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  1. Diddums



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2017 in all areas

  1. Diddums

    Lee's delivery

    Right, for those of you who missed it, here's the story: Lee, Mr PMA, has resurrected this place and put more time and effort in to it in the last few months than I did in the last 3 years. He then blew us all out the water with his shirt shenanigans, something I'm not even sure I'm worthy of but there you have it. Fast forward a few days and @crispymorgan got in touch and said we need to do something special for Lee, and suggested we all chip in and buy Lee some Astros. This resonated very strongly with me and I grabbed the ball and ran. I had two criteria, the first being that it had to happen soon so the link between the shirts and the effort Lee has put in lately and the Astros would not fade away and go unnoticed. Secondly, I wanted Lee to get them "live" in a chat party. Crispy started a new Whatsapp group and I added all the people I could. I told you guys the plan and put some bank details / Paypal details in the chat and thanks to your overwhelming generosity, we managed to pull it off. I knew Lee was on call last night so had to be up until 4am, so I wanted to strike immediately. We were slightly over budget so I added a pack of Kronenbourg (Lee drinks girl stuff but if he's going to wear the best headset, he's going to drink the best beer). Order placed, delivery between 10pm and 12am on Amazon Prime Now. Obviously we pid full whack for them rather than Crispying the hell out of it and finding them cheaper but this was a fair trade off for having the reveal happen live IMO. Lee came home from dinner (Frankie and Benny's, for those curious, he had sticky chicken wings for starters and a meatball feast calzone, good choices) and hopped on. A little while later the delivery driver rang me up and said he couldn't find house number 2, he was outside house number 9. I got on the headset and told Lee to go outside. Lee, obviously confused and thinking I was more nuts than normal, questioned this but then a few others jumped on board and told him to go outside. I told him I ordered a few beers and that the delivery guy was outside somewhere. A minute or two later, Lee came back, and this was the result: Lee, from all of us, you deserve this 100%, your hard work and dedication in this place was not allowed to go unnoticed and thanks to Crispy's idea and the rather amazing generosity of our little FG family it hasn't. Thanks to all of you who made this possible, you are all truly amazing people and a family I am extremely grateful for. I love you guys
    8 points
  2. Diddums

    What. The. Fuck.

    How about this one, taken minutes after receiving?
    6 points
  3. Dr Diamond

    What. The. Fuck.

    Didds did unspeakable things to get the money for those A good deed does not go unnoticed. (The butt. He took it in the butt) Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    5 points
  4. I thought he was going to shed a small tear there.."no-one's ever done this"....think I had grit in my eye as well!
    4 points
  5. @GazzaGarratt @SensaiNemesis @Sennex @Stretch616 Here is what I was talking about
    3 points
  6. You bastard for putting that up @Diddums! Honestly, this weekend has been one amazing rollercoaster, if not the best ever. If this is the start of something bright again then I can't wait to see what's instore. All of you are absolute legends. Now let's get FG shit active!!
    3 points
  7. Diddums

    What. The. Fuck.

    I would also just like to say thanks to all of the FG family for making this happen, we couldn't have done this without you, you guys really are the best in the world 😘
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Fully deserved dude
    3 points
  10. Greboth

    How to pig

    There must be something wrong there as that clip actually makes you look decent Diddums.
    3 points
  11. GazzaGarratt


    The Personal Progress Reports (PPRs) is probably one of our most unique selling points. It's a great place to share more about yourself and acknowledging what you've done in games and even in your personal life if you want to. If you haven't got one, make sure you check the others out and try one! We are family orientated so we all take an interest in what others do. For people who already have them, make sure you try and visit it at least weekly if not daily. I'm guilty more than anyone but its good to take a step back after a few days/week and see how much fun you've had with FG and what you've achieved. Thanks FG!
    2 points
  12. That's the only reason I got involved, I think we've been conned mate Via the FG App
    2 points
  13. This is too much. I fucking love you guys. Full Homo [emoji173]
    2 points
  14. Absolutely matey! My thoughts for a long time is we miss a dedicated Beat Em Up and Racing section. Granted they'll always be smaller but we probably should call them out better. I'll look at this shortly. You could write up your thread and put it up on there and I'll move it later or just type it up and save it until the section is there.
    2 points
  15. The3rdWalker

