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Been MANY years!


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Hey gang. Not sure who is still around from the old days but talked to Lee a couple months ago and he mentioned this site was still around and I had been meaning to come check up on it for some time now but just had so much going on I never got around to it till now. This is Steve, use to be active here many years ago. Can't even remember how long it's been, maybe 6...8 years ...longer perhaps? It was back in the days with Tommy, Lee, Jason, Dave and some of the other old timers. Not sure if any of them are still around or not.


Gonna take me a bit to check out this whole new looking site (new to me at least :) ) but just wanted to say hello before I started looking around again here.




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Fuck me Steve, I was literally thinking about you the other day, no jokes!


How've you been dude? How's the rod store going? 



Also, it's not even been four years old man 😂


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You know how it is when you get old, time starts to blend together lol. Seems like it's been longer than that but then again sometimes I forget what day it is...so there's that 😁


Rod business is going great. Last year was probably my best year for sales in the entire 19 yrs I've been in business so I can't complain one bit about that. I put some money aside over the past few months so I could take a nice long extended fishing trip alone this spring so just starting to get ready for that now, I leave Thursday for that and plan to stay on the trip at least 2 weeks or more.


Had a real rough couple month patch there this spring. Had some ear issues and went to the ENT and they did microsuction to clean my ears which had a VERY bad reaction for me. It gave me the worst case of tinnitus you could ever imagine. The first 5 weeks were so bad I honestly didn't know how I was going to go on living with that constant sound in my head. Had a few days of some VERY dark thoughts because it was just driving me insane. Thankfully it finally started to slowly ease off. I'd say now I'm about 90% better.


I lost my Sister two years ago sadly. That was extremely hard on me because we were very close. She was only 51 yrs old.


Other than that doing well. Been eating right and exercising a lot and lost another 55lbs this year (started at 400lbs 9 yrs ago and down to 210lbs now). Still love fly fishing and doing my bonsai trees. Still into RC hobby as well. Recently finished building a all custom tube frame 1/5 scale Monster truck that weighs 50lbs and does about 35mph. That thing is a blast. Still do some gaming, mostly COD, UFC, Red Dead, and a few others. Haven't been able to play much recently but I plan to do more when I get back from my fishing trip at the end of next month. About 2 years ago I turned my attic into a home theater/gaming room so I have a great place to do it now. I'll have to dig up some pics of the theater room I built, I think you'll enjoy seeing it. Did it in a whole Lord of The Rings, Game of Thrones, Medieval type them so has a real cool look to it.


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Holy crap, welcome back Steve it has been a long time indeed!


Im so sorry for the loss of your sister, can’t imagine what you went through with that. The ear trouble sounds awful as well but glad that’s getting better. I occasionally get a very light tinnitus but nothing too extreme, so can imagine it getting too much if it’s a constant thing.


Theres a few of the old faces still around, would be great to get some more old the old school lot back and have a catch up.


We’ve got some great new additions to the forum, I’m sure you’ll meet them soon.


Good to have you back dude!



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17 minutes ago, jordie1892 said:

Always enjoyed your fish tank builds back in the day, you still do them at all?


Hey cool to see some names I remember. I do still have two tanks but I have downsized about 6 months ago. I had a giant 240g tank full of cichlids which was really nicely done. But when I had that big tank as well as the various other 75g-125g ones it got to where I was spending anywhere from 6-10hrs per week just cleaning them and doing maintenance on them. So I downsized and now only have two tanks. A 75g and a 120g. I keep mostly Bichirs now which are a really cool prehistoric type fish.


Thanks tronic, it sure was very hard when we lost her because it was not something expected. She had went to the ER thinking it was something not too bad, ended up being two things called thymoma and aplastic anema (not sure spelling is right) and long story short she quit breathing the 2nd night at the hospital. Ended up on a ventilator and ICU for 5 weeks, had a surgery and they said it went great, then 1 day later got a sepsis infection and we lost her about 2 days after that. I was a mess for about a year after that but finally able to get back to myself this past year.


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Not sure how to post pics here yet again, but hopefully this works and the pics show. This is the theater room I mentioned that I built about 2 yrs ago in my attic. Makes for a great place for not just movies but also gaming. Right now it has normal 5.1 surround sound, but sometime down the line I'd like to upgrade that to something newer for movies and games.


Yeah that didn't work. Let me try this again lol
















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Welcome back Steve! Great to see old faces again and nice to see you made it back home 🙂 The paint might be new around the place but there's still a great buzz around the place with old and new FGers.


So sorry to hear about your Sister. Shame you had to go through that on your own. I know you've been very ill of late so it was a nice surprise to see your face pop up once again now you're better. Hopefully all gone though, yeah?


Its funny, Gary @techno  even realised that you started the Movie thread thats still going strong all those years later!


Looking forward to all your pictures of the rods you've made and everything else your creative mind has been doing in the Hobbies section 😄



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Hi Steve!
Welcome back fella...sorry to hear about your sister mate. Sad news


Glad to see from the pictures you haven’t lost your artistic flair....looks real good

Hope you enjoy your fishing trip and remember to take some pictures, they were always beautiful shots


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Condolences for your sister mate, that must've been rough. Hope you didn't turn to the dark side though!


That little cinema is absolutely fantastic, I really like that! Those seats look like the kind of seat you struggle to get out of! 


Also you're not allowed to post that you're playing with RC stuff without posting photos, you absolute monster 😄


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1 hour ago, Diddums said:


Also you're not allowed to post that you're playing with RC stuff without posting photos, you absolute monster


lol Dave I just posted a thread on the truck I built with a bunch of pics and couple vids for ya in the "other hobbies" section 😉


Thanks for the welcome back guys. Good to see so many of you guys I knew a few years back still here 🙂


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On 5/28/2021 at 7:57 AM, Drifter said:

Hey gang. Not sure who is still around from the old days but talked to Lee a couple months ago and he mentioned this site was still around and I had been meaning to come check up on it for some time now but just had so much going on I never got around to it till now. This is Steve, use to be active here many years ago. Can't even remember how long it's been, maybe 6...8 years ...longer perhaps? It was back in the days with Tommy, Lee, Jason, Dave and some of the other old timers. Not sure if any of them are still around or not.


Gonna take me a bit to check out this whole new looking site (new to me at least 🙂 ) but just wanted to say hello before I started looking around again here.



Hey, Steve.  I'm still on here, just not as often anymore.  I've enjoyed your FB post about the Bonsai tree.  Very cool man.  I'm interested.  




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On 5/28/2021 at 10:09 AM, GazzaGarratt said:


That was Spectre I'm sure! 😄



Yeah, Lee was a beast at sniping back in the day.  He put together great videos too.  Very cool dude.  I don't get to talk to him much anymore, just once in a while.  




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That Theatre is badass man, much respect! Good that you returned and made it back here. I'm from the old days. I was XBOX gang back in the MW2/MW3/BO/BO2 days. I'm sure you were PS2. I remember seeing you around.


Those hotrods as well, a true artist. And the garden is epic as well dude.

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