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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2017 in all areas

  1. GazzaGarratt

    FG GTA Racing

    Having 9/10 of us last night on this was brilliant. What the hell happened on those hills when we couldn't get up them I'll never know. Gary definitely gets Most Improved Racer! We need more of these and see if we can get a full 16 in the lobby. I recorded most of it via Twitch so I'll see what fun stuff I stored. Good stuff everyone @techno @LordBaguette @Greboth @Diddums @crispymorgan @Amnotright @Stretch616 @burnfitbillyboy Next time @phil bottle and @tronic44 need to get their asses in gear and get on earlier
    3 points
  2. PC now fully built!!!!! ZOMG nearly ready. Heart stopping moment when it wouldn't turn on properly, but it was a connection I hadn't done (12V ATX). It turns out I had to split one of the plugs on the PSU to get the 4 pin connector I couldn't find....... Just tinkering with the UEFI BIOS to sort the drives out Done! Please note it takes its place along side the PS4. This is all about expanding my gaming not replacing it! Still lots of tidying to do, but it's been fun and I've had a blast playing rainbow on PC. Think PUBG is going to be the one that steals most of my time though.
    2 points
  3. Define 'free'. I don't know of any truely free open source ones but that doesn't mean it isn't possible to get software without paying for it. My experience of video editing is purely through youtube and it seems the standard is sony vegas. I personally use Camtasia Studio as I got a product key with something I bought (I think it was my camera). It is a big simplistic compared to the likes of Sony Vegas but does for what I need currently.
    2 points
  4. Ok. So i've changed it around. A few subforums to sort still. Left Warframe for now in main games because not got time right now to archive stuff. Feedback as soon as please everybody. It's a piece of piss to get it back to what it was so don't be scared to shout up. Equally shout up if you like the look of it. Thanks.
    2 points
  5. techno

    FG GTA Racing

    Most improved lol ..I got round 1 wall finally Via the FG App
    2 points
  6. crispymorgan

    Crispy's PC Build

    So a while back I had decided I would love to get back in to PC gaming. I'm a tight arse though and I needed to do low low budget. Initially I had proposed using more recycled spare parts, but I wanted to make sure it was reliable so most of them went out the window. My first idea was to use the well respected AMD RX470 coupled with the G4560 CPU which punches way above its price point. The CPU was out of stock most places when i finally decided to get the build going, and crypto miners had bought every single fucking GPU in the world. First part to buy was the GPU. Finally settled on a Palit 1050 TI. It retailed around £135 but it dropped in price and I had an amazon voucher for £20. So it cost me £99. I was now committed to buying the rest of the PC or having an expensive paper weight My build had gone from budget to expensive on more than one occasion, but I decided that solid budget was the way forward. I changed the motherboard to one that was on sale at scan and bought an i3 CPU. In reality, upgrading the CPU cost me £40 for about 6% performance increase, not great, but at least it was in stock. CPU - Intel i3-7100 Kaby lake - £102.97 (scan offer) Motherboard - Asus Prime B250M-PLUS - £62.99 (Scan offer) GPU - Palit 1050 ti - £119 (£99 with gift voucher) RAM - Corsair 2 x 4GB 2400Mhz - £66.50 PSU - Refurb 450W Corsair - £24.98 SSD - Western Digital 120GB - £54 HDD - 1TB Enterprise Western Digital - FOC Monitor - AOC G2460PG - £160 (second reduced from £349) Peripherals I had, but are to be upgraded Total Build cost was £590 Fitting the PSU. Bit of a pain not being modular, but that's a luxury for next time. Fitting CPU. I was quite nervous about this bit as I haven't used this type of socket before. Easy enough to do in the end. Most of the stuff installed now. Spent a bit of time routing, and the rerouting cables. It's still not exactly what I want, but I was getting desperate to play it by this point.
    1 point
  7. Current Roll Call Confirmed: Lee @GazzaGarratt Greboth @Greboth Rich @tronic44 Stretch @Stretch616 Tam @burnfitbillyboy Crispy @crispymorgan Bob @Baabcat (Day only) Charlie @Venom (Day only) Chris @Amnotright Phil @phil bottle Gary @techno Diddums @Diddums Kyla Right. We need a larger meet up. I've spoken to quite a few of you and I know this can work so lets make sure we can get as many FGers there as possible. Event - Eurogamer 2017 (EGX 2017) Venue - NEC, Birmingham When - Fri 22nd & Sat 23rd - We need to decide whether we should do one night or two nights. 2 would be great but I get it may be down to availability and cost. Cost - Tickets are £19 for Friday and £23 for Saturday. Entry 11am to 7pm. Gut reaction is try and find hotels cheap enough for 2 nights and go to Eurogamer on Saturday. If more can afford it and can book a day off then some/all can do Friday too but we could all meet up Friday night, get settled and then have a good old time on the Saturday at Eurogamer with a few beers along the way. Hotels will probably be £20-30 each so not much at all if we're block booking. I'd love to find us a spot where we can all have to ourselves but not sure where that will be just yet. There's not been a large meet up for the last 4/5 years ago so let's try and make this work everybody? We all due a drink together IRL. Let us know ASAP if you can be in or out on the dates. Let's make this happen!
    1 point
  8. reddit.com/r/buildmeapc will do all the work for you if you want them to. Give them a budget, the types of games you play and boom. My build was done by comparing different prebuilts they have stickied.
    1 point
  9. Looks neat and tidy Lee.
    1 point
  10. Diddums