    Lee's delivery

    You deserve it dude. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. tronic44

    Lee's delivery

    Never thought i'd hear Lee speechless Was a great night!
    2 points
  17. Diddums

    Lee's delivery

    I love that @Rumelylady was even in on this!
    2 points
  18. crispymorgan

    Lee's delivery

    Not gonna lie. I'd have finished the race while you were all distracted, I need the wins. Via the FG App
    2 points
  19. GazzaGarratt


    They're shit Not really 😂😂😂
    2 points
  20. Can I just say I wasn't expecting to be in a position for Dids to order them last night! I figured maybe we could wait for a cheap pair (how very northern of me) or maybe get amazon vouchers and make a contribution. It's a testament to the kindness of the folk that frequent this quirky corner of the internet and recognition of just how much effort has been put in by Mr. PMA himself. We've all made a real solid foundation to build our community, and I'm absolutely chuffed (look it up US/Canadia guys) to be a part of it. Once again, thanks to all who chipped in, those who have made an effort to post, and Lee for being Lee and turning this forum around. Normal moaning will now resume.
    2 points
  21. J4MES OX4D


    Didn't like it Bah, I may give it another crack as its you two plonkers I suppose!
    2 points
  22. techno

    What. The. Fuck.

    For all your hard work fully deserved dude enjoy Via the FG App
    2 points
  23. Yeah Lee ....well deserved mate!
    2 points
  24. It's deserved Lee
    2 points
  25. [emoji846] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. Diddums

    What. The. Fuck.

    Cripspeee gets all the credit here, it was his idea, I was just the nagger who got the funds together. Hope you enjoy them bb, now we don't have to listen to your shitty headset
    2 points
  27. Well deserved Lee!! Glad you like them.
    2 points
  28. Yeah in all seriousness if anyone deserves it, it's you man Via the FG App
    2 points
  29. Kinda bad considering Dylan got his to work instantly Via the FG App
    2 points
  30. tronic44

    What. The. Fuck.

