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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Baabcat

    Brexit 1776

    Went to war to win the right to elect Donald Trump as president . Way to go guys
    7 points
  2. crispymorgan

    Warp points

    That's the most tragic game story ever
    3 points
  3. Just set up an event anyway. It will force others to buy it if they want to be there. Also gives some newer folk playing it a chance to group up and have some laughs. Do it Rich, be bold!!!
    3 points
  4. Hmmm, reading what you said Dave you're right that cutting corners is alot of natural human behaviour but some things like this do feel like like ultra cheesing. Equally these things like impact the server massively and I don't want us to test the water with trying to duplicate stuff until things fall over and crash. Especially if other people are playing and enjoying the game more naturally - I don't want to ruin their experiences by hogging resources (regardless if I mean to or not). Personally I'd rather get rid of these things but I think its linked to the mods we have. My preference for anything cheesy is that we have one each so you can use it when you're online and then use the straightforward method of asking via threads/posts if you do need more stuff quicker, then ask the FG family. Everyone here said it would be great to grow the community - well for me the best way is to post and help each other out. Just like Crispy did recently with Greboth's tunnel/wall. Do you all agree one for each person? Sticking this extra P.S. here cos i cant be arsed to post elsewhwere - we gotta remember, we haven't got a multi-million pound server, so if we do what we were doing on the last one created I think we could have a great MC world. I for one certainly wanna help with peoples houses and projects!
    2 points
  5. I cracked up last night when Marina showed me Bart's comment on her boating shenanigans. Thanks everyone, you've all been really helpful when required. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  6. Edit: If I knew what I was doing I'd be a happy man! Edit2: Ignore the PM Lee!
    2 points
  7. I have the following: 1 x bed 1 x double chest 1 x crafting table I would like the award for "least amount of server resource used" please.
    2 points
  8. SSD. buy an SSD. I'll see if I can grab it tomorrow. Can't let you cunts have all the funs without me.
    2 points
  9. I got this for my birthday.... Think I'll start wandering to find a new build site then come back to the original as a side project
    1 point
  10. Greboth

    Warp points

    /warp list
    1 point
  11. Jason

    Warp points

    Warp (name) delete Via the FG App
    1 point
  12. Name: Weekly Competitive Clips Category: Competitive Date Added: 2017-07-04 Submitter: tronic44 A selection of last weeks clips. Weekly Competitive Clips
    1 point
  13. Just remember that on the day of Chucky's coronation Or perhaps HRM will manage to outlive him to spite him
    1 point
  14. Plumbers Crack

    Warp points

    I hope I'm wrong Marina and I hope you find Kisu soon!
    1 point
  15. A man has to be true to his nature.
    1 point
  16. This PC will bankrupt me.
    1 point
  17. It's not as good as the original but they've done a decent job. More folks on would be hilarious. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Yeah well pleased with loot drops last night adept fatebringer and mythoclast, and full vog armour finished Via the FG App
    1 point
  19. So we didn't do Outbreak Prime. Did Templar through to killing Aetheon. Great run, we only wiped twice on Templar, one run though I swear Templar glitched put as he had no health but we were still shooting him. I think a few dropped some pretty awesome loot from the Challenge checkpoint? I picked up a Timepiece Adept. Everything was a breeze tbh. Only a few wipes on Aetheon too. Now we just need more times allocated to do WotM more often. Great run all @crispymorgan @SensaiNemesis @techno @Sennex @Stretch616
    1 point
  20. Thing is I'm okay if we don't get too many vids from people. Some weeks people will play more than others and that's alright. You just have to strike a balance between no rush until we get everybodys vids and setting a date which helps people focus on getting shit done by then! Nice work for fixing it Richy!
    1 point
  21. Marineta

