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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Also was going to ask about where's the best place on here to write about retro games?? (That's if you guys actually like that type of thing)

    General Gaming Discussion should work. If there is a lot of interest maybe Admin can add a subsection. I'm a fan of retro gaming! Not intending to sound brag-ish but I still have my NES, SNES, N64, Game Cube, Sega Genesis, SegaCD, Sega Dreamcast and Atari Jaguar. I look forward to reading what you have to share!

  2. Those are cool as hell. I want one now! :lol: Just have to remember not to fly it close to anything that might get me arrested. A local guy got busted for flying one around a Doctors office. People were undressing/undressed and from what the reports suggest he was peepin' and creepin' through the windows with it.


    One question I have is on the controls. My buddy has a small RC Helicopter with almost the same controller as in the Instructions: video and it's not easy to keep aloft since the controller isn't very well made. You always have to keep some level of pressure on the stick and know where the dead zone is or it plummets to the ground. Wondering if they are as hard to control?

  3. Possibly, I don't know if anyone in this country has ever been incarcerated for so long, so maybe they didn't know what to do with him.


    Tax payer funded funeral?

    Not to start a side debate or be a jerk but I agree 100% with what Doc suggested as THE answer to the question of what to do with him.

    Whats to say they release him and one of the Officers grandchildren, who may also be an officer of the law, doesn't go hunt him the fuck down? No good will ever come from him.


    Murder is a legal concept and is not synonymous with killing.  A sanctioned and justified killing is not a murder.  Sometimes killing an individual is for the betterment of the group or is necessary for the group to survive.  Someone with so little regard for the life of others, who after decades still shows no remorse, and who views the world in such a way that he is justified in killing in order to take the property of others does not belong in society, even incarcerated society.  He posed a risk to guards and fellow inmates during his incarceration and was a drain on limited resources that would have been more usefully spent on things other than keeping his evil alive.


  4. @Deter


    i dunno about Teen Wolf, but i've noticed they seem to cast anyone they can from The Wire.  (including Father Gabriel.)


    I still need to watch the Wire! Seth Gilliam is the actors name. I recognize him 2nd most recently as Dr. Deaton on Teen Wolf along with crispy 'Karen'. I also like to see the actors from Band of Brothers! Speaking of Michael Cudlitz as Abraham was an excellent choice. His experience and Dale Dye actor boot camp training for BoB is showing. Almost everyone else seems flat footed in the new action sequences where he's aware of the camera position and how to react to whats supposed to be going on. I get that most of the characters aren't supposed to have experience in firefights and with explosions, which makes it believable, but his acting chops stand out.


    I think my friend has The Wire seasons on DVD.  About to text that mofo! :)

  5. I miss being able to 'like' comments :(



    I'm not familiar with the person, story, or how what I'm about to suggest is handled in your neck of the woods but reading this got me thinking. He's 78 maybe he's finally being kicked loose because 'they' don't want to be responsible for offering and administering medical care in his late years. When you go to jail here taxpayers foot the bill for health care. <_< So it might be a financial move.


    Maybe, maybe not, just a thought. I agree with you both though how can this end well for him?

  6. i'm looking forward even more to an upcoming episode i read about that flashes back to Alfred's relationship with the Waynes, because that actor/character has been criminally underused so far in the series.  i'm guessing they're going to make him an ex-military badass, Earth One-style.


    One question that keeps popping up for me about Alfred is why he's being so harsh and basically a dick to Bruce.

    Grabbing Bruce violently and almost hitting him. Getting pissed the rooms a mess, stomping over to the window, opening the curtains violently then threatening to burn what Bruce is working on. And a lot in the way he talks to Bruce in general.

    Maybe its something in the story that will be addressed in the flashbacks you're talking about? Maybe hes been taking being upset about the Waynes murders out on Bruce and it will be put to bed using back story? Pretty used to Alfred being kind hearted toward Bruce. This guy has ME on edge when he walks into a scene. I do like how Bruce pays it no mind though. :D


    Last episode was good. :)

  7. I'd really like to give this a go also. After the last game I didn't give this one much mind and the whole it not having weapons thing threw me at first but people don't seem to be bothered by it.

