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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Time to dust this thread off. (If you've a weak stomach this post isn't for you.)


    People I work with are slobs in general. From dropping popcorn all over the floor and leaving it on days when a co-worker makes movie popcorn for everyone, to throwing hand towels on the ground instead of in the garbage can right next to the sink in the bathroom but this slob takes the trophy for biggest scumbag.


    I'm friendly with the custodian here and it's a running joke between him and I how much of a pig our receptionist is so he called me over this morning to see what treasures he had to clean under her desk THIS time. The woman is easily 500 pounds. That's not an over exaggeration shes massive. I'm not trying run down heavy people, I'm a pudgy fuck, but this cunt is so fucking huge and lazy that she wont bend down to pick up after herself and just leaves trash there for others to clean. Which pisses me off! To be fair she clearly has a mental and/or eating disorder (I and others have witnessed her eating her boogers -_-) which is sad, she is a sick lady and needs help, but the disgust far outweighs sympathy or understanding at times.



  2. Our local PD did away with horses. Reminds me theres nothing like the stench of a huge pile of horse shit on a hot summer street. :lol:


    I've never seen them myself but from video The Killers are awesome live!



    Kind of crappy but the images and vids aren't that bad for being taken with a Canon G5.

    George Clinton and the 420 Funk Mob 04.14.07 (RIP: Garry Shider with pants on.)




    Support vids:

    (love the grandpa wave at the end) ^_^


    Mafia 2

    "I'm goin' in!" :lol:


    Microsoft had an old open world monster truck game that I loved. There was a dirt bike one too that was dope. Great for kids. I don't remember the names of them though. -_-


    I've only ever played the newest Saints row but I love it. Great suggestions above!

  4. I had orthotics as a kid. My feet felt like I was stepping on rocks when I walked. It went away but was wildly uncomfortable. They didn't really help but from what you're saying they might for you in the heal and arch since they are built around your foot.


    I know New Balance offers running shoes in widths you're talking about.


    Is having toes surgically removed an option?

  5. But you're missing out on some funny shit over in the WD thread.

    Showed my girl the TWD honest trailer last night and she loved it. It had me rollin'! :lol: The one above is great too!



    The Game of Thrones season opener was cool. I haven't read the books but the necklace Ser Dontos gives Sansa is going to get her killed isn't it? It was kind of corny they had a scene with a search for a worthy necklace and then he gives her an heirloom necklace but...


    My favorite dialog and scene:

    "Of course you name your sword, lots of people do"

    "Yeah, lots of cunts!"

    Then ale fueled, chicken taking revenge!


    Love the dragons. Hope they fuck shit up soon.



    This is also ridiculous.


  6. Black metal snowball fight; awesome!  I would never have known because you can't understand what the fuck the dude is saying in English or Swedish. Just nod your head real fast its METAL! :lol:


    Some of the covers on this album are too good! I don't care for Anthrax but they destroyed this. (in a great way) ^_^

  7. From all the comments I'd figure Chookes as a Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream and milk man :lol:

    Never had a White Russian. Kahlua and milk is ok.


    These are the approved Manly Mixed Drinks for Men


    Cold weather:  The Old Fashioned

    Warm weather: The Tom Collins

    Wild card:  The Whisky Sour


    Anything else should be sipped with your pinky daintily extended while discussing if your new thong will chafe if you hit the dance floor one more time.


    All of those have fruit in them. If it was rum they'd be a daquari. :lol: I'm not into gin but I am down with the Collins clan. (John Collins, Kevin Collins, Michael Collins, Harry Collins) And did you forgot a Mint Julep. I had a Woodford Reserve Mint Julep the other day it was very good. I :wub: Bourbon; never had Old Granddad but would try. Some people are snobs but I like Wild Turkey.


    This post is sponsored by Zantac ^_^

  8. Kids my idol :lol: Get your game on little dude!




    Microsoft sends Kristoffer Von Hassel, aged five, four free games, $50, and a year of Xbox Live Gold after he reports how he managed to break Xbox Live security.
    by Martin Gaston on April 4, 2014

    A 5-year-old boy managed to circumvent the Xbox One's security and log in to his father's account without entering the correct password.

    Reported on the BBC, San Diego child Kristoffer Von Hassel has now been credited as a security researcher by Microsoft. In an alternate universe, the kid probably turned to the dark side, logged into your account, and pumped your life savings into FIFA Ultimate Team card packs.

    The exploit, which has already been fixed, was discovered by Kristoffer after entering the wrong password when trying to access his dad's Xbox Live account. By first attempting to log in with an incorrect password, users are taken to a second verification screen, where the child found out that by simply filling up the password field with spaces he would be able to access the account.


    After besting the multibillion dollar company, the preschooler said to local news station KGTV that he "was like yea!"

    After realising what he'd done, however, Kristoffer said he "got nervous. I thought [Dad] was going to find out."

    Kristoffer's father, Robert, also works in computer security. Technical wizardry must run in the family.

    What did Kristoffer think was going to happen after his father reported the error to Microsoft? "I thought someone was going to steal the Xbox," he said.

    For reporting the major security loophole, Microsoft gave the kid four free games, $50, and a 12-month subscription to Xbox Live.

    "We're always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention," said Microsoft in a statement. "We take security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it."



  9. We should organise a UK invasion of USA, Forever Gaming style, teach those boys about the joys of Stella Artois.


    I've never been across the pond.


    It'd be a multicoloured benetton UK invasion of course, with Jocks, Dutch, Plastic Paddies, Mockneys and the whole menagerie...


    I could go to the gas station right now, pick up a 22oz Stella Artois tall boy and slug it for breakfast. :lol:


    Depending on the money conversion rates you probably could do it cheep (1 British Pound Sterling equals 1.66 US Dollar) So right now one pound is almost worth 2 dollars. Get double your moneys worth, just be sure and pack your most comfortable pajama bottoms. You'll want to wear them anytime you go out in public so you blend in. :ph34r:

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