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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Glad I searched for it I was going to offer incorrect information (Due to the Boston and Newtown tragedies).


    Spoiler edit: ...was pulled from the United States broadcast schedule at the request of creator Bryan Fuller. The episode was still shown in other countries. This was not a result of the Boston Marathon bombings as some reports have indicated, but was actually decided just hours beforehand. Fuller said of the decision, "With this episode, it wasn't about the graphic imagery or violence. It was the associations that came with the subject matter that I felt would inhibit the enjoyment of the overall episode. It was my own sensitivity... We want to be respectful of the social climate we're in right now".


    It was a dumb decision.

  2. Day off. Decided to give this a go. Just about to start episode 4 and it's fucked up. Seriously fucked up. I love it. Wife loves it. Back later. 


    That episode (S01E04) was banned here in the US. Make sure you're watching Oeuf and not Coquilles. :)

  3. I also immediately thought about the copyright infringement angle but I've been confused for a while now. My friends wife makes mini polymer clay things and sells them on etzy.com. A lot of the items she sells are trademarked and copyrighted products and shes never had an issue? Franks RedHot actually did a blog story about her mini Frank's RedHot bottles. :huh: She scans actual products, shrinks the art down, prints it and affixes it to clay. (NES cartridges, Kraft Mac&Cheese, Oreo Cookies, etc...) Again I'm confused?


    IMO I think the $50-100 price range is fair for that when considering you can pick up wall stickers of most of those characters in the $10-50 ea. range.


    EG: 68-1/2" x 23-1/4" $17.99



  4. Aside from it being amazing imagery two things make me cynical about this. 1.) It's a Frenchman. 2.) The "which is no simple task", "left him with peeling skin and clothes smelling of rotten eggs for weeks" and "acidic gases don't agree with his cameras" lines.


    We don't know what camera set up(s) he had and he planned ahead enough to bring a gas mask but not to bring equipment that would separate him from danger? I could bang that same shot out with the non-ultrasonic/non-image stabilizing 75-300 that came with my DSLR and be well within safe distance from the acid gas/surfer stench for it not to be an issue. Either he's really that French and dumb to run up into the scene of an active volcano or he made it harder than it needed to be in an attempt to make himself seem more important than he actually is?

  5. Yeah! It's probably one of my favorite shows, ever. How'd you guys feel about the finale? 


    Well we see there was going to be a conflict between Hannibal and Jack in the beginning of the first episode of the season.

    The finale was great but leaves me trying to figure out where the show will go after he kills everyone :lol:. He's on the lamb, I guess? Also I don't know where Hannibal lived but it seemed like an unrealistic amount of time occurs after Alana calls in shots fired. The Cops/FBI never show. Leaves me thinking one of them will probably make it out alive and try and hunt him down. And I'm confused by him fleeing with Scully. I'm excited to see where it will take us!

  6. After reading updates all day it looks like race and misogyny have trumped the gun debate in this case. As said in previous posts people are using this tragedy as another springboard for their agendas.


    Not knowing all of his imbalances or mental issues: I don’t know if I agree with the blanket theory of misogyny and men seeing woman as sexual objects. I think it has to do with selfishness, jealousy, young mentality and under developed social interactions. I’m positive most of us have gone through being jealous and having our hearts stomped in the mud. This kid didn’t even get as far as "be careful what you wish for you just might get it". Seems to me like if someone took the time to talk to him and let him know everyone goes through the same shit in life it might have helped him? Maybe someone did? Has me wondering what if he was in a relationship and the girl cheated on or dumped him and got a new man? Would he have killed them and their families?


    Hopefully this will get people talking to their kids and will help prevent stage 5 clingers, psycho stalkers, property damage, assaults, etc… in the future.  

  7. After a lot of shoulder angel/devil battles I'm happy I didn't impulse buy a next gen console. I know it always takes a while for game catalogs to grow after a new console drop but currently each offers only a few exclusives and every other game comes out for last gen and PC. I can't justify paying full price for exclusives or games with slightly better graphics and frame rates when I can pick the non exclusives up over time for way less on PC. This plus them wanting me to shell out an additional $10 to get the next gen version of a game I already paid $64+change for and forcing subscription fees on me to play online. All that doesn't appeal to me.

  8. I seriously miss riding. I mostly rode little 50cc two strokes but once we installed some kit, they packed over 20bhp (23 being my record) and put any sports car to shame until about 100kph. I did also have a 600cc thumper for a while but I never had a licence for it so it had to go. 


    I want to ride again, but my wife would be a nervous wreck. I really do miss it though. 


    Might get a 125 scooter for the daily commute, as we don't achieve speeds high enough to warrant anything bigger in London. 


    50s are fun as hell too. We embarrassed so many bigger bikes and cars it's insane. We literally poured every penny we had into those things, and the result was 23bhp on something which weighed about as much as a paperclip. Add the CVT and you can see why they were such monsters. Also, the sound of a screaming two stroke, coupled with the unmistakeable smell of synthetic oil burning, and.... well:






    Then the cops got hold of it, stuck it on a dyno, and I got it back with the entire engine, exhaust, clutch and variomatic all taken out. Basically all the parts with "MHR" written on them, which stands for Malossi Hyper Racing. 


    Nicasil lining, one piston ring, 70cc. 28mm Mikuni flatslide carburettor, Polini For Race exhaust, Top Performances crank shaft, and a TON of other bits and bobs. All gone. About £2k to replace, which is pretty much everything when you're young. 


