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  1. GazzaGarratt



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    phil bottle


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2017 in all areas

  1. This is so close to one of my work buildings. Very sobering. If terrorists thought attacking Manchester was a good idea, they clearly have another think coming. People will pull together and be stronger than ever.
    4 points
  2. Fuck man. It's all so pointless. This doesn't accomplish anything. I think the news should dig in to the people who were responsible for this and highlight how much of a fucking loser these people were in the real world. Religion is just a scapegoat for the fact that these people are just fucking losers, no other way to put it.
    4 points
  3. NCA-Paendrag

    Far Cry 5

    That wasn't very teasing was it..? Loved FC2, 3 was also good, as the comtrols were smoother and good story. 4 I quit playing after a few hours so this better be several steps up from the last one. (Didn't play Primal)
    2 points
  4. phil bottle

    Morning FG!

    Dentist again today, it's how I'm filling my time this week denture know. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. Sad and absolutely pointless. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  6. GazzaGarratt

    Far Cry 5

    RDR2 won't be out until 2018 and possibly H2 2018 at this rate. I wouldn't be put off by that. More about getting back to Far Cry 3 gameplay. More of the same good things will be a success.
    2 points
  7. Awesome stuff. Just need some of you feckers to pick up the game now!!
    2 points
  8. I want pretty much everything @Greboth said. For me they need to sort out the connection. It's been piss poor for years. I've played HC in COD since BO2 because of the poor connections, but this leads to issues with matchmaking when the player base drops. Will decent dedicated servers fix this? At the moment the servers they do use run at 10 or 20hz. Which is a joke for a fast paced shooter. As Greboth said they should give options for matchmaking where you can select "local only" like in BO1. I'd rather wait a minute to get into a game if it means the connection is spot on. Maps need to be 3 lane design. The maps in Infinite Warfare are fucking awful and Sledgehammer need to avoid this. But saying that the maps in AW were actually pretty decent. And they need to not have QSing. MW;R is virtually unplayable in some lobbies because of fucking QSing. Make snipers effective but also need skill to use. Nobody should be able to run around with a weapon that's a OHK at any range.
    2 points
  9. This is awful, another senseless act of being nothing more than a cowardly cunt. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those involved and effected.
    2 points
  10. GazzaGarratt

    Morning FG!

    Morning FG, feel a little off today. Thinking of people in Manchester. ❤
    2 points
  11. Awful. What an absolute horrible nightmare and to happen somehwere with large majority of kids. I just don't get what's in there heads. Cunts.
    2 points
  12. 1 point
  13. I'm still amazed by the awesome effort you've all put in lately, it feels like the place has some brilliant energy kicking around the place and I know that lots want to help out. I've always stated and will always remain on the side of this place is all of ours as We Are FG. I don't want to waste the great effort by everybody and there are quite a few things i'm continually working on and trying to improve and tweak wherever I can in the time I have. That's why its vital we all share your view here because I could come across something you may have thought about might not be possible. I wanted to focus and get your thoughts on the Forum topics, posts and structure. We haven't changed it for a while and I think that's overall a good thing, however I want to touch base with you all to ask you the following: Do you like the current sections? Is there sections you would love to have? Games or non-games? What types of posts do you want to see? Should we have a site FAQ section? Anything else related to posts and starting threads? Two things I'll start with that I would love to get your thoughts and energy into: Consider pulling Destiny out of Shooters and creating a forum section on it's own, sitting above Shooters, then have specific sub-forums underneath for all things Destiny. Main reason was to help generate the interest around the game and help new people come and find stuff easier than in one large section. Generating more stuff for the Motors section - I only created this as I know a shed load of you are into cars and bikes so it would be good to see a little more content Consider a racing sub-forum under Sports Lets hear what you think people and don't be scared to bring up anything. I can't promise it'll be done but whatever we can do you know I'll my best to do it. Thanks FG
    1 point
  14. No idea, but it looks like a sidearm to me
    1 point
  15. Can't wait to play this, should be hilarious Via the FG App
    1 point
  16. GazzaGarratt

