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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. So naturally I've been smashing heads with this bloody software for ages, when Sennex come sswooping in, waves a magic wand and fixes it in a matter of minutes. Sennex, the legend. Cheers dude.
  2. Please welcome our new evil overlord Sennex. He is now an admin as well, as he's a legend when it comes to the more technical stuff and deserves a wizard hat.
  3. Codecadamy. Seriously, Google it. Excellent site and free.
  4. Cheers guys, really looking forward to this. James do you play bf4 on ps4?
  5. Yep, having some issues at the moment. Working on it. Bear with me please.
  6. You're not bad looking at all. You can do much better than that dude though.
  7. In case some of you hadn't twigged yet, this obviously hasn't happened due to work being a PITA and family shit. I'll get on it tonight hopefully.
  8. Diddums

    PayDay 2

    MEMEME! I've got it, and I'm blissfully shit at it. I've got Fri, Sat and Sun off if you want to get a few heists in.
  9. Have you seen some of the other vids? Their guradian angels must really, really hate them.
  10. Just a heads up, tomorrow I will be carrying out some maintenance. I can't give you an exact time as it depends on how work pans out, but I'll try keep disruption to a minimum. Cheerio!
  11. I find the difference to be humour. Cod moaners are always meaning. Bf4 moaners will moan, but also be able to have a laugh. This is a sweeping statement, ymmv.
  12. Hey welcome mate, glad you dropped in. Looks like we play mostly the same games, add me if you like Diddums84 on both Steam and Origin. Cheers!
  13. Cheers guys. I was seriously pissed off when I wrote that, so allow me to clear up any misconceptions: Yes, my wife has cancer. She's had it ever since she was about 12, and it was treated. It's benign, although she goes for checkups regularly. It's not affecting her at this point. What pissed me off is that I've got an uncle who has it seriously bad now. I'm not too keen on him so it doesn't bother me as much, but it is in the family. My mother's just been cured, so it's in the family too. Now my father's got it, and that's also in the family. What added to that was all the other family, direct or married-in, which also have it. It just seems to be that everywhere I look, someone's getting cancer. That's what pissed me off. That said, I have a very strong history with my father (bad, not good), and he has never been a part of my life. Literally a few days after my 30th, I get a call from my half sister. He's marrying his girlfriend before he goes and he wants me at his wedding. Now I don't even know if this is what he wants. My sister has this thing where she wants a perfect family, and she sounded like she had a few drinks, so I don't really know what to make of it. I shouldn't be put in this position. That's what's pissing me off.
  14. Yes, yes I am. And proud.
  15. H'actually, I seem to recall getting a lovely kill with an RPG from the elevated areas on Silk Road, into the base. 200% luck, literally just a pot shot. Killed someone. "RPG noob". Yeah.
  16. The biggest thing with BF is *insert gun here* noob. Can be anything. You can kill someone from across a map, a 1km headshot, and you'll be a sniper noob. This doesn't reflect on you, this just seems to be common practice. Then there are those who are just loud mouthed in general. Just the other day I join a match of Conquest, was something like 100-400, we were losing (Caspian Border, half our team were sniping from the new towers in the new wall). e lose the game, this dude pipes up "LOSERS". Naturally, I start trolling him. "Yeah, you beat us so bad, I wish I was as good as you" and all that. He goes on and on, eventually he replies with the generic "yeah yeah, blablabla". I check the scoreboard out of interest, he's 8-9. I mention this, and the whole lobby gets a lol out of it. He didn't reply after that. //Thank fuck I just had a good match and went 15-9, otherwise the joke would've been on me.
  17. What this means is that MS fucked up so bad that their consoles are selling shit, and Activision aren't stupid. They're following the money. I've said it once and ill say it again: RIP X box, nice knowing you.
  18. Yep, even Amazon couldn't supply faster apparently. Really excited now. I'm remoniscing about the good ol' days of our gaming sessions. I hope you all have BF4, because fuck cod.
  19. My wife's got cancer. Two of my uncles have cancer. My mother's just been through a mastectomy, my sister's boyfriend has been fighting it for the last year, and she just rand me to tell me my father's got a year to live. Now I couldn't give a shit about my father, in much the same way he's never given a shit about me, but can I just get a fucking break over here? Not a sob story btw, just feel like ranting.
  20. Python is the easiest and most fun to learn, I've just started it myself. Google "Learning Python the hard way" if you want to spend some cash. Codecadamy is also excellent, and free.
  21. To answer the title, no. Not in a million years. My wife got me Premium for my 30th so I downloaded them, but I wouldn't have spent a penny on them. An entire xpac, with maps, from a previous game? Is this what the gaming industry has come to? Not a single new map? You know what I do when I want to play these maps? I play BF3.
  22. Cheers fellas. Rented an Astra Turbo and had nice nice cruise up to a lovely b&b called The Boathouse in Bath. Got the top spec room with a huge balcony overlooking the River Avon. As a bonus, the Bath park'n'ride stops right outside so we can catch that in to town and not worry about driving. So far a lovely day, wish you guys were here!
  23. Hahaha, Dylan you fucking legend. Nice chats on TS last night!
  24. Well as some of you know, today is my 30th, and my wife got me a PS4. It's arriving on 28-04 and it comes with BF4. Don't worry, I shall defend you all. No bullet shall get past me!
  25. Bout time you started posting again.
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