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Modern Warfare 2(022)


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I also forgot to mention that Activision even blocked their API because users were reverse-engineering match data to determine the algorithms in play for a specimen pool of users. Not only was their framework blocked, that information was also bound to a desist order.  Basically Activision going to extraordinary lengths to cover up their matchmaking processes. 


MW2 had the best matchmaking because it was random and based purely on connection. I loved going into matches and not knowing what to expect. Black Ops 1 was also very good with the extended option of choosing locale only. Developers have claimed that these two games also had SBMM but that's total bullshit as my lobbies were always varied especially in BO1 when you could literally see leaderboards going into games and combat records too. 


Matchmaking should be simple and to benefit connection as a priority but Activision make it all about money and psychology. Sadly it works. 

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What's actually sad in Vanguard is I think in Season 2 it was they took away the deaths from the livescoreboard in game in all gamemodes except TDM. 


They claim it was unintentionally done and were trying to fix it and it was a bug of some sorts. I think it was purposely done for player retention and to stop people leaving if they are getting whipped. 


I would imagine it would suck the most in SnD especially. 

Say you join a match and the team are 0-1 down and a guy on the other team has 3 kills, but you can't see his deaths? Now is he 3-0 and 1 kill from a spy plane? Or is he 3-1. 

These things have a huge bearing on non respawn game modes. 


It works in TDM but only in 1 game mode? Surely they would all be broken or all work? Hmmmm right sure..... 

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On 5/17/2022 at 2:58 PM, J-Lurch said:

Perhaps a better Skill-based match making system could help? I've never though COD has been great in that department.


On 5/17/2022 at 3:07 PM, techno said:

How about simply having connection based matchmaking and then a ranked playlist?


Both are true actually @Greboth.


CoD will always have a big pool of players, so it would be nice for them to experiment with:


  • Casual Core - CBMM
  • Casual Hardcore - CBMM
  • Competitive Core - SBMM
  • Competitive Hardcore - SBMM


On a game that still gets bought by the millions, splitting the pools like would get the desired effect. I don't want to be stomped all the time and would rather see how well I can do, but I also understand when we just wanna have a laugh and kick back in some random casual modes where games can be all over the place. Overwatch has it, Rainbow 6 has it, I don't see why they wouldn't do the same here.


P.S. Obviously SBMM in those modes above could have some element of connnection based checks so you aren't playing a random thats on a ridiculously opposite ping to everyone else perhaps.

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2 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Comes out October 28th


Who the fuck was in the meeting when they said get me a barge, a drone, a fuck off big poster and on Twitter we’ll type “Ships October”


The shit people get paid for



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11 hours ago, tronic44 said:

Who the fuck was in the meeting when they said get me a barge, a drone, a fuck off big poster and on Twitter we’ll type “Ships October”


The shit people get paid for


We laugh at it, but somebody probably got a pay rise, a promotion and a bonus for that idea. 😂

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2 hours ago, IRaMPaGe said:


We laugh at it, but somebody probably got a pay rise, a promotion and a bonus for that idea. 😂


Got people taking about it soo... Did it actually do its job?

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3 hours ago, J-Lurch said:


Got people taking about it soo... Did it actually do its job?


Exactly, I think it gets people talking even if it's cheesy. 


I think personally they have borrowed it from actual drone footage on a barge then just plastered MW2 on the barge. 

The containers and images are easy to conjure up. 

Probably cost them next to nothing to rustle this up. 😊

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31 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Thank god


A new tweet from the Steam account teased the return.

Literally no more reason to use Battlenet. 


I thought you loved battlenet James, is it really that bad? I have no idea to be honest. I've not had the pleasure of using it. 

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5 minutes ago, IRaMPaGe said:


I thought you loved battlenet James, is it really that bad? I have no idea to be honest. I've not had the pleasure of using it. 