    Mate you're an amazing person
    2 points
  31. Where did you steal them from ya prick? Via the FG App
    2 points
  32. Dedication like yours should not go unrecognised. Via the FG App
    2 points
  33. Via the FG App
    2 points
  34. So the Aksis challenge in the 390 version of WotM is tough, not as tough as Vosik in my opinion, but tough. Biggest problem is not killing Aksis, thats not too bad, but not failign the challenge along the way, and unlike the newly upgraded raids, WotM doesnt flag if you have failed challenge, Consequently i ahve killed Aksis 3 times this weekend, but completed challenge only once, and each time we thoguht we had done it Hardest part is getting 6 people who know what to do and do it The normal fight mechanics On hard this is pretty tough but the routine is very similar to normal, only addition is you need 7 bombs instead of 3 to start the teleport routine. Here is the fight in full 1. spawn and shoot Aksis to start 2. hide from immune Aksis as he throws Siva around, but kill the many shanks that spawn 3. Aksis goes left anf right, but just keep killing adds 4. Aksis goes back to middle , 3 people get empowered and Captiains carrying void, null and solar cannons spawn 5. Kill the captains, 3 people take cannons and each have 3 servitors to kill, matching the colour of the cannon you have 6. Each killed servitor drops a bomb, non-cannon people throw bombs at Aksis, after 7 (not 9) bombs Aksis starts to teleport. Note no need to kill all 9 servitors, just enought to get Aksis moving 7. Aksis teleports to one of 4 locations, left, right, front mid and back mid 8. Empowered gaurdian jumos up and Stuns Aksis on the back, gives a miny damage phase. Empowerment shifts, 9. Aksis teleports again to one of the other 3 possible locations, gaurdian stuns him, another minor damage phase, empowerment shifts 10. Aksis teleports again , gets stunned, major damage phase - Darkdrinker time!!!!!! 11. As soon as he goes back to his platform, all gaurdians need to run to one of the safe haven platforms just behind spawn, all need to go to the same one, as they disappear after use 12 Once the Siva dies down, do it all again. 2 or 3 damage phases showul send aksis back to his platform for final kill, bit like the end of the oryx fight The challenge Theres a hidden mechanic that helps the fight, called supercharge. Basically one of the empowered needs to hit one of three plates that light up just after Aksis teleports each time. Of course as empowerment has shifted this means you need to keep communicating and gettng the empowered in position to either stun aksis (as this still needs to happen), or hit the plate to super charge (gives all gaurdians their supers back). The challenge is to hit supercharge everytime the teleports. Needs to be just before, or very soon just after the stun. Miss a supercharge challenge failed There is a slight complication to this which is why i have 3 Aksis kills this weekend but only 1 challenge completion. Not massively well understood but if you dont supercharge every teleport , and Aksis doesnt teleport three times per round , then challenge fails. Two implications; 1 common tactic after a good damage phase followed by a missed stun is to take a plate (ie survive the aksis swarm by going to one of the 4 plates), however if the missed stun is in one of the first 2 teleports of each round, then this will not save challenge, as he wont teleport three times 2 if you do to much damage to him on a minor damage phase he will go to his platform for his final dearth, so not teleport three times, failed challenge Both happended to me this weekend, both times with really experienced guys who knew this inside out, but werent totally sure about the 3 teleporrt rule Hints and tips 1 I hate this challange as a warlock, jump is too slow and leads to missed stuns, at least for me 2 Loadout should be raid primary, ex-machina or high powered sniper, darkdrinker or rocket lancher 3 Three teams of two, one doing cannons, one doing bombs. If two people are empowered on the same side, cannon guy moves 4 kill shanks constantly, and kill captains quick, invisble hunter with sword is my go to for captian killing 5 middle is toughest captain as no cover, self res warlocks are useful but make sure they can jump well, as mid-empowered has to cover two teleport locations, fornt and back mid, so need to jump fast 6 communicate communicate communicate. Getting the empowered in position every teleport is a million times more important than doing damage during the minor damage phases. Hunters and titans can definetly go left to right in enough time to sort this out quickly, but get it sorted 7 you get your super 3 times a cycle at least, tether every time, super as much as you can, self res warlocks use your super in minor dmage phases to drop solar grenades on him 8 use all the cannons for damage, do loads 9 be clear when the seventh bomb is about to be thrown, most teams do 2 left, 2 right, 3 mid, with mid guy making sure empowered are on position before throwing 10 get good with cannons, easy to snipe all 3 servitors without moving , but get mobile if you are missing Thats it. Its a great feeling getting this challange done as it takes a well oiled gaurdian machine to do it. No hiding places, and I swear Aksis always teleports where you have failed to put an empowered. True test of teamwork, and finding that team is tough going Hope this helps anyone wnating to do this, it is a great feeling when it works
    1 point
  35. phil bottle

    Lee's delivery

    I thought we were buying dildos
    1 point
  36. Findmartin

    What. The. Fuck.

    When didds said Astros I first thought you meant like football trainers lol! Nice selfie dude 😊 X
    1 point
  37. The like system is doing my head in. Not only does it not tell me who likes my posts, but it also gives me an audible notification.
    1 point
  38. crispymorgan

    Lee's delivery

    Apologies if people got missed out. I don't have everyone on WhatsApp. Still a lot of work to do keeping this place buzzing though.
    1 point
  39. NCA-Paendrag

    Lee's delivery

    Didn' hear anything about this, but that is just awesomsauce. Much deserved Lee!
    1 point
  40. I'm utterly screwballed from only having about 40 mins sleep....so I'll probably be on knowing me 🙈 Happy to play whatever if I get on.
    1 point
  41. Stretch616

    Lee's delivery

    Awesome to hear this!! So pleased for you dude Also @Diddums and @crispymorgan for getting it all set up and in place. And all of FG who contributed. Top stuff everybody!!
    1 point
  42. Diddums

    Lee's delivery

    I did
    1 point
  43. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. I'm excited for D2 and will help however I can! Via the FG App
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Why can i hear you say every one of these? 😂😂
    1 point
  47. Stonking photo and he doesn't look a bit like how I imagined him!!!!
    1 point
  48. tronic44


    That's one of the weirdest gifs I've ever seen 😄 Definitely give it another go, you won't regret it.....well, you might 😄
    1 point
  49. tronic44

    What. The. Fuck.

    If only he knew how to use them.
    1 point
  50. tronic44

    How to pig

    Dave that was epic! Such a great game! We had a few decent ones last night 🙂
    1 point
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