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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2017 in all areas

  1. So this dude is pretty awesome https://streamable.com/pzqnm http://www.9news.com.au/world/2017/05/24/05/58/homeless-hero-helps-save-children-after-manchester-attack A homeless man who frantically pulled nails and glass from injured people's eyes during the aftermath of the Manchester bombing has been awarded a place to live for his bravery. Stephen Jones, 35, described watching mothers weeping over the "lifeless" bodies of their children as he raced through the crowds in Manchester and carried victims to safety. "I… realised what was happening and saw children coming out, screaming and covered in blood," 35-year-old Stephen Jones told ITV after helping to save the lives of wounded kids. "It was a lot of children with blood all over them, crying and screaming." It wasn't until Mr Jones wiped the blood and debris from children's eyes that he saw the full extent of their injuries. "We were having to pull nails and bits of glass out of their arms and faces," he said. The former bricklayer who has been sleeping rough in Manchester for more than a year, attracted the attention of West Ham United FC co-chairman David Sullivan and his son, who tracked down Mr Jones via social media and offered him free rent for six months. "Me and dad want to rent the homeless man in Manchester a house for six months to help him get on his feet. If anyone can help us get in touch much much appreciated. Such a self-less act needs rewarding. Please tag anyone who can help us," David Sullivan Jr wrote in Twitter while trying to find the homeless hero. WE HAVE FOUND STEVE ! Shows the power for good social media has. Thank you to all those involved, you have helped change a mans life ❤️ — DAVE SULLIVAN JNR (@DaveSulley) May 23, 2017 Mr Jones told the UK network he witnessed "hysterical" mothers crying next to their children's bodies as he continued to carry more people to safety on Monday night. The former bricklayer said "I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I'd just walked away," adding that he will never forget the horrific images of carnage he witnessed that night. Salman Abedi, 22 from Manchester has been identified as the suspected perpetrator of the attack which killed 22 people and injured 59 at an Ariana Grande concert. The youngest victim identified so far is eight-year-old girl Saffie Roussos, from Lancashire, north-west of Manchester.
    2 points
  2. Name: Ep 1 Grizzly Times Category: 7 Days to LOL Date Added: 2017-05-24 Submitter: tronic44 A mix of funny clips from 7 Days To Die. Ep 1 Grizzly Times
    2 points
  3. J4MES OX4D


    Played about 7 hours of Prey so far and it's absolutely fantastic! The comparisons to the likes fo System Shock 2 and Bioshock are spot on and if you like Dishonored or Bethesda games in general; this is an excellent experience. I think they've done an incredible job overall with the slick interface and design of the space station. The game just flows superbly and it feels extremely well polished. The pacing is very good and you'll find yourself backpeddling and searching every nook and cranny. You can complete objectives and get into restricted areas multiple ways so it's very non-linear also. The crafting system is pretty cool too as you can collect all types of scrap crap, recycle them into raw materials and then create things like ammo and medkits. It's actually a pretty fun way of doing things and with items such as ammo rather sparse; it's crucial that you craft carefully. You also have a skills tree along with suit upgrades but even both these cliche-ridden features are implemented well and lead to tough decisions being made on what can benefit you more at that time and going forward - I had a tough choice yesterday between upgrading my strength so I could get past a blocked door or by unlocking a repair upgrade where I could get into a new area. Chances are I will unlock the repair one in due course and then come back but I don't know at this time whether it was the right decision but that's the beauty of these tough choices. The enemies aren't very varied but the ones that are there are brutually hard which is great. One hit can hit your health and with ammo limited as well as being based on crafting as well as medkits; you can't be wasteful or afford to be sloppy in combat. The mimics which are reminicent of the Half Life facecrabs are simply ingenious and one of the most unique I've seen in gaming. You walk into a room and suddenly a coffee cup spawns into an alien and scares the crap out of you! I was even getting chased around the room by a crumpled bit of paper which was hilarious and tense. In another instance, I went into a section and out of the corner of my eye I thought saw a bin move a fraction and thought nothing of it. I searched around and just as I was leaving the bin started wobbling and then fell over and rolled towards my feet. Before I could say WTF, I had a mimic in my face! Just brilliant stuff. There is a couple of disappointing things so far though; the story whilst intriguing at first, is fairly underwhelming and is at times a bit unclear. There are lots of characters mentioned and lore dotted around but some of it is poorly written and forgettable. Apart from a few key people; lots of names and faces are just generic filler. The weapons are also decent but even upgrading them is just statistical rather than any visual or feel to their strengthening. The Gloo gun is epic though and its the best thing since the Portal gun for sure! Overall; this is an amazing game that has all the hallmarks of classics in the genre. The design is fantastic and it feels absolutely slick. Apart from the mediocre narrative, the game fees like something out of the 90's brought into the future. I think they've done an amazing job on it and I highly recommend.
    2 points
  4. techno

    Morning FG!

    Morninv, no work today trip to coast with wife , I'm driving her too on the bike route lol It's also her first trial of her mobility scooter . Enjoy your day folks
    2 points
  5. Sennex

    Funny shit jokes

    A wife promised her husband she'd be home by midnight when she went out drinking with her friends... "I'll be home by midnight, I promise." She said. The hours passed as the margaritas went down way too easily. Around 3 a.m. and a bit loaded, she headed home. Just as she walked into the door the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and 'cuckooed' 3 times. Quickly realizing that her husband might wake up, the wife cuckooed another 9 times. She was proud of herself for coming up with such a quick witted solution in order to escape a possible conflict with him. "Even smashed, 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos equals 12 cuckoos. That's midnight!" She thought. The next morning the husband asked his wife what time she got home last night. "Midnight!" She replied. The husband didn't seem pissed in the least so she thought she'd gotten away with it. Then he said, "We need a new cuckoo clock." She asked him why and he said, "Well, last night our clock 'cuckooed' 3 times then said, 'Oh shit', 'cuckooed' 4 times, cleared it's throat, 'cuckooed' 3 times, giggled, 'cuckooed' twice more, then tripped over the coffee table and farted.
    2 points
  6. The open beta is now available everybody so I suggest you go download it and give it a go. Free to play and its 5.2gb.
    1 point
  7. I know Snyder and Whedon are good friends and have worked on other things before (According to Snyder), so I am glad that he had someone he was able to lean on and pass the torch to. Also, yea, I wouldn't be able to deal if my son did the same
    1 point
  8. phil bottle


    Yep the demo is still available and it's worth checking out. I'll pick up the full game at some point, no time right now though as I'm still ploughing through ME: A Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. GazzaGarratt


    Isn't worth trying the free demo if its on there still? No harm done then.
    1 point
  10. Bump! anyone ever done this, one of my two missing trophies in destiny
    1 point
  11. Dr Diamond

    Funny shit jokes

    I saw two guys wearing matchinf clothes so i asked them if they were gay. I was promptly arrestted Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Full disclosure this could actually be a terrible idea, it's just what came to mind. remove all the sub forums. All the shooter sub forums for example, just roll them up under shooters only. Reason I say that, is that for games like rainbow 6 or titanfall which I've never played and probably will never play, I'll never venture to those subforums. If it was all rolled up under shooters, I'd probably check out any posts related to it because I view all the posts for the sections of the forum I visit. Also putting PPRs under general discussion Might not be a bad idea. I never check them out because I don't go to that section of the forum, for whatever reason. I always forget they are there in all honesty which is why I never post in pprs.
    1 point
  13. Greboth

    Funny shit jokes

    @Stretch616 One for you. It's and oldie but a goodie.
    1 point
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