What's the pop like though? The last time I quit WoW was because the server was dead. Seriously dead, like 40 people tops in SW on raid night. It was pathetic really, and it killed the experience. I only came back to WoW now because they've merged servers and whatnot so there's WPVP and actual people around. Granted I get ganked all the time but rather that than just wander around solo.
I also love manipulating the AH, to the point that I get fan mail from people moaning that I'm always undercutting them. This is also not very possible on a low pop server, it's just boring.
I loved the LK raids and I'd join a server specifically for those but outside of them, unless the server is really busy, I can't see myself going for it.
Also! According to the link you posted I can bump right up to 70, is that still the case? I don't mind grinding out NR to get to 80, but if I have to start at level one, for a server I only really raid on, then there's no hope.