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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. I envy your ability to throw all style out the window in favour of a bit of comfort.
  2. Diddums


    SVEN!!!!!!!!! Bout time you slacker belgian chump. There's a WoW forum somewhere too, so you can get all your friends and chat there too.
  3. You legend! Fanks dude, much appreciated!
  4. Do yo thang sista. <3
  5. I am the best YouTuber in the world. Fact.
  6. Imma try make this next week. And thanks for the song, it's gone straight to the top of my favourite clips on Youtube list. Euan is a dickhead btw. Loafers with no socks. Pah.
  7. How about OCZ then? They've got a PCI-E drive which is 3.2tb. In the right motherboard, it'll write at speeds of 1.2tb per second. Not minute, second. Oh you want one eh? Well, for you, mate's rates. £16500. Yes, you read that correctly. Sixteen thousand, five hundred pounds. I'll have four in RAID 0 please.
  8. Seeing as I'm up to my eyeballs in WoW at the moment, here's my favourite cinematic from the game. Say what you want about Blizzard, if there's one thing they can do, it's cinematics:
  9. Envelopes. Problem solved.
  10. And fuckign about with photoshop:
  11. Didn't we have a photography thread? Let's see some cool photos you've taken! I'll kick it off with something I just dug out of my photobucket. It's the HMS Ocean, when she was parked up in Greenwich to stop the terrorists from killing London during the limpdicks.
  12. *poke* Slackers, make this happen!
  13. I'm looking for an arena class. Not sure what, but most likely a plate wearer. I've got my pally which is 87 at the mo, he'll be 88 tonight, then I've got another pally at 85, a warrior at 83, and two death knights at 85. Apart from the highest level pally, they're all on other servers so I'll have to transfer over. I'm thinking of putting some serious effort into this and aiming high. Not sure what to go with really, haven't done any arena in years. I'm thinking Pally for holy, DK for Unholy and Warrior for Arms / Fury. Basically I want to be indestructible and put out 200k crits. Easier said than done, obviously. Is ret any good? Might have a go at that too. If any of you want to have a go at making a team for some pwnage, please do a peekaboo here.
  14. Phil we need to get you in to World of Warcraft dude. Srs. AND!!!!!!!!! How the fuck did nobody get my Mugatu reference?
  15. Haven't you got a Sammy EVO? Same as mine. I usually just uninstall whatever I can, run CCleaner, and job's a good 'un. Never bothered with anything else really. Windows 7's TRIM facility is excellent for SSDs. Not sure if Sammy themselves have any software in their little magic disk suite or whatever it's called. I love my SSD. Everything loads so fast. So. Fast.
  16. I see Mugatu finally got his way then.
  17. That means there's something seriously fucked up.
  18. Euan has a history with cabs coming to his rescue.
  19. Shouldda called a cab.
  20. My wife watches that, but only if I'm not home or doing something else. It actually makes me moody to see people who should be culled at birth given money and their lifestyle glamorised. Honey poo poo and family need to be shot. And I'm not even joking either. We've spent thousands of years developing the human race but people like this just put us back in the stone ages, and we pay for it with taxes. Their English needs to be subtitled for fuck sakes.
  21. I've learned to use you lot as guinea pigs. I refuse to touch shot like this until it's fixed. I have enough stress in my life without the thing I do to relax fucking me around and charging me for the pleasure. So, guinea pigs, give me a heads up when it's fixed please
  22. Good luck to 'em. I can live without those games and Steam is awesome. Origin is an outdated piece of shite and until they update it and actually market it properly with special offers and free weekends, it's just going to sink.
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