     Wives and Cops. :( I was wondering why my man was leaning so forward then he took off. Reminds me of a Hemi under glass :lol:

  9. IT'S ALIVE!!! Filled and installed the battery last night also found the petcock is leaking a little so I ordered another one this morning. Sucks though, I had a game last night and had to leave before my father in-law tried to start it. So I get a call and I'm like "Hello. Hello? HELLO!" I pause and hear magic happening. He told me he turned the key hit the button and it fired right up! Getting closer and closer every day. :)




    This is the bike I own. The colour scheme is different though, mine is mostly black with just a red stripe down the side where that blue is.




    Problem is that I'm not allowed to ride it legally and it's been out of commission for nearly 2 years :(

    It's gonna cost a fortune to get it back up and running.


    Sweet! I'm not going to ask why you can't ride it legally I'll just let my imagination take over. :ph34r:



    This is the shit I want



    That's bad ass! You ever play the Tron: Evolution game?

  10. They gave 2033 away free? It's an OK game, I have 3 hours in, but I wouldn't shell out top dollar for it. Based on its strength and not interesting me enough to beat it I wouldn't buy Last Light either.



    Every day I become more and more aware I made the smartest decision of my gaming life going back to being strictly PC. What I’ve saved on games and internet subscriptions will pay for my computer. Blows me away :wub: Also thanks where its owed OP! Steady on point posting deals trying to get me to spend money.  :lol:

  11. He has a party every year so I’m going to a very good friends for BBQ, booze, shooting guns and setting off fireworks RW&B style. Our whole crew should be there this time. I'm excited to see their faces.


    I'm sorry to read that 'OTC Mike', it hits home for me. Memorial Day was always a somber holiday in my family.

  12. From gamespot

    "No, you have to install the GameStop app first.. Then it will give you a code you can redeem on Steam for the game.


    So they're basically making you download their crappy software before giving you the code.


    It's the only reason I don't buy digital products from GameStop."




  13. Does anyone know if the codes they give you can be redeemed with Steam? The Mass Effect Trilogy caught my eye. I've never played any of them and always hear good things on this board, but if I have to download and install another Steam/Uplay/Origin client to redeem the codes and download the games I'll scream!

  14. My trip to the local bike shop was a successful one! I was able to get the clips and filters which are both still available OEM! Looks like I'll be able to replace what I need if I find any more things that need replacing.




    Good luck with that!

    Ive just got back from 1300 miles in 5 days through five European countries on my bike and it broke me but I love every aspect of biking! :)


    That sounds amazing! A gentleman I work with was telling me his son was doing something similar to that. Starting in Italy. I'd imagine it was an amazing experience for you! And beautiful bike. I really like the body and component colors.



    Pretty cool. Be careful out there, the way people drive these days you need to make sure you ride with your head on a swivel.

    Yes sir, thank you! Safety is a huge concern of mine.



    Tires now.  Old motorcycle tires are dangerous.  They may have lots of tread left, they may not be dry rotted, but they aren't as soft as they should be.  6 years is generally quoted as the maximum for tires to still be safe to use at highway speeds, although some folks insist 10 years is ok.


    Otherwise, have fun, and wear your fucking helmet.  Even if you never crash, it'll save your hearing.  Riding without ear protection or a full face helmet at highway speeds = saying "Huh?" a lot when you get older.

    Thank you, I have every intention of buying new tires. By eventually I meant after we get it apart, cleaned and running. The tires are 38 years old! I agree new tires are an absolute must. Plan is to take the rear fender apart, front and rear tires off to clean and inspect parts and things tucked up in the frame next. When the rims are off I'll get some new rubbers.


    I've been looking at helmets and I want a full face. A matte black Schuberth S2 to be exact. I like to keep my skull in it's current configuration. Top speed of the bike is supposed to be 65 MPH. With my big ass on it I might stay off the highway for fear of being pulled over for going too slow :lol:



    I have five motorcylces in my garage, none run anymore, I'll give you a good deal on any or all of them. :D


    I HIGHLY recommend taking a motorcycle safety course. The one I took was Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning: half in the class room, half in the saddle. They provide the bikes. At the end of the course, those of us who passed got a certificate which we were able to take to the RMV and get our motorcycle licences. It was the best thing I could've done and it made me a better driver, on the bike and in the car.


    Also, I'll emphasize what Doc said about hearing protection. I always where a full face helmet and use ear plugs, the wind noise will do a number on your hearing fast.

    Please PM me images and make/model/mileage info!


    I plan on taking a very similar class. It's 2 days and will grant me my license when complete. I've asked people and they've all said positive things about it and that it's a must. I'm excited to take it.


    I do appreciate the guidance. It makes me wonder about all the bozos riding around with illegal skull caps they've put vinyl DOT stickers on, so they appear legal, riding around with no ear protection? Future Gary Buseys :lol:




    Some people ride on the dirt! KTM 200xc, tons of two stroke fun :)


  15. It's been that time of year for bikers to break out their bad attitudes and hit the road. I'm days away from getting my mom’s 1976 Suzuki GT185 Adventurer up and running again! I’m very excited to say the least. I've never driven a bike and don’t have my license (don't laugh ^_^) but first things first, I need a bike, so I took it up to my in-laws on Saturday and spent a good chunk of the weekend with my girls dad taking it apart, cleaning, polishing and assessing what parts I need. It's lived in a shed forever; it's last inspection was in 1985 (me having it earlier was never an option, it took my grandparents passing away for my mom to let me take it because she has nowhere to put it!) so it ends up I only need a battery, spark plugs, two stroke reservoir oil cap, air filters, side panel clips and tires eventually. I'm going after work to try and order the filters and clips. The bike is 100% original! And yes I had it in my living room :lol:






    This should be a developing thread so please share your bikes and stories!

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