Sorry for getting your hopes up @GazzaGarratt I was only regurgitating what I had read but the internet is only right about 5% of the time 😄
That was a p*ss poor reveal, trying to advertise a beefed up PS5 when the content on the current generation has been quite poor. In fact they were advertising the PS5 Pro with games that have been out for some time already and even with Ghost of Tsushima that no matter how great the game is, it was a PS4 title! Another notable omission was the lack of footage with Astro Bot, a game that has just come out, that show's off the haptics and such, I wonder if that's because Astro will look the same whichever console you use?
I understand why they have done it, for them it's natural to release a pro around this point in a console's lifetime, the issue is complacency and the fact that as absurd as this is people will still buy it as people want the best / shiny new thing to show off on their tik toks and such.
I can say, without a doubt I won't be buying this. I am most excited by Nintendo these days and even Microsoft has me more engaged at the moment and they have been pretty poor in recent years.