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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2018 in all areas

  1. I wonder what a plane ticket costs from here to there
    3 points
  2. I'll be there. With my Trumpet.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. One word with 2 silly bulls. DriveClub[emoji4] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. DAVE AND SANJAY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY YAY! When: 17th March 2018 Where: Dave's Place, London Theme: Get drunk and talk shit What to bring: Fags if you're a smoker, nothing else All food and drink will be supplied! Yay! Kyla makes some badass snacks! Most of you will know about this already and this is a post to find out what's what and who's coming / not coming, who's staying where, etc. Sanjay is a lifelong friend of mine whose birthday is actually on the 17th so he's got the spare room because birthday boy. There are also a considerable amount of possible attendees (15 including Kyla and I) so we're trying to make plans that are cheap and accessible for all. First I need to know if you're coming or not (this is important for food and alcohol purposes. If you're not coming, please say so). Then we need to know who's staying where and what the cheapest option is for staying over (unless you want a nice romantic spa ofc, we don't judge lol). This way we can start actually arranging shit. So far the list of possible attendees are: Phil & Marina @phil bottle Rich & Lex @tronic44 Greboth @Greboth Leigh @GazzaGarratt Stretch @Stretch616 Naereet @Amnotright Cripspeee @crispymorgan Mike A-Team @Mikepjbell Damian (mate of mine) Tad (you all know Taddy) Please can you all reply below whether or not you're making it and where you want to stay if you are coming down (if bringing partners please specify as well). GET REPLYING FOLKS! Ciao, Dave xxx
    1 point
  6. We had a spontaneous great night of custom games the other night with 8 of us. We should set a few nights and stream them as they are a whole lotta fun. The ideas we did last time out were: - Shovels and Knives (Airborne Class / Basic Training Serrated / Flash Grenades) - Sniper Only (Mountain Class / Luftwaffe Sniper + FMJ + Advanced Rifling) - Kimbo Wars (Infantry Class / Basic Training (I'll edit when I can remember it for 2 pistols!) / 1311 Handgun + Fire Rate + tbc. - Shotgun Fires (Expeditionary / Combat Shotgun + Advanced Rifling / Always load incendiary rounds on Spawn). Has anyone got others we could all try? We can get an event up then as get a full party going.
    1 point
  7. Figure 1400$ for a round trip, leave here on the 16th, return home on the 20th
    1 point
  8. I'll have a look later and speak to Stretch too We might as well all go the same way if we can.
    1 point
  9. @Diddums Yup of course I'm going to be there as for where to stay, any recomendations for places near yours? P.S. Tell Kyla we'll just get take out
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. tronic44

    Happy Birthdays!

    Also happy birthday to @Just Cal Hope you have a good one dude!
    1 point
  12. tronic44

    Happy Birthdays!

    Happy belated birthday @Baabcat Good to see you're not going to be going thirsty
    1 point
  13. tronic44

    Burnout Paradise

    Good to see EA have gone to zero effort again, GG. If the online multiplayer is good and enough of us fancy getting it, then i'd definitely pick it up but not at full price.
    1 point
  14. GazzaGarratt

    Burnout Paradise

    Yeah, I don't think it's worth a full price remaster like Crash Bandicoot that is still holsing it's value at £29.99 - that is for 3 full games though compared to this. A big factor could be it's online Multiplayer options. Anything to rival GTA races for pure out banter and fun could be worth a dip.
    1 point
  15. J4MES OX4D

    Burnout Paradise

    Nice cash grab EA. I loved this game 10 years ago and may just get it in the Steam Sale for a pittance instead of this 'remaster' which should be named Burnout Paradise Reshaded
    1 point
  16. That was honestly the most fun I’ve had gaming in ages, we definitely need to have more sessions. I’ll stick a video up when I get time to make one 🙈 I’ll also have a think of possible private match ideas
    1 point
  17. I’m interested to see what class she will be, can only imagine that she’d be defence.
    1 point
  18. It's Brigitte, Torb's daughter. Someone posted a tweet too soon at Blizzard China and redacted it.
    1 point
  19. You'll pick up m & kb like a duck to water. Seriously put me off playing FPS with controllers, particularly the shite Ps4 controller. Feel far more confident shooting via mouse. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Lol sounds fun. Will surley give it a try later. Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Baabcat

    Happy Birthdays!

    Yes the big 50 has arrived. I guess at some point I intend to grow up (but not just yet) Special night, Charlie’s parents evening , ugh, will celebrate tomorrow night. My in laws sent me 50 cans of Old Speckled Hen, so at least I won’t go thirsty over the next few days. Cheers guys
    1 point
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