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  1. Sennex



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Sennex


    It takes time to rip out all the loot boxes
    3 points
  2. phil bottle

    Nutella Nutters

    Yep it looks like shite someone left in the toilet bowl at work this morning Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. Last night's few games were a good laugh. Having one of us randomly on the other side probably made it even more fun tbh. Shame its not on the private match list, it is absolutely perfect for private games. Being a tree was definitely the highlight of Prop Hunt! [emoji23] Let's make sure we have a few more games before it goes by the end of the month.
    2 points
  4. I don’t think there is any relevance to having a chunk, just that a chunck is 16x16. If we’re having houses around 8x6 then having a 16x16 plot gives some room to build some extras like the front porch bit like on the house I built on the server.
    2 points
  5. Sennex

    New World!

    Mods Client side You all need to remove 2 mods All you do is go to the mods folder and look for two files with these names, and then delete them. Aquaculture Giacomo's Fishing Net If you have questions let me know here, or on Whatsapp Mods Server side I removed the above mods I also removed Dynmap. It wasn't a space hog but it was a hog as far as memory. Once the world is generated, I will log in and set everything up as far as a work area. I am NOT going to really do more than clearing land for the plots and maybe a farm for all of us. Depending on how my son is I might work on a small boarding house for us all to use for beds and storage until we get our build area sorted Also a portal to the Resource World. If I have missed anything else I was supposed to do, let me know.
    1 point
  6. J4MES OX4D

    Nutella Nutters

    Crikey http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-42826028 Just waiting for ISIS to claim responsibility for the discount
    1 point
  7. Server reset is starting now
    1 point
  8. Free for a limited time https://www.humblebundle.com/store/amnesia-collection - usually £26.99
    1 point
  9. In honour if Ursula Le Guin who passed away this week I'll probably be re-reading the Dispossessed. Never read her Earthsea series (for which she was mostly noted for) but that book is one of my faves and it's been 20 years... so I'm intrigued to see what I think of it now. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. tronic44

    Nutella Nutters

    Fills you full of hope for the planet.
    1 point
  11. Works for me mate! Still haven't tried it yet!
    1 point
  12. @GazzaGarratt Let’s get two more and give this a go this weekend 👍 Then we’ll play some prop hunt
    1 point
  13. I wouldn't mind hoping back in this. Been playing 1.12.2 lately with my kids. Via the FG App
    1 point
  14. I agree too, Miky will be a far better player suited at Arsenal. No point having a moody fecker at a club bringing everyone else down.
    1 point
  15. J4MES OX4D

    Far Cry 5

    Forgot this game existed and is coming out in a couple of months! I've had all the Far Cry games minus Primal but I'm not a massive fan of the series although I did quite like 3 a few years ago. Far Cry 4 was very disappointing I found as despite the size; it still felt quite claustrophobic with too many verticle/mountainous areas rather than a nice open world to play in. Far Cry 5 does look more up my street albeit a bit barmy but should be good fun and worth keeping an eye on in the coming weeks
    1 point
  16. LordBaguette


    I dont have high hopes for any game anymore not after the last couple of years. its a shite way of looking at things but i mean this is EA for fuck sake
    1 point
  17. tronic44


    No offical packshot? Let me guess, it'll be DLC. I think the Destiny killer has already been released, it was called Destiny 2 This game does look pretty sweet, the only off putting part of it is that it's made by EA.
    1 point
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