I mostly don't like using multiple launchers is the main reason - prefer to have all my games in one place ideally aka Steam. Battlenet isn't awful but it has nothing that makes it worth existing in terms of features. It's a simple and small enough platform that does the job but more of an inconvenience than anything. It's also a platform dominated by Blizzard gatekeepers so if you have an issue or criticism, it's stifled or silenced pretty quickly. 

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24 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I mostly don't like using multiple launchers is the main reason - prefer to have all my games in one place ideally aka Steam. Battlenet isn't awful but it has nothing that makes it worth existing in terms of features. It's a simple and small enough platform that does the job but more of an inconvenience than anything. It's also a platform dominated by Blizzard gatekeepers so if you have an issue or criticism, it's stifled or silenced pretty quickly. 


That does make a lot of sense, Steam is the king. If it's not on Steam then it's questionable and inconvenient using another launcher. 

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1 hour ago, MrBiron said:

Taken down already. You've gotta be an idiot to try and leak anything like that as Activi$ion don't mess around.


Is this one under Activision or being more formally led by Microsoft??

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1 hour ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Is this one under Activision or being more formally led by Microsoft??

It's still an Activision-branded title - Microsoft just own the company. I don't think they'd want their name anywhere near titles like Diablo Immortal 🤣

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1 minute ago, J4MES OX4D said:

It's still an Activision-branded title - Microsoft just own the company. I don't think they'd want their name anywhere near titles like Diablo Immortal 🤣


Oh, i know they won't want that one 🤣 I just think they will at least be reviewing upcoming releases at a high level so if anything they don't want to be associated with, they will force it to be reworked. I wouldn't be surprised if you see the live date get pushed back because of it actually. Its very much more like Microsoft than Activision to do something like that to 'get it right first time'.

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17 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Oh, i know they won't want that one 🤣 I just think they will at least be reviewing upcoming releases at a high level so if anything they don't want to be associated with, they will force it to be reworked. I wouldn't be surprised if you see the live date get pushed back because of it actually. Its very much more like Microsoft than Activision to do something like that to 'get it right first time'.


I think there is a lot of pressure on both companies to succeed. I'm sure it's in everyone's interest to make it good and bring in those huge profits they are expecting. 

Hopefully for all our sakes it's an absolute belter of a game. 

It needs to be on the same level as MW2/BO2 imo. 

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59 minutes ago, IRaMPaGe said:


I think there is a lot of pressure on both companies to succeed. I'm sure it's in everyone's interest to make it good and bring in those huge profits they are expecting. 

Hopefully for all our sakes it's an absolute belter of a game. 

It needs to be on the same level as MW2/BO2 imo. 

However much this is true are we sure they even know how to make a good game afterall they actually think they did a good job with the first one in2019. 

Making a good call of duty should be the easiest thing ever especially as they have all the info/assets they could ever need. 

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4 minutes ago, techno said:

However much this is true are we sure they even know how to make a good game afterall they actually think they did a good job with the first one in2019. 

Making a good call of duty should be the easiest thing ever especially as they have all the info/assets they could ever need. 


I agree they have plenty of knowledge and experience, but these days certain decisions are made for money which then affect us lot as the gamer. 

They try and come up with different ways to encourage people to further spend. I'm like I bought the game and that was more than enough. 

A good game in their eyes is figures, to us it's about the gameplay experience.

Maybe they have lost touch in what a good game is. It probably doesn't help with about 14 yearly releases, the content has to dry up eventually. 

I expect quite a bit as most should, but as long as it plays pretty good and isn't incorporated by terrible mechanics, I'm not too fussy. 

It's things like firing an unsilenced weapon and not showing up as a red dot on the radar. WTF is that? 

Loud footsteps and no ninja perk, sound whoring and camping. 

That's some of the aspects MW19 brought along and with all those doors and windows lol. 