    Far Cry 5

    I think most felt that after Far Cry 3 it was difficult to top so I think 2 things happened with Far Cry 4; 1, they tweaked some of the core gameplay but mainly 2, they just released at a bad time. It was a decent game but not enough to grab you from the AAA games out at the time. We've all had that feeling in our lives... 'you were good, just someone was a bit better on the day'.
    1 point
  17. @GazzaGarratt Oh yes! It is possible to create your own decks! I've added what has been suggested so far but open to more! If you want to check out what I have added so far: https://www.cardcastgame.com/ and search for 'Forever Gaming'
    1 point
    1 point
  19. Quality post James. As fun there was to call inn Harriers and Pave Lows, AC-130 and not to forget the Chopper Gunner I think I would have like a COD with no killstreak rewards or maybe 3 standard ones, like on WaW or something. When there is good killstreaks to get, people will camp their ass off to get them.
    1 point
  20. My concern with WW2 is that no matter how good the game is; Activision will ruin it. Modern Warfare Remastered was perfectly ideal for the first few weeks but when supply drops hit and players were running around with broken bottles as melee weapons along with pink guns, it just felt the ultimate hardon killer. I'm not convinced by Sledgehammer either - they've been with the franchise for nearly 8 years now but they don't have anything decent to show for it and their relationship with the community isn't great either. They do sound like they are taking the campaign very seriously and are working very hard on providing an authentic and compassionate experience but in regards to the multiplayer portion; I really don't know what to expect. Their idea of making the game ultra compeititive with aggressive SBMM like they did with AW makes me uncomfortable and it dramatically impacts connection when skill is prioritised over providing the best possible level of matchmaking. This game needs proper dedicated servers and connection-led matchmaking. Sadly we'll end up with hybrid servers (mix of dedi's and P2P) as we have done for years now plus e-sport styled matchmaking. We also know the guns will be 100% authentic but with supply drops; we'll probably see variants which will either be stat or both stat and camo based. The thought of seeing players running through trenches with lime green guns in WW2 makes me uncomfortable but I can't see how else Activision are going to make supply drops glamorous so they can turnover another $3bn from them. In terms of the maps; I'd like to see real life locations mashed into appropriate 3 lane designs. The current Infinity Ward team cannot design maps for shit (Siege, Chasm, Stonehaven, Free Fall and every map in Infinite Warfare including Terminal which they murdered along with Rust) with their no flow and corner-laden right angle uninspired designs. Treyarch are very consistent with their maps but Sledgehammer were also decent if you take out a few which were primarily exo-suit focused. I think they may do a reasonable job with the maps in this game. The thing that has killed COD in recent years aside from the games being plain trash is the underwhelming and largely forgettable killstreaks. I've played Ghosts, AW and BO3 along with IW and I'm struggling to name one aside from the usual UAV. I remember that fucking dog from Ghosts and a few other shitty ones from other games but you cannot beat the likes of the AC130 and Pred missle. Even the non-controllable ones such as Harrier and Pavelow all from MW2 were fun to call in and it was great to get kill after kill. I honestly could not name one or even remember some of the top-level ones in the last few games they are that boring. That's just a few points off the top of my head but all in all; I don't think they'll ever be able to match the old days of COD4, WAW, MW2 and BO1. COD is nothing new now matter what they do. The concept is burned out in a very tired genre and franchise. People got sick of BF1 and MWR in no time not because they aren't good but they don't offer any longevity or appeal like the old COD games did back in the day and a lot of gamers who were once playing for 1000 hours a year have moved on to other things in gaming and life in general. I used to be able to have 3 hour sessions but I can barely play 3 matches of COD a day and that's been the case for years. There's always something better I can do with my time and I fear no matter how good WW2 is; it still wont impact me for the long term.
    1 point
  21. Yeah, I think 1 or 2 rounds of 5-8 points is a good amount then on to 'proper' games As for when, I'm up for playing some CaH before any gaming session.
    1 point
  22. Rich, it's ridiculously funny. And you can access through your browser on phone so just anyone can play. I'm suggesting we play for like 30 mins to an hour on it ahead of playing games, like @Greboth said in earlier posts. It's a game you wanna play, just not too long otherwise it loses its sparkle/bukkake (see what I did there? )
    1 point
  23. Managed to find sone decent news for Injustice that we couldn't do in the first one. Regions wil be unlocked so we can actually play cross Atlantic games. I know there was an attempt to do a little tournament before but this stopped it getting anywhere. Now i think we should see whos interested. Good vid below that it is within it around 10 minutes in. Twitch Video
    1 point
  24. One of the most horrific things I've ever seen. Caught wind of this just as I was going to bed and was just shocked by the horrible scenes. Thoughts are with everyone involved and their loved ones.
    1 point
  25. Sennex

    Morning FG!

    yea, today feels off @GazzaGarratt I will try to reply to your suggestion thing with examples soon
    1 point
  26. tronic44

    Morning FG!

    Morning all! I'm the same @GazzaGarratt sad morning today ❤️
    1 point
  27. Don't like the sound of this. Please Bungie don't screw up D2
    1 point
  28. Teasing pictures whilst the latest news is its delayed again - not gonna happen in 2017. However, this does stunningly beautiful.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I'm planning on doing a dummy's guide to fighting game terms in a separate thread which should hopefully help. I've also had a thought of doing a fortnightly challenge thing. Where I'll put up characters to the vote on the forum which I've never touched. Then see how quick I can pick them up and how I perform online in ranked matches. In the meantime I'll be putting up some gameplay of general matches. But feel free to ask if people want to see something specific As for cross Atlantic, I really don't know. I'd have to have a Google. I doubt it though considering the premium of ping in a fighting game
    1 point
  31. Stretch616

    Arcade Sticks

    I bought one for the PS3 as I found I reached a point where I couldn't do the inputs fast enough for the combos. Especially some of the FADC stuff with SF4. However, it really takes some getting used to. I actually found I was worse for a good while but then once I'd practised enough I then found I could do that bit more that I was lacking before. A worthwhile purchase if you're heavily into the genre, but for the most part a controller will do fine Piccy of my sticky below for reference. This cost about £100.
    1 point
  32. Greboth

    Funny shit jokes

    @Stretch616 One for you. It's and oldie but a goodie.
    1 point
  33. Get a solid group, I think only Chad, Burge, and I still play it We can carry you through pretty much anything in there thats worth doing
    1 point
  34. Not perfect but how about something like this for the end clip? Also finally a use for the spinning logo
    1 point
  35. Courtesy of @Diddums... What does a horse sound like when he holds a chicken toy?
    1 point
  36. The3rdWalker

    Morning FG!

    Took a day off to hang with some family who is in from South Dakota. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. The like system is doing my head in. Not only does it not tell me who likes my posts, but it also gives me an audible notification.
    1 point
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