I'm looking for an arena class. Not sure what, but most likely a plate wearer. I've got my pally which is 87 at the mo, he'll be 88 tonight, then I've got another pally at 85, a warrior at 83, and two death knights at 85. Apart from the highest level pally, they're all on other servers so I'll have to transfer over.
I'm thinking of putting some serious effort into this and aiming high. Not sure what to go with really, haven't done any arena in years.
I'm thinking Pally for holy, DK for Unholy and Warrior for Arms / Fury. Basically I want to be indestructible and put out 200k crits. Easier said than done, obviously.
Is ret any good? Might have a go at that too.
If any of you want to have a go at making a team for some pwnage, please do a peekaboo here.