  8. For far these first two episodes have been really good

    Because they're mirroring comics 61-64. :lol:


    The episodes have been very good. I hope they keep up with putting one really disturbing scene in each episode. Like the bat to the head trough bleeding and slimy water logged zombies.


    I also dug how on Talking Dead Matt Jones suggested that Father Gabriel, they love borrowing actors from Teen Wolf :D, was banging the woman zombie he was going to let eat him thats why he freaked so hard, and that he wouldn't let them in the church so they went to the food bank thinking they'd be safe. Thats how he knew there was 12 or so there.

  9. Season pass details released:



    Is that… a yeti? Yes. Yes it is. The Far Cry 4 Season Pass has been announced and it is intense. From a co-op prison break and brand-new PvP multiplayer mode to a mythical creature hunt, the Season Pass promises hours of additional content for $29.99. On top of all the other goodies, Season Pass holders will have exclusive access to a day-one mission. Take a look below for the full rundown of all the DLC included in the Season Pass.




    The Syringe – The day-one Season Pass exclusive mission will have you preventing Pagan Min from retrieving a rare recipe and using it against the rebellion. Take on The Syringe in either single-player or co-op.


    Escape from Durgesh Prison – Team up with a friend to escape Yuma’s prison after being locked up and tortured. Fun stuff.


    Hurk Deluxe Pack – More harpooning. More explosions. More Hurk. More awesome. Get access to five new missions starring Hurk, including Yak Farm, Blood Ruby and Hurk’s Redemption. We just love this crazy country boy so much.


    Overrun – Play as either the Rakshasa or the Golden Path in this new PvP multiplayer mode. Capture territory around Kyrat and stop that territory from being taken by your enemies.


    Valley of the Yetis – A crash landing on a Himalayan ridge finds Ajay fighting for his life in a strange new frozen landscape. Scavenge for tools and upgrade your campsite, while fending off deadly nighttime attacks from a mysterious cult. Explore caves in the area, but watch out for what lurks within. Valley of the Yetis has both single-player and co-op options, so it might be wise to bring a friend along to watch your back.


    Via: http://blog.ubi.com/far-cry-4-season-pass-details/



    I'm definitely waiting until its like $5 and not $30. ;)

  10. I put them in alphabetical order by system/game because I'm having a hard time numbering them. Also limiting it to 10 is tough. :D


    Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing - Genesis

    Mega Man 2 - NES

    R.B.I. Baseball - NES

    Interstate 76 - PC

    Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - PC

    Quake - PC

    Soldier of Fortune - PC

    TOCA Race Driver 3 - PC

    Super Mario Kart - SNES

    Super Street Fighter II Turbo - SNES


    Honorable mention: Soul Calibur - Dreamcast

  11. This was free about a year ago and I picked it up then. It wasn't fun for me, not sure the deal, I know its wildly popular, but I didn't enjoy it

    I agree. I played it on PS3 back when you could log into anyones account and download their purchased games. It's not great but its free!

  12. I agree with everyone. Impressive work and you should sell them. You know what the standard sizes are for fish tanks and possibly your favorite brands. You could design a few standard backgrounds, sides etc… and have them mass produced or do something like make one and vacuum form them yourself. This way someone wants a custom they can pick from a hand full of designs you already have and you can slap it in and finish it in a fraction of the time. I think of companies like cagesbydesign.com who charge a huge premium using crap materials to maximize profit. Even in their header image on the site they have an albino Boa on one of their crap styrofoam rocks that are impossible to clean if it poops on it. Your designs are leaps above what I’ve seen at pet, feed, cage stores.

  13. You just jelly :P

    For a post full of prominent hate the cars mod parts and achievements are admirable. Pay to impress is 100% unimpressive. And for future knowledge: I hate straight line contests. Science has proven dogs can drive in a straight line. Is a straight line a true test of a cars potential or a humans quality as a driver? :( 


    Yeah, but I'd rther have a DB9.....just saying....... :ph34r:

    You sir are a classy gentleman. It's a squirrely cunt but a marvel of GB tech. *salute*  A 180,000 price tag leaves you 20-40K to beast it. It's British so the chassis is due a 1,000++ HP treatment. :wub:

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