird I guess but I like the shoutbox. If its gone will we have 1 or 1000 happy birthday, good morning etc... threads? It's nice to pop on and see people participating in respecting one another :lol: Maybe thats whats scaring new users away? Kind of like Doc said. They want to troll PC master race, PS4>XBONE in an endless loop and we aren't.

  6. I've always preferred to search Steam in a web browser so I can utilize tabs. Having the option to view only one page at a time should have been addressed in the program. It's a glorified web browser to begin with.


    One thing I noticed that I enjoy better is searching for titles. They don't have the "view 10 more" bullshit that always reloaded or rearranged games when you would go back to it, part of my no tab gripe, now when you go back it brings you back to the list and its in order from where you left off!


    They should allow you to X out of or collapse the 'Queue', 'Curators' etc... sections. Also having the ability to rearrange the store page would be cool. I'd prefer to see the | Popular New Releases | Top Sellers | Upcoming | Specials | section on top. They could incorporate a week long deals tab and I wouldn't need anything else on the store page. :lol:


    I'd rather the program let me think about what I want instead of trying to think for me and suggest 500 things I dont care about. Steam is like listening to Pandora now. You pick one thing and it plays/suggests 50 other things you don't want to hear/see. Like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air song when I want to listen to the Deftones. <_< It's cool they're trying to change it up a bit. Wonder if they ever entertained user suggestions or if they just had some hippie egghead marketing research company tell them the color blue puts people in the spending mood and suggest thinking for the customer is the best option because they're too dumb to do it for themselves. Like cars that break and alert you you can't drive.  :(

  7. I think Mortal Kombat Komplete is $5 too.  



    I've been wanting Batman: Arkham Origins badly but I'm holding out for the GOTY edition. It's tough with that type of price. Also I enjoy the Lego games but the resolutions they make you play at are bogus, and the Harry Potter ones the characters don't even have voices! It's a bunch of grunts and facial expressions. :huh: 

  8. Kicking around pre-purchasing the Gold edition. Not sure though? The extra mission DLC for FC3 was totally bogus. I beat them in like 20 minutes. Is it worth the extra $30 for the unknown season pass DLC that I can pick up later for way less?  Worried it will be a stupid gun, gun skins or sub par missions I don't want. :mellow:




    Far Cry 4 - Gold Edition
    The Far Cry 4 Gold Edition includes the Limited Edition & The season pass. It is designed for any fans and new comers who want the most complete game experience on Far Cry 4

    Pre-purchase Offer
    Pre-purchase now to receive Hurk’s Redemption Missions consisting of 60 minutes of gameplay including, 3 extra missions and 1 exclusive weapon.

    Three action-packed single-player missions featuring your pal Hurk:
    Mission 1: Fight dangerous enemies in the ice caves of snow-capped mountains to retrieve a rare artifact.
    Mission 2: Fight waves of enemies while riding an unusual vehicle with Hurk by your side.
    Mission 3: In this epic bro-tastic conclusion, chase down an enemy convoy and save Hurk from certain death.
    Exclusive Weapon: Harpoon gun “the Impaler”!
    Use this modified whale hunting Harpoon with a Unique Skin Pack to shoot harpoon stakes!

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