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1 hour ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Oh, i know they won't want that one 🤣 I just think they will at least be reviewing upcoming releases at a high level so if anything they don't want to be associated with, they will force it to be reworked. I wouldn't be surprised if you see the live date get pushed back because of it actually. Its very much more like Microsoft than Activision to do something like that to 'get it right first time'.

Microsoft have been awfully hands-off so far - personally IMO I don't think they will make a presence on the Activision Blizzard brand until the lawsuit drama is concluded and CEO Bobby Kotick is ousted. They've already cancelled COD for next year so I'm guessing they will allow for all their existing projects to publish, let everything blow over and then get a foothold in the company. I wouldn't be surprised if they re-branded it either just to bury the negative image that has plagued them in the last decade. 

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21 hours ago, techno said:

However much this is true are we sure they even know how to make a good game afterall they actually think they did a good job with the first one in2019. 


I think in hindsight, the COD community overreacted on this game. Yep, I said it. A cod game in recent years is actually decent. Maybe with age and patches its become that way but i'm not sure how people felt at the time. I don't think it was the worst cod feeling back then. Definitely way more positive comments than Cold War and Vanguard for sure.


We'll see what the gameplay is like but if you've had a break off CoD for some years, I don't see why its not worth a punt this time round - especially because MW2019 IS decent.

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6 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:


I think in hindsight, the COD community overreacted on this game. Yep, I said it. A cod game in recent years is actually decent. Maybe with age and patches its become that way but i'm not sure how people felt at the time. I don't think it was the worst cod feeling back then. Definitely way more positive comments than Cold War and Vanguard for sure.


We'll see what the gameplay is like but if you've had a break off CoD for some years, I don't see why its not worth a punt this time round - especially because MW2019 IS decent.


I don't think MW19 was awful, but it only had about 6 maps for 6v6 traditional MP. They added Shoothouse and Shipment eventually that was a saving grace. 

Considering we got half of the available maps in the beta. 

And of those 6 maps, 2 were the Infamous Picadily and Azhir Caves. 

St Petrograd wasn't much of a looker either, the map design made it impossible to enjoy high end aerial streaks as well. 


Over time as you say more patches came and the game got a bit better. 

MW19 was different than all the Cods, eventho it did well and was well received to some extent. 

Lot's of people liked it, some on the fence and quite a few old school players hated it. 

It was the different mechanics and trying to close the skillgap and cater to newer players.


That being said, playing with friends makes it ultimately a better experience. Even if it's a terrible match and we get whooped it's still banter. 

It's even more fun winning. 


The gunsmith was revolutionary, the game had good ideas. Sometimes the execution wasn't there on others. 


The game itself isn't a 10/10 or a 2/10. If I was rating it myself personally I would give it a 7.5. 

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On 6/8/2022 at 3:52 PM, IRaMPaGe said:

It's things like firing an unsilenced weapon and not showing up as a red dot on the radar. WTF is that? 

Loud footsteps and no ninja perk, sound whoring and camping. 

That's some of the aspects MW19 brought along and with all those doors and windows lol. 


Those things are what killed MW2019 for me. COD is supposed to be a fast paced shooter and they made it into a boring camp-fest.


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42 minutes ago, MrBiron said:


Those things are what killed MW2019 for me. COD is supposed to be a fast paced shooter and they made it into a boring camp-fest.


I think any COD can have disgusting amounts of campers, but it can be more glaring in MW19 because of the way the game is designed. 

Like I was saying the loud footsteps makes people not want to move. Some of the maps are a campers wet dream. There is always a slimy power position in most maps, and 9/10 it's in a building or at a window at a higher elevation. 


The fact MW19 caters to new players with certain mentioned mechanics and a lot of new and or returning casual players. Some of these people are not confident in their gunskill so they will sit in awkward positions or lay prone amongst a doorway. 


There was actual "Safe Places" added to most maps, it's usually a dead bit of land at the back of the map with no traffic that people can sit at or run to if gunfights are getting too much. 


When I started playing cod originally it was get better or get stomped. A much different game model than of recent years. 

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