    Low cost PC build

    Lee, wake the fuck up and read this properly: First off, no, you don't need a monitor. A telly will do, but it'll be slightly fuzzy. This won't really matter much in games, but you'll definitely notice it on the desktop as the icons will be a bit blurry. Secondly, you'll probably have a bit of input lag. This is the time between you moving your mouse and the cursor on the screen actually moving. In movies and TV shows and stuff, this doesn't matter but in gaming you'll notice it. HOWEVER! This won't be an issue until you're playing competitive games on a reasonable level. For the level of gaming we play, you should be fine. Also, most tellies have a "gaming mode" which effectively turns off all the fancy schmancy image effects and pumps out the image as quick as it can. This doesn't eliminate input lag, but reduces it significantly. Secondly, the pc part picker he used is called.... wait for it... PC PART PICKER! You can spend hours on that fiddling, tweaking, etc. It'll show you the current prices for most hardware components at various retailers, but it still helps to shop around yourself and see if you can bag deals. Even if the price is the same, some places will chuck in a free game or whatever. Also, ALWAYS check Topcashback and Quidco. Another site which is excellent is logical increments which gives you a rough idea of how certain components compare to others. If however you just want to compare performance between two graphics cards or CPUs, then use GPUBoss or CPUBoss. CPUBenchmark is also pretty handy. Keep in mind however that although one game might get 200FPS on your system, the next game might only manage 30. This is due to the load, the way games are coded, how much is going on at once and how well the game is optimized. Lemme know if you need anything else
    1 point
  11. I'll have a mooch around but so far so good dude, looking ace
    1 point
  12. Don't forget to get your clips to me for the next video!
    1 point
  13. I use Sony Movie Studio, which is basically a slim version of Sony Vegas. Tis perfect for youtube videos and was fairly cheap to buy, think it's around £40. You may find that if you download free editing software then it will have watermark over it, unless you pay for it.
    1 point
  14. burnfitbillyboy

    FG GTA Racing

    Was such a laugh! I'm available most nights next week. Definitely up for more of this Via the FG App
    1 point
  15. We breezed up to Templar on VoG but we only had a short time to play it so we should try and finish it off at some point before Tuesday. Thanks all @techno @Diddums @SensaiNemesis @TigerBurge @Amnotright
    1 point
  16. I'd say I'm about 65% of the way there now but this last part is the hardest part...over lots of lava...may have to "rise and fall" to span them
    1 point
  17. We can definitely do that. I'm going to start the process so bear with me over the next few days - shout up if anyone gets confused or notices something that works better for different sections.
    1 point
  18. If they wanted a decent right back they should have gone for Trippier, he's a superior player and most Spuds fans are pretty happy. Bonzo was good going foward but not a great defender. Spurs will never be 'on the up' Lee as we won't pay the crazy wages [emoji6] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. It's all gaming dude. No PC / Console hate here. I don't think PUBG should have it's own section. Outside of a map and one resource website there's really nothing content wise that's worthy of a forum for it. Let's avoid making to many subs, it'll just mean we have dead empty rooms when we could be posting them in the genre they belong. If you want it to grab your attention you could flair your posts with the game before the title. [PUBG] Best places to spawn, [Warframe] New updated xxx
    1 point
  20. The NA guys are really patient with Console scrubs moving up to PC. PUBG is a real deer in the headlights game, I just panic and run around crying. I can't wait to play more of this game.
    1 point
  21. I think we should scrap all games and only have 7 Days. We'll call ourselves FGO7DTDY (Forever Gaming On 7 Days To Die Yo) The Yo is optional but i think it will show we're still down with the kids.....not in the Jimmy way though. ^That or what @phil bottle said. GGFGPC
    1 point
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