    Warp points

    I thought there were three warps per player, but if there's an overall limit of 10 then please do let us know and I will delete at least one of mine! I think I have lost Kisu, my tamed wolf, whilst warping around... I miss him!
    1 point
  22. It's hilliramouse. Chasing a traffic cone around that then turns into a piece of meat. Can't remember who it was as a tin can, but they ran through the door, closed it, whilst 3 of us were all spamming the open button and getting nowhere. Also Greboth disguised as a banana in the rafters was particularly sneaky.
    1 point
  23. Good post Greboth. Its better to ask the question than not at all. At the moment because we're mainly noobs, we won't know if we're doing something wrong. However, we all need to be reviewing and checking anything that may be causing problems. As Bart just knows so much more than anyone, I'm trusting his judgement that he'll know the answer quicker than anyone to what can bring servers down. So we need to make sure listen and read all the posts from everyone. I want people to have fun on this whilst being constantly aware that of where the lines are.
    1 point
  24. Thinking about it some more after I posted above, to stop any confusion now or in the future can you answer the below; - The maximum condensors each of us can have - The maximum number of collectors each of us can have - Can these run all the time we're on or should we run them only as and when we need something. So is it only the creation of an object that is causing server issues or does the energy collection do the same? The answer to these could then go in server rules. I can appreciate that you don't want to tell people how to play but when it comes to things like this which effect how others can play. Then I'd rather you just be blunt (and plainly as I'm a noob ) and say this is what you can have and no more.
    1 point
  25. Managed to get my 1TB drive in and formatted. Downloaded ALL THE GAMES, including rainbow six. Ridonculous fps on a 144hz monitor = WOW. I was flicking between this and Destiny on the PS4 . Don't get me wrong, I love that the PS4 makes games so accessible, but damn the PC is smooth. #destinyPS4life
    1 point
  26. Its okay Dave. Bart is keeping an eye on the servers like I am sometimes so its going to happen occasionally as we're all new to this. If you're ever in doubt, just ask like you have been. I think everyone got kicked off servers a few times so its going to be annoying a little. We've got to make sure we're not AFK for too long as well. To me it seems obvious but lets only be logged in when we want to do stuff. We have this server for good now, no need to rush too hard and by accident break the server. I'd rather have some threads about if you need a lot of something, then post it and people can help out. The whole point of this MC server was for us all to help each other make an awesome world so don't be shy to ask for stuff.
    1 point
  27. Sennex

    FG Minecraft Server

    AFK farming EMC? Really guys? Come on. Thats lame as shit and is killing the server for the rest of us. EDIT: Literally killing the resources on the server so you guys can make some more diamonds? Really? Did I make this version to hard to get resources?
    1 point
  28. Diddums

    Low cost PC build

    Awesome stuff Cripspeeee, I had mine cleaned up specifically so I can game with you lot. Might hop on tomoz night, or Weds.
    1 point
  29. The TT is still one of the most hardcore, pure races on the planet. It was the 75th year this year and the entrants know the risks. It actually had recognised world championship status at one point but was stripped of it due to the danger and amount of fatalities. It was one of the best things to happen to the race as all the glitzy sponsorship died with it, leaving behind only the hardcore. The dedicated, mental, insane, most balls-to-the-walls motherfuckers the human race can muster. It's an amazing spectacle and must be experienced. I'm hoping to go next year. For any fans of the sport, watch this: An amazing film and an amazing tribute to some of the craziest people ever to have lived.
    1 point
  30. Diddums

    PC Tower

    Listen to this man Lee. Certain games worrk fine with a joystick but Destiny, OW, R6, GtaV, Dying Light, BF, COD, well, come to think of it everyfuckinggameweplay, you'll get buttfucked akin to a 12" fist dildo getting rammed in with no lube. Build a cheapo gaming pc and learn to kb&m you massive bender.
    1 point
  31. GazzaGarratt

    Brexit 1776

    Happy holidays you North American people. Don't forget to thank us UK bretherin for giving you guys a 2 day holiday
    1 point
  32. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. So the Pentium delivery date kept getting pushed back, so I upgraded to i3. Managed to save on the motherboard that was on our to offset the cost. Bought a 120gb ssd. Would have liked to have got 240, but I bought a g-sync monitor. Crazy discount on that thing so couldn't refuse. Via the FG App
    1 point
  34. Crispy, Nick, Greboth, Crazyman, Rich, and myself were playing this yesterday and it was absolutely hilarious.
    1 point
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