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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2017 in all areas

  1. https://www.astutegaming.com/single-post/EASPORTSUFC3BETA Their new UFC has what's been described as You can get utterly ridiculous shit from loot boxes in this game like upgraded fucking punches! Even a simple jab has a rating from 1 to 5 and you can get a 5 from a loot crate. You don't rank your character up to get better attacks; it's all down to complete luck. And is complete bullshit. Seems that these utter spunk trumpets just can't help themselves from totally taking the piss with loot crates. How I hope they ruin it for all publishers.
    3 points
  2. It's pretty much judgement week for Destiny 2 as players will have to decide whether they commit to the upcoming 'expansion' and the game with a long term view, or simply to get out now and not spend another penny and likely never play it again. I played the game for a solid two weeks and had a reasonable time but once I finished the campaign along with completing many other elements such as the adventures; I didn't feel motivated to play it again. Bungie also released a load of generic patch notes of alleged improvements and detailed a brief about the games future in a PR move to try and assure users their medicore game can be salvaged post-DLC once again. A few media domains such as Gamespot even mooted that the DLC wasn't even very good whilst others said it would unlikely improve the core game as the offering wasn't substantial enough. For me; I cannot see myself returning. The focus of Destiny 2's improvements seem to surround loot but for me the problem with the game is more regarding the overly-casual and repetitive nature plus lack of an engrossing narrative. The Curse of Osiris will likely add nothing apart from a few new locations to the current game plus a story strand that will probably go over people's heads. Earning loot is supposed to be the hook that keeps people playing Destiny 2 but irrespective of any changes that Bungie make; earning loot was not satisfying for me in the slightest because the lack of a difficulty and soulless combat just made everything simple and underwhelming. Nobody ever starts COD campaigns on recruit difficulty and no matter how many enemies you faced in D2; your status was never under threat. Even if you did die; there was no real consequence and you were always guranteed spoonfed loot that would slightly bolster your power. Even on the more high-end events that took a shedload of ammo rather than skill; earning higher tier loot just never felt like it was well earned. The story which is coming from the same studio (in name only) that created the Halo brand which has been huge for 15 years thanks to its characters, writing and development plus quality games. We actually got a 'story' in this game but even so; everything seemed so mediocre with only some fine humour from Cayde and Failsafe being memorable. I intertwined the story through as many adventures and events as possible to drag it out so I wasn't lumbered with stacks of meaningless 'side' quests by the end. Even in doing that I found myself doing the same thing over and over against the same enemies over and over. I did a campaign mission on Titan and the very next and only two adventures available were in exactly the same locations! Nobody would play the same Halo mission 3 times in a row on the easiest difficulty and that's exactly how this game felt. Although my desire was almost extinguished last month to care about the future of the game; I was still interested in seeing what Bungie could do to improve things along with the DLC. It already didn't sit well with me that they'd gone two steps backwards after finishing strongly with the original game and a part of me questioned whether they deliberately ommitted aspects which they would then conveniantly add before the DLC to reel people into supporting the game long term with a 'game-changing' update. After the XP scaling drama of last week where Bungie played the usual PR card of 'we are unhappy with this....even though we created it and are just unhappy because we got caught out' plus this seemingly overwhelming patch of generic notes; I just can't see them ever drastically improving the game and I'm not willing to pay up to find out. They just don't deserve my money by virtue of how poor the core game has been IMO. I was hoping to play Destiny 2 for a good two years rather than two weeks and already many players have departed. I was reading that the game lost nearly 80% of players in under two months which didn't bode well for the PC release and I'm now one of those that have felt too underwhelmed to continue. There is also nothing unique about Destiny 2 - it's a 'social' shooter with heavily restricted and dated online elements and very bland features made by a company who are a shell of their former selves and backed by a very smart publisher who are experts in marketing and brand development. It doesn't do anything that Borderlands, Warframe and The Crew don't do. Bungie's name, their engine and wonderful art team is what makes this game look and feel fantastic but everything else is a complete and utter mess. What is everyone elses thoughts on the upcoming material and is it enough to keep you engaged or will you simply walk away?
    2 points
  3. We had a great time. Great to finally meet a few more faces. The Arcade Club is unreal (so was the prices of beer and food, really cheap). First time for me trying VR on the Playstation and Oculus Rift. It is superb. Also, the japanese games are wacky, insane and hilarious. Great fun had by all. A few pics from what others have sent me. I stupidly didn't take many myself.
    2 points
  4. Thanks for the 4 donations received so far, you guys are extremely generous. I've added a thermometer to the hompage so hopefully it helps people see how great we are doing. I've took Rich's suggestion and added 2 copies of 7 days into it (I believe you can buy 2 copies for £30) so the total is £510 and we are at an amazing £335. By the way, happy to change any prizes you think that won't really go anywhere. The only that is already bought is the keyboard as I managed to secure it for less than the original price of above £100. Thanks again everyone and if people want to ask anything or donate anything towards it we'll keep it open as late as we can so we can try and do this just before or on Xmas Day. Prize & Approx. Value PSN Voucher - £10 PSN Voucher - £10 PSN Voucher - £10 PSN Voucher - £10 Steam Voucher - £10 Steam Voucher - £10 Steam Voucher - £10 Xbox Voucher - £10 Xbox Voucher - £10 Destiny 2 Expansion Pass - £30 Destiny 2 Expansion Pass - £30 Destiny 2 Game - £30 Call of Duty WWII Game - £40 Call of Duty WWII Season Pass - £40 Overwatch Game - £30 Minecraft Game (PC) - £20 Rainbow 6 Siege Game - £20 Logitech g19s Keyboard (Used Once) - £100 Razer DeathAdder 2013 Optical Mouse - £50 7 Days to Die Game - £15 7 Days to Die Game - £15 Total - £510
    2 points
  5. So much detail. This game deserves my money. Love it.
    1 point
  6. Very cool. Glad you were all able to get together. Via the FG App
    1 point
  7. You'll probably think its obvious for me to say 'of course I am' but it isn't that easy. My Name is Byf put it very well in his recent video which I agree with most of it. I am not very happy either right now and I know the latest update whilst good to see in a reaction, clearly we know isn't a silver bullet. It's all about whether you have the patience to hold on and see what happens in the next 8-12 weeks and see if Bungie can deliver the goods constantly. I'll be there for the fact it is still a decent solid game to run around in and ultimately one of the best games we have to party up with all FG members. I also really enjoy the lore so I want to know more and all I hope is that many other FG people just give it a look so we can try and party up a little more again over the Christmas period as we wait...but I also totally understand if people say, fuck it, and don't want to touch it. Caustiously Optimistic.
    1 point
  8. tronic44

    Black Friday 2017

    There's never anything, the mega cheap items are normally made by companies I've never heard of. People scrambling for a £200 tv made by a company okishvision
    1 point
  9. I got a few items. South Park $32 AC: Origins $32 -$10 certificate I had laying around. Reclining chair. I was in the market for them for a while. Got the one I was looking at, for cheaper. Also got a Keurig for cheap. All worked out for me. Bought all items from my phone while I was sick with laryngitis. Via the FG App
    1 point
  10. Don't speak to soon
    1 point
  11. Hats off, cos that is one tricky challenge. The Zeppelin bit is as far as I've managed so far. Though it was just me and Rich. This weekend we shall persevere [emoji4] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Loving it. Beat the boss with my nephew and Josh. Only let down is 1 map! Via the FG App
    1 point
  13. Beat the easter egg "boss" on round 21. Then we stopped caring on round 23 and just went down. I like it, but it's gotten too big and chaotic. I'd be up for playing with a party, but solo this is hell. To be able to beat the boss you need 2-3 people with LMG's, everyone needs the shitty teslagun and I'd recommend Pack-a-punching the Type 100 as during the bossfight that is the only gun you can get ammo for off the walls. You will need someone to run around with quick revive too as the boss is a 1 hit down on you. Make sure that person isn't the same one that's trying to kill the fucker xD We mostly pulled it off thanks to all 3 of us having PaP weapons at round 15, most of us had all perks and at least 2 of us had LMG's.
    1 point
  14. Loot boxes in fortnite is fine by me. I didn't pay for the game. Loot boxes in a paid for game? Nope. Via the FG App
    1 point
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